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  1. YeBeWarned

    New Year, New Country but old me

    Yo, What's up my fellow Pakistani's and PDFians, how is it going for Y'all ? damn it feels like forever when I was banned by the same Gang I was messing up with :D I wonder if they are still so sassy or changed a bit ? Well it feels like forever ago, but thing is that when i was banned I was...
  2. YeBeWarned

    Colonial crimes | DW Documentary

    This is sickening :hitwall:
  3. YeBeWarned

    Trump say he might leave America if he loses the Election

    I think we should offer him asylum :cheesy::azn:
  4. YeBeWarned

    Gareebon Ki Gari thread

    So Guys, I am planning to sell my Camera as I am not using it much, I thought I would keep the money but then I always end up buying stupid and ridiculous things, so I thought maybe I can get a small Car , my Camera is roughly 150,000 PKR worth , and I have a bit of savings to myself ( roughly...
  5. YeBeWarned

    What happens After Death ? Soul , Body , Consciousness and After life

    From the Dawn of Mankind, Death is something that we as Human tries to conquer through various mean and failed, through out the human history there were people who tries to gain eternal life or become immortal via magic and in Modern times through a Quantum computer to store ones consciousness...
  6. YeBeWarned

    Featured Murder in Afghanistan, a Trump pardon, and the soldiers left behind

    This is savage man .. Can't believe a psycho like him was granted pardon by the POTUS !! No wonder US is losing a war in Afghanistan and despite years of offering Afghans help they still Hate Americans and join Taliban in Numbers
  7. YeBeWarned

    Can you identify the song ?

    There is a song in this video on which Chinese and Pakistani soldiers are dancing , time 8:50 can anyone identify the song ?
  8. YeBeWarned

    Neo-Nazis encouraging followers to 'deliberately infect' Jews and Muslims with coronavirus

    https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/09/uk/extremism-deliberately-covid-19-intl-scli-gbr/index.html?utm_content=2020-07-09T23%3A01%3A33&utm_source=fbCNN&utm_term=link&utm_medium=social&fbclid=IwAR0RgsAQGP0RGvh4KTuVbXLJ3fWLe8ZJd7GqHlQ5URbmFDsR3ETk4HjX1oU Neo-Nazis encouraging followers to...
  9. YeBeWarned

    My Real life struggle against Dark forces of Evil

    First of all to Mods My apologies for if I started this thread in a wrong section because i don't know where this thread would fit in . I was unsure of if i should even discuss this issue here because of its personal and a bit superstition in nature . So let me come straight to the point, So I...
  10. YeBeWarned

    load shedding ?

    People from various parts of Pakistan, can you describe the situation of Load shedding in your areas ? I mean because of lock down market , industries , malls and much of the cities major power consumption areas are close but still suddenly the Load shedding increase in Karachi , now I live in...
  11. YeBeWarned

    Turkey in 2020 ? What will happen in Turkey after 2023 ?

    This small video talks about the new Possible era of Turkey where they will be free from the Treaty of Lausanne , This video didn't go in detail but I was surprised to see the mention of Pakistan and its closing ties with Turkey . May Allah help both Turkey and Pakistan in future to create a...
  12. YeBeWarned

    Kumar Sangakara talks about his experience of Lahore Attack 2009

    Honestly I used to respect him as a Cricketer but today he earned my respect as a Human being, I am so disheartened that such a horrific thing happen to those guys and i am extremely glad that they all survive and recover , and May God bless those security guys who laid down their lives to...
  13. YeBeWarned

    They were Pakistani' Soldiers in BSF uniforms

    So y'all have seen Pictures and Videos of Indian soldiers tied and beaten up, but Indian Joker Arya claims thinks that they not Indians , but they were Pakistani soldiers wearing Indian Army uniform and it was all hoax ..:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  14. YeBeWarned

    The Mauzin of my Masjid has passed away

    I don't know if it holds significance to open a thread, but The Mauzin of the Masjid of my town has passed away, I know him because all my brothers including me we teach Quran from him, he used to teach us, sometimes with harsh punishments ( not to harsh ) but sometimes with smile and love, he...
  15. YeBeWarned

    A very inspiring story from a Pakistani from Mardan

    She is inspiring, her parents supports her which is very very refreshing that people are changing their way of thinking, such stories inspire me personally more than a story from a Karachi or other develop cities , she had to fight all her life to reach the point where she is praised by her...
  16. YeBeWarned

    Finding a Book I am Malala

    I am looking for the book written by Malala Yousuf zai, some people told me that this Book is banned in Pakistan ? is this true ? Does anyone of you have a copy or tell me where i can get it ? anyone has read the book ?
  17. YeBeWarned

    Share your experience with PDF Moderation team ( Not a Complain thread )

    complain : to say that something is wrong or not satisfactory https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/complain Now As I can't complain , so Please share your Personal Experience with PDF Moderation Team here .. and just to satisfy the One trigger happy MOD here is the definition...
  18. YeBeWarned

    There you go, Thread closed by the Same MOD

    Now the complain thread is closed , damn this PDF is indeed become a joke .. Ok as our 10 year old Agnostic does not like to be criticize , so share your interaction with these mods, not as complains but as experiences . I can open as many Threads as I can, I am a member , So @AgNoStiC MuSliM...
  19. YeBeWarned

    Is there Doctor in the house ?

    Guys , So first of all I sleep upside down on my stomach, I know its bad but its a habit i couldn't get rid of, Plus many times because of sleeping in wrong position cause me neck pains , so 5 days ago it happened again so i put some pain relief cream and wear a collar to keep my neck straight ...
  20. YeBeWarned

    American Pie 2 Arabic Guy

    I begin this thread by saying that I used to be a fan of American pie movies, but only those American Pie 1 (1999) , American Pie 2 (2001) American Pie 3 American Wedding, and American Pie Reunion , Rest of its parts are just trash and stupid . Now Coming to Topic, In American Pie 2 there is a...
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