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318 PKK killed

Aug 23, 2012
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emdinli'de ka terrist ldrld? - Konhaber 31 Austos 2012 Cuma


325 pkk killed however 7 of these isnt 100% so is not put in the figure , so 318



Sorry I don't believe.

Even if its true so what? I am sick to see people on TV's blaming the TSK whole the time for not stabilishing the security. They say, you can not send boys to there that are just married and thinking about his wife and just had 3 months training and that they must send well trained special forces..

I hate these kind of comments because they are really manipulating people with this. This is not a matter of TSK, TSK cant stop terrorism in its own.. PKK attacks, then after attack they go immidiatly back to border. What can do TSK abouit this? Nothing because government doesnt give a missive. How does the PKK stand on its legs? Because of their black money that is in Switserland. Who's job is to block this source? TSK or government? PKK has its political activities in Europe and also in Turkey. Who is able to block this? TSK or government? If the goverment doesnt strugle with this, nobody has the right to blame the TSK.

@Fatih, sende durmadan bes metre karelik resimleri ekleyip durma adam gibi konusmaya calisiyoruz burada. Yaptigin tek is topikleri batirmak zaten.

Even if its true so what? I am sick to see people on TV's blaming the TSK whole the time for not stabilishing the security. They say, you can not send boys to there that are just married and thinking about his wife and just had 3 months training and that they must send well trained special forces..

I hate these kind of comments because they are really manipulating people with this. This is not a matter of TSK, TSK cant stop terrorism in its own.. PKK attacks, then after attack they go immidiatly back to border. What can do TSK abouit this? Nothing because government doesnt give a missive. How does the PKK stand on its legs? Because of their black money that is in Switserland. Who's job is to block this source? TSK or government? PKK has its political activities in Europe and also in Turkey. Who is able to block this? TSK or government? If the goverment doesnt strugle with this, nobody has the right to blame the TSK.

kardes konusma sunlarla ya , ben konusursam kufur edecem

please dont answer this guy , hes in his bedroom warm , they are like -20 degrees or like 50 degrees heat with 40kg on their backs

Sorry I don't believe.
o zaman git doguya ve dogru mu degil mi cenaze törenlerinden ögren,geberenler için yapılan agıtlardan ögren..
then go there..

@Fatih, sende durmadan bes metre karelik resimleri ekleyip durma adam gibi konusmaya calisiyoruz burada. Yaptigin tek is topikleri batirmak zaten.

herkes istedigi şekilde kullanabilir..
I like those boots of specialist sergeants and officers. They dont make your feet sweat. More flexible.

Till official response comes, we should not cherrish over the numbers. Might be exaggerated.
Sorry I don't believe.

Senin yaptıgın resmen siyasi holiganlıktır . Senin yaptıgı irandaki rejim düşmanları bile yapmıyor irana karşı, benim kuzenim orada yattıgın yerden aa ben inanmıyorum demekle olmuyor bu işler inanmıyorsan al eline silahı istikamet hakkari yok okadar kanın saglam degilse senin bu ülkede barınmana hiç gerek yok kendine kurtarmaya bak ;)
Sorry I don't believe.

Senin yaptıgın resmen siyasi holiganlıktır . Senin yaptıgı irandaki rejim düşmanları bile yapmıyor irana karşı, benim kuzenim orada yattıgın yerden aa ben inanmıyorum demekle olmuyor bu işler inanmıyorsan al eline silahı istikamet hakkari yok okadar kanın saglam degilse senin bu ülkede barınmana hiç gerek yok kendine kurtarmaya bak ;)
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