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1600 women killed in 2013 in Pakistan

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No it won't - not by a long margin, and the funny part is they aren't aware of it while we are and are desperately trying to rectify it. Pakistan on the contrary is regressing when it comes to these issues.

Its easy to criticise others. anyway we shouldn't bother about what's happening in Pakistan. what irks me is the attitude of justifying the bad for the sake of face saving.
History of honor killings in Haryana, not just CASTES but Jaats killing Jaats accusing each other of INCEST
This is about inter CASTE RULES

not far from Delhi
Its easy to criticise others. anyway we shouldn't bother about what's happening in Pakistan. what irks me is the attitude of justifying the bad for sake of face saving.

I wouldn't have bothered with it either if I had not seen all the threads on India on similar issues by a particular Pakistani.
How is that related to this thread oh strict follower of rules?
Sorry but do you have any comprehension problems, look at the sentence I've quoted even that doesn't relate to the thread. This one:

Nothing personal...I have data based on Indian PDF posters here! so its more like a analysis based on the post in relation to the flag...Please go find your own words and quit copying me! thank you!

Can you search it on your own? Why must I do your part of the homework too?
You said that You have discussed, how come I'll find that?
Delhi Honor Killing, parents say "Well Done" to brother for killing TWO sisters

The sisters were killed because they married guys from the same village? father calls this incest
face to face with brother killing behen

brothers who killed sister caught

By me presenting an article that discusses India and sheds lights on similar crimes in the region, I somehow (to you) justified the crimes? Are you serious?
What just coz I showed it happens everywhere else (including India)...I somehow justified it or did Mr. Indian Basu (the actual author) justified it to the UN? Well if he did, go hunt him down!

Oh yea you didnt read the article...Just coz a Pakistani posted it...it must be ...whatever man ...do me a favour and dont quote me with your rubbish! Thank you!

Brother dont stoop to their level please...
we also have sense.. clearly knows your true intentions.. reality is an indian posted the article and you countered it..
unlike new india, in your country majority of crimes against women are not reprted because of your social envionment. so the comparison is not possible btw india and pak... for example read about the great your HUDOOD ordanance which was the rape law upto 2006... barbarian law in 21st century.. still the social conditions are same in your islamic country... so dont compare with us..

Under hadd, "at least four Muslim adult male
witnesses, about whom the court is satisfied,
having regard to the requirements of tazkiyah al-
shuhood, that they are truthful persons and
abstain from major sins (kabair), give evidence as
eye-witnesses of the act of penetration necessary
to the offence."
No case could be proven under hadd due to the
above stringent stipulation.
Punishments until now were awarded under the
Tazir provision of the Hudood Ordinance.

that is A woman alleging rape is required
to provide four adult male eyewitnesses. In
principal, the failure to find such proof of the rape
does not place the woman herself at risk of
prosecution. According to a report by the National Commission
on Status of Women(NCSW) "an estimated 80% of
women" in jail in 2003 were there as because
"they had failed to prove rape charges and were
consequently convicted of adultery."
According to the National Commission for the
Status of Women (NCSW) and Amnesty
International in Asia and the Pacific, 88% of the
female prisoners are in jail as a direct
consequence of the Hudood Ordinance on adultery
(including both those awaiting trial and those
convicted). According to According to the National Commission for the
Status of Women (NCSW) and Amnesty
International in Asia and the Pacific, 88% of the
female prisoners are in jail as a direct
consequence of the Hudood Ordinance on adultery
(including both those awaiting trial and those
convicted).. according to statistics compiled
by the Society for Advancement of Community
Health Education and Training (SACHET) and
Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA)
Team for Karachi Women Prison, in 2003-2004,
7000 women and children are languishing in 75
jails in extremely poor conditions. compiled
by the Society for Advancement of Community
Health Education and Training (SACHET) and
Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid (LHRLA)
Team for Karachi Women Prison, in 2003-2004,
7000 women and children are languishing in 75
jails in extremely poor conditions.
If you hear about the amount of female babies that are buried all across rural India then I am sure you will not be surprised either. The parents of the children don't usually report their crime 100% of the time. They feel its counter productive.

Open a thread for it if you are so concerned and I'll show you how much hard effort we put to try and remedy that.

On the contrary all Pakistanis here arent even ready to accept that thousands (thousands not 1600 because hardly 10% get reported and as talon says why report when a womans already dead) of pakistani women are being killed, burnt alive, gangraped, beaten to death, stoned and undergo torture. The trolls like talon and the multani guy are so shameful about it that you dont want a thread on it.
Open a thread for it if you are so concerned and I'll show you how much hard effort we put to try and remedy that.

On the contrary all Pakistanis here arent even ready to accept that thousands (thousands not 1600 because hardly 10% get reported and as talon says why report when a womans already dead) of pakistani women are being killed, burnt alive, gangraped, beaten to death, stoned and undergo torture. The trolls like talon and the multani guy are so shameful about it that you dont want a thread on it.

So we are going to discuss your thousands instead of the threads number of 1600 - 1164 dead for "unknown" reason = 436 ? What exactly are you trying to prove? That India is doing everything in its power to stop their heinous crimes against women and children but we are somehow encouraging it? I already know what is going on here, I just hope you do understand that sensible people also know what this thread is being promoted as.
So we are going to discuss your thousands instead of the threads number of 1600 - 1164 dead for "unknown" reason = 436 ? What exactly are you trying to prove? That India is doing everything in its power to stop their heinous crimes against women and children but we are somehow encouraging it? I already know what is going on here, I just hope you do understand that sensible people also know what this thread is being promoted as.

Oh I guess you havent read the finer print then, why do you think only 10% report the cases?. You are just trying to put words into my mouth, your aim being to get the thread closed because it shows the reality of Pakistan.

This campaign has been running in India since 2006. If you want to talk about numbers and medieval practices in the sub continent then by all means debate it. But if you keep sprouting ridiculous crap about how women are mistreated only in Pakistan then I have ways to definitely kick you off that high horse with facts. What would you say how that poster got that 50 million number? Would you say it is 90% accurate?
@levina @Sidak your inputs on this topic please.

P.S- i wonder why these unnecessary Rantings are even allowed to derail the thread.:coffee:

Well we all know that there's no honor in HONOR killing.
But sad that it exists in the sub continent. :(
Gals get killed because they happened to marry somebody of their choice...goes on to show how down trodden gals are in this part of the world.Its sad.....very sad.

Btw isnt it against the policies to bring India in a thread where Pakistan is discussed???? To whoeva was doing it...:P
Btw isnt it against the policies to bring India in a thread where Pakistan is discussed???? To whoeva was doing it...

of course it is. but you don't expect too much from Hypocrites. has this been an indian doing something like that. same member would have got fits and foaming mouth calling for mods and long worthless Rantings of moral and other bla bla bla:blah::blah:

But again hypocrites are always right in their own little world.
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