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Was Jinnah's Pakistan worth the fight?

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Sorry guys,but this article written with clear vested interest ,the author try to portray somehow, Indian Muslim whose population are roughly near the population of both Pakistan and Bangladesh,are supposedly bunch of very unfortunate people for having to live in a Hindu majority India and suffering innumerable miseries without any rights or support from the state, unlike those Muslims who are now citizens of newly created Pakistan or Bangladesh following Jinnah's vision and enjoying the great dividends on that account, which is absolutely wrong for and mean thing to say ,particularly to Indian Muslim .

As far i know ,Indian Muslims aren't seeking anyone assistance least to say,any BDeshi.
They should be, the Indian state massacres them for vengeance to satiate its hurt sentiments against Hinduism - aka the Gujarat incident. Then local Hindus continue to promote this mass murderer and genocidal maniac to the post of CM, repeatedly.

If that doesn't tell you what sort of mentality the Indian Muslims are up against...
They should be, the Indian state massacres them for vengeance to satiate its hurt sentiments against Hinduism - aka the Gujarat incident. Then local Hindus continue to promote this mass murderer and genocidal maniac to the post of CM, repeatedly.

If that doesn't tell you what sort of mentality the Indian Muslims are up against...

Stereotyping a community on the basis of 1 incident cant be justified in the long history of a secular nation.

The CM of the state wasn't promoted and put there after that. He was the CM of that state before and have faced a lot of criticism within and outside his party for how he handled that situation and it happens even now.

He is just a CM of a state which has been in news for zero communal violence after that incident and he is staying there because he has transformed that state into the best devloped/industrialised state in the nation.
lol it was worth it but sadely we are runed by currupt officials
Stereotyping a community on the basis of 1 incident cant be justified in the long history of a secular nation.

The CM of the state wasn't promoted and put there after that. He was the CM of that state before and have faced a lot of criticism within and outside his party for how he handled that situation and it happens even now.

He is just a CM of a state which has been in news for zero communal violence after that incident and he is staying there because he has transformed that state into the best devloped/industrialised state in the nation.
I wouldn't stereotype the community for one incident. I would accuse them boldly however once they continue to reward him for massacre, arson and rape.
I have 2 questions...

Why indian muslims who make the largest minority the most illeterate?
And most Poor in all of india?

2)Why people involved in anti muslim riots o gujrat tht killed 5000 still not punished? or the criminals of orissa christian massacre?

3)Wat about samjhota express ,.... list will go on???

Question 1) Why are Indian Muslims poor.
India has a big share of poor people and they come from all religion, plus understand that lot of these Muslims you are mentioning were poor Hindus who were lured to be converted. Since most of the times poor's only get converted.

Question 2) The process is on and better action is taken in case of Gujrat as compared to other previous riots. We have a weak Judiciary but for some only their religion matters. That is what my point here is, Muslims only care about their religion others go to hell. (Excluding my Indian Muslims like Ejaz, Indian Muslims are way better then any other Muslims, because they grow secular).

Question 3) Educate yourself on Samjhota express. Even the people who were doubtfully involved are still inside prison, compare to Hafiz Saaed and others know goans free in Pakistan.
I respectfully disagree with you statement that there has been no muslim non-muslim violence in Pakistan at all, I'm sure many examples can be found, particularly on Christians. But what you can't disagree is the fact that there has been large scale muslim-muslim violence and still ongoing.

Like I said earlier, even if you combine ALL the deaths of Indian muslims in riots after the 1951; 99% of the time the riots are politically motivated in India. The biggest of these episodes were the mumbai riots around a 1000-1500 people overall died and the second was Gujarat riots where around 2000 people overall died.

They pale in comparison to the combined violent deaths in Pakistan which include East Pakistani deaths as well as the current scenario. I hate using this comparisons as even a single loss of life of a Muslim or non-Muslim is just reprehensible but it was just to open your eyes to the reality.
Of course everything is not rosy for Muslims, but this is part and parcel of a progress. Like I keep mentioning, no one is denying Pakistan's existence so there is no need to feel insecure about it. Just justifying Pakistan's existence because of the "status" of Indian Muslims is unnecessary.

Besides counter argument, the fact to consider is the sense of insecurity that these riots cause among the minorities. Political utilization due to anti Muslim sentiments is the root cause.
Pakistan and Bangladesh consists of 66% of the sub-continent Muslims which means vast majority of Muslims did not accept the Hindu Raj in sub-continent and thus took the right step.
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Indian Muslims are way better then any other Muslims, because they grow secular.

What makes you think that Indian Muslims are better than other Muslims? Just because they adopted your life style and became one of you leaving their religion behind. Since when this became the true definition of a Muslim?
I don't understand that why we have to justify our country's existence by giving examples of Indian Muslims? Minority in every country is always at a disadvantage. I am sure that Pakistani minorities will say the same. Yes Pakistan was worth the fight given the conditions back then. It didn't turn out be an ideal country but surely a safe heaven for us.
I can't speak for Indian Muslims because i have never met one. In my opinion they are treated in the same way as any minority in the world and i am sure they are proud to be Indians just like we are proud to be Pakistanis.:pakistan:
I don't understand that why we have to justify our country's existence by giving examples of Indian Muslims? Minority in every country is always at a disadvantage. I am sure that Pakistani minorities will say the same. Yes Pakistan was worth the fight given the conditions back then. It didn't turn out be an ideal country but surely a safe heaven for us.
I can't speak for Indian Muslims because i have never met one. In my opinion they are treated in the same way as any minority in the world and i am sure they are proud to be Indians just like we are proud to be Pakistanis.:pakistan:

We are not giving the examples of modern day Indian Muslims. Before partition our forefathers were also Indian Muslims and they took the decision to make Pakistan just because they knew what Hindus will do to them after independence.
I don't understand that why we have to justify our country's existence by giving examples of Indian Muslims? Minority in every country is always at a disadvantage. I am sure that Pakistani minorities will say the same. Yes Pakistan was worth the fight given the conditions back then. It didn't turn out be an ideal country but surely a safe heaven for us.
I can't speak for Indian Muslims because i have never met one. In my opinion they are treated in the same way as any minority in the world and i am sure they are proud to be Indians just like we are proud to be Pakistanis.:pakistan:

"I can't speak for Indian Muslims because i have never met one".

that's ur answer.
I don't understand that why we have to justify our country's existence by giving examples of Indian Muslims? Minority in every country is always at a disadvantage. I am sure that Pakistani minorities will say the same. Yes Pakistan was worth the fight given the conditions back then. It didn't turn out be an ideal country but surely a safe heaven for us.
I can't speak for Indian Muslims because i have never met one. In my opinion they are treated in the same way as any minority in the world and i am sure they are proud to be Indians just like we are proud to be Pakistanis.:pakistan:

You are correct, you live and die on your own merit. The only thing that one should compare to is their own self. I guess a women's point of view is more eloquent and it would have saved us a lot of time if you had come in earlier and said this.

Well good work and thank you.
We are not giving the examples of modern day Indian Muslims. Before partition our forefathers were also Indian Muslims and they took the decision to make Pakistan just because they knew what Hindus will do to them after independence.

But the article is discussing condition of Indian Muslims after partition.
But the article is discussing condition of Indian Muslims after partition.

This is a flame thread started by Bangladeshi to Incite Pakistani about conditions of Indian Muslims.

See how funny the equation is and still the thread stand open!! Not worth it..
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