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A usual day in a Squadron

First off, great pics. man.

But I have to ask, is that JF-17 with the Pak China paint job a single fighter or do they just randomly paint and re-paint a Thunder whenever they feel like?
First off, great pics. man.

But I have to ask, is that JF-17 with the Pak China paint job a single fighter or do they just randomly paint and re-paint a Thunder whenever they feel like?

Its a single fighter, you can't re-paint aircraft so easily. I think the aeroplane with Pak/China colours was one of the first two delivered in 2007. The rest have the grey colour scheme.
First off, great pics. man.

But I have to ask, is that JF-17 with the Pak China paint job a single fighter or do they just randomly paint and re-paint a Thunder whenever they feel like?

Do you know the paint job on the fighter, How much does the paint weigh?
Do you know the paint job on the fighter, How much does the paint weigh?

Internet search...

on 10/12/2007
I work in the US air forces as an aircraft structural maintenance technician and I've painted quite a few planes over the years. I think we used about 10 or 12 gallons of primer and paint to paint an F-16, and that's a very small aircraft. Imgine how much 10 gallons of paint would weigh. An aircraft's fuel consumption and range can actually be strongly affected by it's paint scheme.

And yes, that room is very toxic with all those fumes. Of all the paint you spray at a surface with an HVLP gun, only about 70% is sticking to the surface the rest is overspray and hangs in the air. That stuff will affect your health ten fold faster than second hand smoke.

Personaly, I find the most time consuming part of an aircraft repaint is prep work. That's masking windows, inlets, intakes, drains, antennas, sensors, raydome, lights, every little hole on a plane. A plane that size would take an entire 10 hour shift of maybe 6 or 7 people just to prep.

1 gallon paint average = 10 pounds

So around 100 kg paint and 100 kg primer?
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Internet search...

on 10/12/2007
I work in the US air forces as an aircraft structural maintenance technician and I've painted quite a few planes over the years. I think we used about 10 or 12 gallons of primer and paint to paint an F-16, and that's a very small aircraft. Imgine how much 10 gallons of paint would weigh. An aircraft's fuel consumption and range can actually be strongly affected by it's paint scheme.

And yes, that room is very toxic with all those fumes. Of all the paint you spray at a surface with an HVLP gun, only about 70% is sticking to the surface the rest is overspray and hangs in the air. That stuff will affect your health ten fold faster than second hand smoke.

Personaly, I find the most time consuming part of an aircraft repaint is prep work. That's masking windows, inlets, intakes, drains, antennas, sensors, raydome, lights, every little hole on a plane. A plane that size would take an entire 10 hour shift of maybe 6 or 7 people just to prep.

1 gallon paint average = 10 pounds

So around 100 kg paint and 100 kg primer?

The paint you used were meant for the purpose of Painting a Fighter, But in Pakistan we use normal paint 01 has been painted 4 times. PAF Paint is twice as heavy as the American or the one you used.
So the repainting of the JF17 in Pakistani Chinese colours must have caused atleast some fbw changes...

Paint distribution over the plane has changed the center of gravity a little bit so trying to fly as an empty JF17 while having more weight and different distribution must be atleast a bit unpleasant... :)
So the repainting of the JF17 in Pakistani Chinese colours must have caused atleast some fbw changes...

Paint distribution over the plane has changed the center of gravity a little bit so trying to fly as an empty JF17 while having more weight and different distribution must be atleast a bit unpleasant... :)

I think we can assume the FBW software would take into account such small changes to the weight distribution?
Pretty stupid question I know, but was always something I wondered too.
Thanks for answering, cheers!
Love the paint job on 002.
Always loved the dual seat Mirage.
There is no doubt Xman...these are the best pics that i have seen of PAF Mirages.
Thanks for sharing.

Mirage DP 002 is an exLibyan and despite being built 20 years back, it had harly flown 100 hours and had spent almost its whole life in storage. It was reassambled at Kamra and was on its first test flight when these pics were taken.
Our paint is heavy and can absorb more hits, so our boyz go an extra mile.... Cheers
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Mirage DP 002 is an exLibyan and despite being built 20 years back, it had harly flown 100 hours and had spent almost its whole life in storage. It was reassambled at Kamra and was on its first test flight when these pics were taken.

How many such planes with low flying hours did we restore? Thank in advance.
How many such planes with low flying hours did we restore? Thank in advance.

Around +50 Mirage airframes and 150 engines were procured from Libyan AF in 2004. Almost all the engines and many airframes were in pretty immaculate condition as they hardly saw daylight and spend most of their life either in crates or hangars.

PAF bought the airframes with an intention of cannibalization of spares and to support their existing Mirage fleet. However, some Libyan airframes were in much better condition than our own Mirages. Hence many were upgraded to flying status and modified to ROSE III standards.

How many ex-Libyans are flying? Well I can’t give the exact number but PAF actually raised another new squadron (#27) in 2007 that included many ex-Libyans. Few more are also flying in other squadrons as well.

@ThreadStarter: Where did you get all those pictures? They are all photoshopped. C'mon guys!!!! What is wrong with this fake picture thingy? PAF doesn't deserve fake appreciation.

@ThreadStarter: Where did you get all those pictures? They are all photoshopped. C'mon guys!!!! What is wrong with this fake picture thingy? PAF doesn't deserve fake appreciation.

Photoshopped !!!!

What have you been smoking today mate ?? But whtever you did, its definitely working for you ..:smokin:

@ThreadStarter: Where did you get all those pictures? They are all photoshopped. C'mon guys!!!! What is wrong with this fake picture thingy? PAF doesn't deserve fake appreciation.

x is a ex=PAF A-5 pilot and i know him personally - nothing fake there - its your imagination!

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