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Iran seeks four-nation alliance with China, Pakistan, Russia

This is where you went wrong. That pipeline belongs to before Trump when Ahmadi was on the job in Iran.
Iran's policy doesn't wait on American presidents. You have mistaken our government with your own LOL

So don't criticize our friendship, brotherhood and loyalty kid :lol:
You are almost exposed.
At least you have learned one thing from Turks, stab your neighbor and keep your friendship with west. Yes it's impossible to keep Muslim brotherhood and loyalty at the same time of being honey of west. :argh: :D

Don't you remember how you guys back stabbed us UNLIKE North Korea when we helped you guys in Nuclear technology?
We had to face embarrassment in the world just coz you guys gave all the details of our help to IAEA.
yeah talk about back stabbing.
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Do you remember how you guys back stabbed us UNLIKE North Korea when we helped you guys in Nuclear technology?
We had to face embarrassment in the world just coz you guys gave all the details of our help to IAEA.
yeah talk about back stabbing.
I know nothing about that, Give me a break. I need to search for it on the net. Will share you the result
Do you remember how you guys back stabbed us UNLIKE North Korea when we helped you guys in Nuclear technology?
We had to face embarrassment in the world just coz you guys gave all the details of our help to IAEA.
yeah talk about back stabbing.
Actually it was libya who gave away the nuclear black market when qaddafi sought to stop its nuclear program in return of sections to be removed. In 2001.

Yes, IAEA inspectors did surprise inspections at natanz and found the centrifuges design similar to dutches one but had not enough prove to blame AQ Khan. This events are of 90's I think.

I am not saying that even Libya gave away the originator of black market and tried there best to hide how they acquire the technology but they did gave away the front party in this proliferation. When that third party was caught up in malaysia ( yeap that black market was this much large.) this pointed towards AQ Khan in 2004 and then went all the rest details.

Note: I fully respect AQ Khan decision and his thinking that nuclear technology must be available in muslims states as well. It is completely rubbish from the west that all of european countries along with US can share with each other over nuclear tech but when muslims does that it is called proliferation.

Hats off to AQ Khan and for his bravery.

Friendship goes both ways...
Agree and Iran let Pakistan down in 60s when Ayub Khan went to Iran with similar plan. I am not referring to RCD this was with China so Shah of Iran called Washington as soon as President Ayub's plane left. As soon as the plane landed in Pakistan very unhappy Washington wanted to speak with Ayub Khan. Iran never joined the group and killed the idea. However we have to consider that Iran helped Pakistan during 1965 and 1971 wars. What I never liked was their own involvement in Syria and Palestine through Hezb group as this kept the name of terror alive in the region.
Agree and Iran let Pakistan down in 60s when Ayub Khan went to Iran with similar plan. I am not referring to RCD this was with China so Shah of Iran called Washington as soon as President Ayub's plane left. As soon as the plane landed in Pakistan very unhappy Washington wanted to speak with Ayub Khan. Iran never joined the group and killed the idea. However we have to consider that Iran helped Pakistan during 1965 and 1971 wars. What I never liked was their own involvement in Syria and Palestine through Hezb group as this kept the name of terror alive in the region.

Iran came out totally opposite after 1979...Everything got changed...Still uncured....This requires some serious work specially on iran to work it out with different countries as Iran has beef with everyone...
Interesting alignments of forces in the world, for sure! And thus opportunities and risks for countries, including Pakistan. Being a nuclear weapon state, Pakistan simply can't be counted out at least in the region surrounding Pakistan.

One analysis, if not already having been done on this forum, should be about risks and opportunities for Pakistan given NATO's needling of Russia in places like Ukraine and eastern Europe and America-China escalating situation over the South China Sea area. Mix in the rise of Trump and his pleasing of a certain Lobby to reverse the gains made by Obama over Iran, India's obvious tilt toward Washington, Pakistan's rejection of Arab requests over the Yemen war, Turkey's disillusionments with the West, Russia coming back to the Middle East, India-China's not so hidden strategic competition, and possible US pull backs in Afghanistan, Syria and even in eastern Europe...

All these development are very likely come to sharper relief if this erratic new US President indeed acts on his promises and impulses. We sure are living in a very interesting and dangerous time with a child holding the most powerful leadership in the world.
I don't know what you talking about, at State Level, Both Iran's and Pakistan's Deep States always respects each other Core interests and never cross that line ever.
Very well noted. When you want to test something out there is one real way. This is the real McCoy as it involves real decisions that carry deadly consequences therefore these are only taken with absolute core interests and threat perceptions analysis.

What is this? Order of Battle and their deployment. That is how a miliyary is organized and deployed. This is done on the basis of threats. Here below is Pakistan's ORBAT.


The Iranian border and Chinese borders are the least deployed by Pak military. With the LOC, Indian border the most and followed by Afghan border. Does this tell us about threats as percieved by GHQ Rawalpindi?

And Iran is close to Russia. As Russia swings over Iran is the natural piece in the middle to cement a Russian, Chinese, Pak, Iran alliance. The best is all these states are contigious and make a solide compact block.
However, from Pakistan prespective last thing we would want is more destabilisation in our western flanks, if Afghanistan wasn't enough! Iran must give sovereign guarantee that it's soil won't be used against Pakistan by India or anyone else to begin with.

Yes, there should NEVER be a Pakistan-Iran open competition. At most, strategic neutrality. And, yes, Iran should make sure none of Pakistan's enemies find a toehold in Iran--and it's not much to ask for considering Pakistan resisted American Neocons and the GCC countries' pressure to be against Iran.

PS. It's probably a subject of another topic but I believe Iran's problems will go away, almost overnight, should Iranian mullahs choose a subservient role to Israel--that's all the Lobby cares about really.
PS. It's probably a subject of another topic but I believe Iran's problems will go away, almost overnight, should Iranian mullahs choose a subservient role to Israel--that's all the Lobby cares about really.
If Iranian Mullah's invited Netanyu from Israel and gave him a good hug and kiss with "best dost" from now on card Iran would become 2nd bestest buddy of Israel. But those joker Mullah's like oour Mullah's don't understand the meaning of 'self interest'. Instead every friday they cry for death of Israel which of course fires up the Israel and her lobby in USA.

Thus notice Trump has banned Iranians from USA when not one Iranian citiizen or of Iranian origin has ever planted a bomb in USA. Compare that with dozens of Saudi's involved in 9/11 attack and number of Pakistani origin citizens involved in attacks in US. Yet both countries got away with it !
PS. It's probably a subject of another topic but I believe Iran's problems will go away, almost overnight, should Iranian mullahs choose a subservient role to Israel--that's all the Lobby cares about really.

Iran missed out being at odds against west for decades. And in return didn't even get what they wanted, nuclear weapons.. Iran had potential to become proper economic and military power in middle east with clout all over the world, surpassing even combined GCC. With 80 million people and huge gas/oil resources, hardly any internal conflict etc Remember persians are urbanized people and not tribal, even with mullahs they are light years ahead of Saudi Arabia socially.

Iran GDP is around $350-400 billion but should have been over $2 trillion at least looking at resources and population.
Yes, there should NEVER be a Pakistan-Iran open competition. At most, strategic neutrality. And, yes, Iran should make sure none of Pakistan's enemies find a toehold in Iran--and it's not much to ask for considering Pakistan resisted American Neocons and the GCC countries' pressure to be against Iran.

PS. It's probably a subject of another topic but I believe Iran's problems will go away, almost overnight, should Iranian mullahs choose a subservient role to Israel--that's all the Lobby cares about really.

With Trump in white house, my concern is stemming from a strong possibility of American/Israeli kinetic action against Iran and the resultant destabilization of Iran as a result. Any "regime change" in Iran mean more trouble for Pakistan. Imagine what they did through the Kabul regime in Afghanistan, in a country where we had influence, and resultant law and order situation in Pakistan, with rampant terrorism. Consequence of Iran falling into the sphere of west are huge on the security of Pakistan. We dont even have proper security on Pak-Iran border.
Very well noted. When you want to test something out there is one real way. This is the real McCoy as it involves real decisions that carry deadly consequences therefore these are only taken with absolute core interests and threat perceptions analysis.

What is this? Order of Battle and their deployment. That is how a miliyary is organized and deployed. This is done on the basis of threats. Here below is Pakistan's ORBAT.


The Iranian border and Chinese borders are the least deployed by Pak military. With the LOC, Indian border the most and followed by Afghan border. Does this tell us about threats as percieved by GHQ Rawalpindi?

And Iran is close to Russia. As Russia swings over Iran is the natural piece in the middle to cement a Russian, Chinese, Pak, Iran alliance. The best is all these states are contigious and make a solide compact block.

Great points bro.
What is this? Order of Battle and their deployment. That is how a miliyary is organized and deployed. This is done on the basis of threats. Here below is Pakistan's ORBAT.
The best is all these states are contigious and make a solide compact block.

Do you see Russia allying with USA? It seems like Trump isn't just trying to mend fences with Russia but is also trying to lure Russia away from China and Iran. And how much of a threat do you think Trump is for Pakistan?
You tend to use cost and benefit calculus to predict what USA might do but with a clown like Trump at the helm of affairs, he takes some silly decisions like Muslim ban which will achieve God knows what for America.

Do you see alliance (Pak-Iran-China) materializing with the purpose of confronting USA (and ISIS) presence in our region?

But those joker Mullah's like oour Mullah's don't understand the meaning of 'self interest'
I think they do understand the meaning of 'self interests'. They probably doing this for something they deem higher than "self-interest", this is due to ideological differences b/w a theocracy and secular government I guess.
Don't you remember how you guys back stabbed us UNLIKE North Korea when we helped you guys in Nuclear technology?
We had to face embarrassment in the world just coz you guys gave all the details of our help to IAEA.
yeah talk about back stabbing.
There was nothing wrong with that deal. Done based on the international laws and also paid well by Iran. What is the problem with it?
Don't be afraid of west's bullying man! They are already struggling for their survival.

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