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Would I not be biased if it was my. Mother or daughter? I would not hear or believe there is another side of the story. There would be only my version. Should justice be served only believing my side of the story?
Shouldnt justice be served based on common sense?

I only used the "your" anology to give the human feel which most of us are insensitive to until and unless our own is involved or in the picture....Which is rather selfish but it does the trick...Many start getting angry/ defensive/ abusive....But guess what just coz this didnt happen to your wife/ daughter/ sister/ mother doesnt mean it doesnt happen...

2ndly, My only anger is on the bitchy doctor for being absent and not putting a replacement....THOSE are signs of irresponsibility of a selfish nature...

3rdly, the worst part was telling the husband she will be in ICU for 1 day and will be alright...WHAT miracle would have made her she alright after the hrs of neglect and the clear complications? Any "professional" wouldnt have said that

4thly, she was ready to flea after murdering the person and HAD TO BE FORCED to go to ICU with HER patient? How much more damage was this woman intending to do? Or did she think 1 aur margi koi baat nai we got a population of millions....people are killing one another so if I killed one....no prob??

Hmm looks biased and one sided article.

Mean while life of a doctor in India is something like this (I think Pakistani Doctors face similar working conditions) -->

1) Doctor’s 35-hr shift on 8 bananas, a toilet in nearby cafe | The Indian Express

2) Indian Express Delhi, Wed, 8 Jul 15

Many times it is Systemic failures of administration.. and not that of doctor...

Our profession has more saints than sinners....
No one is pointing fingers at the whole profession...I dont know why people come out to defend based on profession....She was far from even acting professional as per your oath....The article is based on 1 doc whose malpractice should be condemned no matter what and she should be trialed!

Peoples lives are not some toys to neglect!
Was it a government run hospital? If so, I wouldn't be surprised. It happens in India too, especially in govt hospitals in rural areas. Doctors don't even bother to visit the hospitals, and sometimes the nurses and ward boys desperately perform medical procedures that they are not qualified to do. The doctors get paid no matter how they perform, since they are government employees. And their patients are often either too poor or too ignorant to haul them to court.

A pharmacy mafia pushing bunk drugs,

That part happens in the USA as well, in fact on a much bigger scale. Drug companies, medical insurance companies and doctors form a cartel that is worse than la cosa nostra.
1) No one is pointing fingers at the whole profession...I dont know why people come out to defend based on profession....
2) She was far from even acting professional as per your oath....
3) The article is based on 1 doc whose malpractice should be condemned no matter what and she should be trialed!
4) Peoples lives are not some toys to neglect!

1) Making generalized statements is equivalent to pointing fingers at whole profession. And why should I not defend, I CAN...

2) Who are you to say so... Your capacity ??
2A) What do you know about my oath ??

3) Well if required by the COMPETENT AUTHORITY on its merit, not given judgments before... Is that too much to ask from educated folks these days ??

4) Sure.... true... How about doctors.... should they be harassed un-necessarily day in and day out 7 days a week 365 days in an year even after doing a good job ?? Are you aware how many lives this respected doc must have saved in your deprived country. Any considerations for that good work, or, was she just doing her pathetic job ??
1) Making generalized statements is equivalent to pointing fingers at whole profession. And why should I not defend, I CAN...
O my dear god!

The statements you see here are for her and her kind unless YOU specifically fall in such a category I dont see why you NEED to do what you CAN
2) Who are you to say so... Your capacity ??
2A) What do you know about my oath ??
Dear god is the victim complex so apparent in india....THE YOU here is NOT YOU as per you but you in general

THE THINGS YOU NEED to take in general you are being personal about...What is your problem of dragging things out of context? Are you like her? If not then why all the idiocy?

3) Well if required by the COMPETENT AUTHORITY on its merit, not given judgments before... Is that too much to ask from educated folks these days ??
No one is giving judgement here...We arent judges that by us showing our remark horror and anger and emotions, which mind you are normal for a normal functioning human, is doing ANY form of judgement on her nor is her job effected in any ways by what we say!

4) Sure.... true... How about doctors.... should they be harassed un-necessarily day in and day out 7 days a week 365 days in an year even after doing a good job ?? Are you aware how many lives this respected doc must have saved in your deprived country. Any considerations for that good work, or, was she just doing her pathetic job ??
1) I believe doctors know what they are in for when they join the team....You dont do housejob to kill nights...

2) If you havent read this or cant comprehend it please let me know I will try to make it in SIMPLE English for you
No one is pointing fingers at the whole profession...

.The article is based on 1 doc whose malpractice should be condemned no matter what and she should be trialed!
What has the OP got to with USA? There is no reason to be "staying with USA" for comparisons, is there?

I was using US example as US has most advanced health care and litigation system in world today...

Just imagine what would happen to doc if this op was done in US. After serving time for involuntary man slaughter (5 years) she wud spend rest of her life living below brooklyn bridge as her medical licence wud b suspended and banks will take away her morgaged house....
I was using US example as US has most advanced health care and litigation system in world today...

Just imagine what would happen to doc if this op was done in US. After serving time for involuntary man slaughter (5 years) she wud spend rest of her life living below brooklyn bridge as her medical licence wud b suspended and banks will take away her morgaged house....

Actually, the US healthcare system is not the best in the world, it is not even in the top 10, and definitely not an example to emulate. Seriously.
They have issues but any thing in modern medicine from Cat scan to shock trauma is invented by US
Countries with best helthcare:

The 36 Best Healthcare Systems In The World - Business Insider

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems | thepatientfactor.com

Top 30:

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada

5 Countries with the Best Healthcare in the World

Malaysia received the top score in the healthcare category of International Living’s just- released Annual Global Retirement Index 2015, followed by Costa Rica, Uruguay, Thailand and Panama.

Malaysia offers excellent, low-cost healthcare, and some of the best-trained surgeons, dentists and specialists in the world. Medical expertise here is comparable – and sometimes better – than in most Western countries. Most of the professionals have either trained in the U.S. or the UK, or at the very least have completed their post-graduate studies there.

“Penang Island, popular with expats and medical tourists, delivers first-rate hospitals that offer excellent healthcare at reasonable prices,” reports InternationalLiving.com’s Asia correspondent Keith Hockton. “In fact, the island has two planeloads of medical tourists arriving every day, and when it only costs $20 to see a specialist, you can understand why.”

Costa Rica has a high-quality, government-run universal healthcare system for citizens and legal residents called La Caja.

Residents of the country pay into La Caja. The fee is 7% to 11% of the person’s monthly income, which provides coverage for a spouse as well as a dependent.

“After you pay your monthly fee, you receive free care,” says InternationalLiving.com Costa Rica editor Jason Holland. “Anything you need is available through a nationwide network of clinics and hospitals: doctor’s visits, medical testing, prescriptions, major surgeries, and hospitalization,” Holland says.

Medical care from private providers is also available in Costa Rica. It’s high quality, with all the latest equipment and techniques being used. Many medical tourists from the U.S. come to Costa Rica for procedures not covered by insurance in the U.S. or for procedures which cost a lot out of pocket back home, including cosmetic surgery, knee replacements, and more.

Thailand has a great reputation for affordable and easily accessible healthcare. Many expats living in Thailand say that the facilities are on a par with, and sometimes better than, what is available in their home countries.

Although the private hospitals tend to be slightly more expensive than the government institutions, both are still affordable. A consultation with a specialist will cost less than $15, and many medical tests and procedures are immediately available for a fraction of the cost they would be in other parts of the world.

As Panama is a small country, most expats don’t live more than an hour from a major facility. General consults at private hospitals and clinics range from $5 to $50. Retiree residents pay 20% less thanks to Panama’s Pensionado or pensioner program.

Public and low-income facilities are also widely available, and can charge 90% less than private facilities for everything from lab tests to hospital stays.

The full report on where to find the best health care in the world in 2015 can be read here: Where to Find the Best Healthcare in the World.

Actually, the US healthcare system is not the best in the world, it is not even in the top 10, and definitely not an example to emulate. Seriously.

No, the U.S. Doesn't Have the Best Health Care System in the World - US News

The health care system itself may not be the best in terms of value for money, or the care itself in the health .... but the technology is relatively superior as compared to other parts of the world.

2ndly, the law implementation isnt too bad and is relatively better than MANY countries and hence is a reasonable example esp when compared with Pakistan...
They have issues but any thing in modern medicine from Cat scan to shock trauma is invented by US

Actually, both the CT and MRI scanners were first used in the UK.

"The first clinical CT scan on a patient took place on 1st October 1971 at Atkinson Morley's Hospital, in London, England."

"During the 1970s a team led by Scottish professor John Mallard built the first full body MRI scanner at the University of Aberdeen. On 28 August 1980 they used this machine to obtain the first clinically useful image of a patient's internal tissues using Magnetic Resonance Imaging."
To be honest, we pray not to get sick in Malaysia if we were to be treated by a local doctor, this poor is the standard of local doctors. Because I also teach them, I know better how pathetic is their level of competence. A colleague of mine boasted "I have not touched any book after completing my MBSS", and in my heart I said, sure you did not.
To be honest, we pray not to get sick in Malaysia if we were to be treated by a local doctor, this poor is the standard of local doctors. Because I also teach them, I know better how pathetic is their level of competence. A colleague of mine boasted "I have not touched any book after completing my MBSS", and in my heart I said, sure you did not.

Well, I have heard of Malaysia and Singapore medical care soo....Maybe this is the key:
Malaysia offers excellent, low-cost healthcare, and some of the best-trained surgeons, dentists and specialists in the world. Medical expertise here is comparable – and sometimes better – than in most Western countries. Most of the professionals have either trained in the U.S. or the UK, or at the very least have completed their post-graduate studies there.
Not locally trained :p:

I have one too many ex classmates in healthcare system.....Well not all of them are bad many did their training in UK or Australia...
Some hospitals in Pakistan are at breaking point. I have myself experienced this when I was shopping for some computer parts on Sixth Road, Rawalpindi, when we saw an car hit a pedestrian.

Me and a friend ran to the scene and identified ourselves the driver was in panic and crying that the person just jumped out, this was before 1122 was in Rawalpindi BTW, I am talking about 2002. We called 115 for an ambulance and after a 9 minute the ambulance finally turned up.

As soon as they arrived, with due respect I knew they will treat this poor man in a terrible condition in typical meat wagon fashion, so I stepped in and said, I will move the casualty and you can help me, I ensured we stabilised his spine the best we could and placed him on the stretcher. My friend sat in the car with the driver and I was in the ambulance.

We reached the hospital, EDHI staff placed the poor man on the hospital gurney which was covered with small specks of blood and what looked a lot like excrement. At first they would not register the casualty until we made a little bit of a scene and other people came to our aid. Finally they said he needs an X-Ray, you take him to the X-Ray room... once in there I was asked by the radiographer to hold the head of the casualty steady as they were short staffed and didn't have enough people to help... When I asked, can I at least have an apron (protects you from exposure), his only response was "chalta hain, bachey kar sako gey".o_O

The casualty had been hit by a vehicle at high speed and hit the ground causing severe trauma to the cranium, and compound fractures to both his legs. Needless to say he was unconscious, and instead of intubating him, the orderly kept trying to put him in the recovery position, Luckily we managed to get a resident who decided that he would benefit from an airway.

After that he was still left on the gurney outside the OT until we started making noise and then the doctor came back and said oh ho ye banda to critcal hain, then they had to cheek to tell us, he will need suture and we don't have suture kit or and we need 10x10 gauze too? fat the wack bro your running a hospital here!

If anyone knows Rawalpindi General Hospital, there are chemists opposite the hospital, I ran across the road to the chemist and and purchased sutures and gauze for this guy and two bottles of saline for fluid therapy, the doctor's assistant comes out and says, we need to give him blood so do you have anyone to donate and we will give him two bottles.... Can you ducking believe it!

So me the driver and another fellow said we will donate blood.... We did this and only after all this BS did the ducking doctor save that poor chap! Now Just imagine if this guy was brought in alone.!!!!!
Some hospitals in Pakistan are at breaking point. I have myself experienced this when I was shopping for some computer parts on Sixth Road, Rawalpindi, when we saw an car hit a pedestrian.

Me and a friend ran to the scene and identified ourselves the driver was in panic and crying that the person just jumped out, this was before 1122 was in Rawalpindi BTW, I am talking about 2002. We called 115 for an ambulance and after a 9 minute the ambulance finally turned up.

As soon as they arrived, with due respect I knew they will treat this poor man in a terrible condition in typical meat wagon fashion, so I stepped in and said, I will move the casualty and you can help me, I ensured we stabilised his spine the best we could and placed him on the stretcher. My friend sat in the car with the driver and I was in the ambulance.

We reached the hospital, EDHI staff placed the poor man on the hospital gurney which was covered with small specks of blood and what looked a lot like excrement. At first they would not register the casualty until we made a little bit of a scene and other people came to our aid. Finally they said he needs an X-Ray, you take him to the X-Ray room... once in there I was asked by the radiographer to hold the head of the casualty steady as they were short staffed and didn't have enough people to help... When I asked, can I at least have an apron (protects you from exposure), his only response was "chalta hain, bachey kar sako gey".o_O

The casualty had been hit by a vehicle at high speed and hit the ground causing severe trauma to the cranium, and compound fractures to both his legs. Needless to say he was unconscious, and instead of intubating him, the orderly kept trying to put him in the recovery position, Luckily we managed to get a resident who decided that he would benefit from an airway.

After that he was still left on the gurney outside the OT until we started making noise and then the doctor came back and said oh ho ye banda to critcal hain, then they had to cheek to tell us, he will need suture and we don't have suture kit or and we need 10x10 gauze too? fat the wack bro your running a hospital here!

If anyone knows Rawalpindi General Hospital, there are chemists opposite the hospital, I ran across the road to the chemist and and purchased sutures and gauze for this guy and two bottles of saline for fluid therapy, the doctor's assistant comes out and says, we need to give him blood so do you have anyone to donate and we will give him two bottles.... Can you ducking believe it!

So me the driver and another fellow said we will donate blood.... We did this and only after all this BS did the ducking doctor save that poor chap! Now Just imagine if this guy was brought in alone.!!!!!
That is really stupid...I remember I needed a minor surgery and my dad and uncle had to purchase everything too...I thought how the heck they run a HOSPITAL ....this was some CMH or something army hospital....Cant they provide the things and just charge the person instead of letting small pharmacy open shops to loot? I dont know what the price is and how they maintain it but to me it is absurd not to have one in the hospital itself...
That is really stupid...I remember I needed a minor surgery and my dad and uncle had to purchase everything too...I thought how the heck they run a HOSPITAL ....this was some CMH or something army hospital....Cant they provide the things and just charge the person instead of letting small pharmacy open shops to loot? I dont know what the price is and how they maintain it but to me it is absurd not to have one in the hospital itself...

I know right, it's like calling the police and the police saying... Can you provide is petrol money, some firearms and handcuffs please?

Private hospitals a million times better but a million times more expensive. :P
Private hospitals a million times better but a million times more expensive. :P
Yea we usually end up in those...when dad was working he could get refunds from his company as we were insured even outside the country but now he is retired we try not to go ramming into a car :unsure:
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