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Iran seeks four-nation alliance with China, Pakistan, Russia

Guys we will sell you free Gas :lol:. Deal?

Problem with you guys is that despite you dislike your own Mullah government, you can't go against it and forced to live under it...

Pakistan will never trust you guys....loyalty is the thing which you never have heard in Iran...

Arabs are at least loyal...KSA helped us in our nuke program...stood with Pakistan at our difficult time...This is what friends are...

I will prefer clever enemy than stupid friend...as we say in Pakistan.

Good luck to your Iran....
Pakistan will march on ahead despite challenges and no one will be able to stop us...:pakistan:
This could be Pakistan's opportunity to out-maneuver Indian plans in Iran. With two dogs barking at our door, we need as much support as we can muster. BUT, participation MUST come with iron clad guarantees to move out of the Indian camp and show unwavering support for Pakistani interests.

we must see beyond india ... 2ndly we must understand that we pushed iranians in indian camp... 3rd if iran wants to be friend with Pakistan then the first thing we should do is to have treaty of equality... 2nd we must not interfere in each other problems 3rd we should not attack each other for a third party... 4th we should have free trade agrrement with them

Problem with you guys is that despite you dislike your own Mullah government, you can't go against it and forced to live under it...

Pakistan will never trust you guys....loyalty is the thing which you never have heard in Iran...

Arabs are at least loyal...KSA helped us in our nuke program...stood with Pakistan at our difficult time...This is what friends are...

I will prefer clever enemy than stupid friend...as we say in Pakistan.

Good luck to your Iran....
Pakistan will march on ahead despite challenges and no one will be able to stop us...:pakistan:

well this is what i call stereotyping and lack of knowledge of the past .... 1st we ditched iranians 2nd nobody is asking anyone to trust mullahs we have to see Pakistan's interest first no matter whoever is ruling in iran, 3rd we need and should make more friends than enemies especially when they r living next to us ...
Problem with you guys is that despite you dislike your own Mullah government, you can't go against it and forced to live under it...

Pakistan will never trust you guys....loyalty is the thing which you never have heard in Iran...

Arabs are at least loyal...KSA helped us in our nuke program...stood with Pakistan at our difficult time...This is what friends are...

I will prefer clever enemy than stupid friend...as we say in Pakistan.

Good luck to your Iran....
Pakistan will march on ahead despite challenges and no one will be able to stop us...:pakistan:
Don't be emotional. And stop looking for excuses. :pakistan:

What a heavy word!!! He is right. Iran's economy was in bad situation and you guys unlike Indians imposed sanctions on Iran following USA's commands.

Friendship goes both ways...

kid we supported one sect like anything and because of that sectarian wars started in Pakistan and then all the mess was created due to which iran jumped in indian camp... dont think i m shia or iranian supporter ... i am muslim and if u want to fit me in any sect then u can call me sunni but i love my country Pakistan and i believe in equality for all the groups sects religious miniorties and ethnics to b treated equally in Pakistan


Friendship goes both ways...
ofcourse friendship goes both ways but then this is why both counrties have treaties of equality and friendship
Don't be emotional. And stop looking for excuses. :pakistan:

It is your country who is looking for alliance, not mine...You are trying to find excuses to get into alliance because of Trump...hahah

What a heavy word!!! He is right. Iran's economy was in bad situation and you guys unlike Indians imposed sanctions on Iran following USA's commands.

As I said, we went out of our way to help you, to mend your relations with Arab world but you took us for granted...

Sorry, you are not that sweet to us that just because of you we put our whole fukin relations with rest of world at danger. As you guys are unable to walk peacefully with both Muslim world and western world...You are at mess with everyone...Thats require a lot of talent and courage...I must admit. :lol:

kid we supported one sect like anything and because of that sectarian wars started in Pakistan and then all the mess was created due to which iran jumped in indian camp... dont think i m shia or iranian supporter ...

Nope....Mess started when Mullah rose up in Iran in 1979...Iran was at peace with everyone until 1979. There was no sectarianism in Pakistan before 1979...

i am muslim and if u want to fit me in any sect then u can call me sunni but i love my country Pakistan and i believe in equality for all the groups sects religious miniorties and ethnics to b treated equally in Pakistan

Same here...Pakistanis are open minded people in general when it comes to sect...

ofcourse friendship goes both ways but then this is why both counrties have treaties of equality and friendship

It is your country who is looking for alliance, not mine...You are trying to find excuses to get into alliance because of Trump...hahah
This is where you went wrong. That pipeline belongs to before Trump when Ahmadi was on the job in Iran.
Iran's policy doesn't wait on American presidents. You have mistaken our government with your own LOL
As I said, we went out of our way to help you, to mend your relations with Arab world but you took us for granted...

Sorry, you are not that sweet to us that just because of you we put our whole fukin relations with rest of world at danger. As you guys are unable to walk peacefully with both Muslim world and western world...You are at mess with everyone...Thats require a lot of talent and courage...I must admit. :lol:
So don't criticize our friendship, brotherhood and loyalty kid :lol:
You are almost exposed.
At least you have learned one thing from Turks, stab your neighbor and keep your friendship with west. Yes it's impossible to keep Muslim brotherhood and loyalty at the same time of being honey of west. :argh: :D
What a heavy word!!! He is right. Iran's economy was in bad situation and you guys unlike Indians imposed sanctions on Iran following USA's commands.
India backed out of IP-gas pipeline deal in 2008 due to US pressure. Iran should use diplomacy like its been using through Javad Zareef instead of acting like North Korea, so the world don't impose sanctions. I suspect Iran will react in a way that it would jeopardize its relations even with the EU. Iran's diplomat right after calling the current Muslim ban "illegal and unethical" announced that Iran would do the same with USA citizens, if Iran would've restrained itself, it would've sent a positive image of Iran to the world.
This is where you went wrong. That pipeline belongs to before Trump when Ahmadi was on the job in Iran.
Iran's policy doesn't wait on American presidents. You have mistaken our government with your own LOL


So don't criticize our friendship, brotherhood and loyalty kid :lol:
You are almost exposed.
At least you have learned one thing from Turks, stab your neighbor and keep your friendship with west. Yes it's impossible to keep Muslim brotherhood and loyalty at the same time of being honey of west. :argh: :D


Thread went quite big...I m out, now....Allah Hafiz...Tata...:D
India backed out of IP-gas pipeline deal in 2008 due to US pressure. Iran should use diplomacy like its been using through Javad Zareef instead of acting like North Korea, so the world don't impose sanctions. I suspect Iran will react in a way that it would jeopardize its relations even with the EU. Iran's diplomat right after calling the current Muslim ban "illegal and unethical" announced that Iran would do the same with USA citizens, if Iran would've restrained itself, it would've sent a positive image of Iran to the world.
We don't respect west and it's willings. They ask us to recognize Israel like Turkey, you know that it is impossible. Iran will continue struggling with west to force them to recognize Palestine's legal rights and free Palestine. We have the honor of protecting Muslim community of Palestine.
I am happy if Iran and Pakistan are in an alliance. It will give India the opportunity to forge closer relations with Arabs. India is India, it has its own importance for Iran. India is already the largest market for Iran's crude oil.
India can wear so many masks. It is the biggest slaughter house for Muslim minorities from Kashmir to Gujrat.
For every Arab country it has a different mask. Arabic speaking indian or some showface muslim.
For iran, persion peaking diplomats. Arab will keep liking Indians. They love indian dancing girl movies. Well, many Pakistanis like them too The non authentic Pakistanis. But indian hindus are the greatest treacherous living beings that walk on two legs.
It is your country who is looking for alliance, not mine...You are trying to find excuses to get into alliance because of Trump...hahah

As I said, we went out of our way to help you, to mend your relations with Arab world but you took us for granted...

Sorry, you are not that sweet to us that just because of you we put our whole fukin relations with rest of world at danger. As you guys are unable to walk peacefully with both Muslim world and western world...You are at mess with everyone...Thats require a lot of talent and courage...I must admit. :lol:

Nope....Mess started when Mullah rose up in Iran in 1979...Iran was at peace with everyone until 1979. There was no sectarianism in Pakistan before 1979...

Same here...Pakistanis are open minded people in general when it comes to sect...


well brother let me tell u the sectarianism started due to Afghan war but that is because mr.zia supported one particular sect and that is now creating trouble in our country too
It is your country who is looking for alliance, not mine...You are trying to find excuses to get into alliance because of Trump...hahah
Brother we shouldn't be laughing at someone else's misery lest we confront the same fate. They asked for alliance not just because Trump would probably attack Iran but Iran sees convergence of interests. We too are worried about what Trump means for all our region including Afghanistan and China. We shouldn't outright reject such alliance just in case when push comes to shove. As Asad Durrani once said "We have to keep so many balls in the air". We are good at playing multiple sides, I think we can with Iran and Saudi.
India can wear so many masks. It is the biggest slaughter house for Muslim minorities from Kashmir to Gujrat.
For every Arab country it has a different mask. Arabic speaking indian or some showface muslim.
For iran, persion peaking diplomats. Arab will keep liking Indians. They love indian dancing girl movies. Well, many Pakistanis like them too The non authentic Pakistanis. But indian hindus are the greatest treacherous living beings that walk on two legs.

Indians are the biggest backstabbing instigators to ever walk the face of the Earth. They do nothing but spread lies and hatred towards Pakistan. Once Kashmir is free we should cut all ties with these lying Indian scum.

On another note, if Iran is sincere and a true brother to Pakistan then they should be allowed to join the alliance.

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