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Iran seeks four-nation alliance with China, Pakistan, Russia

When there's a full scale war between Pakistan and India, who do you think Iran will support - Muslims or Kafirs?

Iran is our brotherly neighbour so I think we should welcome them to CPEC with terms that are fair, honest and mutually beneficial.
It is the fine balance of diplomacy that our government needs to master. How to befriend potentially dangerous states, and masterfully play them into satisfying our interests. India seems to get this, we don't.

No doubt. This is exactly what we require. Let's hope we don't squander this tremendous opportunity.
That's ridiculous , Iran or any sane country for that matter will never do that. Thing is, Iran and India relations will keep on being very close in foreseeable future irrespective of any country. Both countries have had friendly ties for decades and the mutual trust seems to be very high between both countries for some strange reason.
So expecting Iran to side or ally with Pakistan against India just because they are both "Islamic republics" is simply wishful thinking I'm afraid. Iran benefits nothing much(apart from scoring some religious points) in doing so unfortunately, so Iran will keep following it's national interests irregardless of some dreaming about some illusional ummah alliance. Can't blame Iran though, every sane country will do the same thing, So India-Iran close relations/cooperation will carry on. National interests always trumps everything (including religion) at the end of the day.:agree:

I don't care about some magical muzzie alliance, all I'm saying is if they want our full trust they have to do what I said. Which they won't. I know that. Basically my way of saying I don't trust them. I prefer KSA anyway, they are where the oils at.
The Iranians know what is coming with Trump in the White House. The nuclear accord can basically be tossed into shredder. Trump will appease Israel at the expense of Iran.

They wont.
You will see Iran building Nuclear weapons under Trump's presidency.
In response to which, KSA would develop their own Nukes.
And world will be more focused on KSA's nukes instead of Iran's.
There's no way Pakistan will allow itself to be backstabbed by Iran again.

When America attacked Pakistan with 424 drone strikes between 2002-2016, Iran was cheerleading the Americans. On top of that Iranians took every opportunity to ally themselves with Afghanistan and India to isolate Pakistan between 2008-2013 and also tried their best to plot a civil war in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

That has not been forgotten neither forgiven. I'm looking forward to US vs Iran in Trump era.
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IRAN + PAKISTAN + CHINA + RUSSIA, would be a formidable force!
A big red flag to KSA and Arab World...that is Iran and Pakistan in one camp.
wondering Badshah Salman bin Abdul Aziz hearing u!?? :rofl:

btw, in any form, cause, condition, situation Saudi needs Pakistan! why!??? I won't tell u, bcoz if u hear it ur nengti could tears up :bunny:

Neither Iran nor GCC will form an alliance with Pakistan aganist India. Pls read the OP again, the alliance is for Afghanistan.

Better think before you write.
it seems, u always use optics! plz, remove and watch the very truth! btw, no one needs to form alliance to make india rotten. its happening. in time alliances will b formed unconditionally when nengti wearing hunumens' irritating gesture crossed the upper limits :bunny:
its about time .. Iran and Pakistan should sit and talk, solve their issues once and for all, make no mistake my friends The War is coming to S.Asia Again ..
To Iran:
1. stop consideringb yourselves as a superior ancient Persian
They wont.
You will see Iran building Nuclear weapons under Trump's presidency.
In response to which, KSA would develop their own Nukes.
And world will be more focused on KSA's nukes instead of Iran's.
I highly doubt that ksa has the technical know how to make its own nukes. And no, Pakistan isn't gonna help.
Iran is certainly panicking about nuke deal future looking bleak, with Trump going all out. Russia, China and Pakistan are among the world biggest nuke power. Considering what happened to libya when it was promised and given all the lollipops to abandon it's nuke program, Iran does need strong backing, security wise, from world other power base which is non western.

Persians are two faced slippery characters and they won't miss a heartbeat to switch sides if they feel their interests lies else where. However, from Pakistan prespective last thing we would want is more destabilisation in our western flanks, if Afghanistan wasn't enough! Iran must give sovereign guarantee that it's soil won't be used against Pakistan by India or anyone else to begin with.
Iran is run by erratic, reactiionary clowns who want immediate results, one can see in chabahar or the pipeline, they want price on their own terms and immediate start.

Iran is one untrustworthy state that kiled Pakistan's KAshmir resolution in 1995 for india, its actions have been dubious and their shia extremists jump into foreign missions to do arson, to show their stupidity.

There is'nt an alliance, and Iran given its meddling in Pakistan, Bahrain, Syria, Iraq,Saudi Arabia, one should keepaway from them.
I am happy if Iran and Pakistan are in an alliance. It will give India the opportunity to forge closer relations with Arabs. India is India, it has its own importance for Iran. India is already the largest market for Iran's crude oil.

I am afraid that Arab states like Pak than anyone else anytime anywhere.

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