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Saudia Arabia - before the oil.

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Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Iran, Syria and many others including Pakistan posses large oil reserves but only oil reserves can't guarantee progress, We must have strong leadership to progress as a nation.

Paks reserves are untapped (if we have such large oil reserves which i doubt) but we do have mineral.semi precious stone and gold reserves in restive area... and are untapped.... a few mines that were ...the foriegn mining companies (thanks to corrupt govts and local nationalists screwed it and are pretty much non operational) while semi precious stone mines are exploited by local influential people... and govt doesnt pay any attention towards developing em.

@Khafee here is a video of Ayub Khans visit to KSA...


Compared to KSA in these pics even Pak looks more developed...

Resources can change even the most laziest. :D

If KSA and Iran make peace.. these rich states can do alot to help the muslim world... alas..

Saudis are kin of Ashaba karam.

Just saying. dont make fun of anyone.

There are good and bad people everywhere ...

P.S: Even Prophets had mushrik children... just saying.. :lol:
Iranians are also kin of Ashaba Karam.

Dont make fun of anyone.
No we didn't fight against our own Prophet for numerous times..... and after his demise we didn't martyr his children.
The ones who martyred Prophet's (SAWAS) household?
The one's how done this now weeping every year for their sins.
May Allah save us from the children of Mukhtar Saqfi aka Tawabeen.
Allah blesses whom he wishes. The quality and quantity is in his hands. He has blessed each country with resources. What Allah blessed KSA with, they had used it to develop their people and country. Allah has blessed pakistan with numerous resources of different kinds. What has the leadership and people done with it other than sell it to other countries and fill their own pockets. If you got to whine, whine about your own people first.

Secondly, arrogance surely is an individual trait. I have seen many rich pakistanis & asians here in the GCC more arrogant than the rich arabs. How can someone generalize everyone or a nation as arrogant or ignorant. I have seen Pakistanis more ignorant than jungle men.

Better do something with your resources rather than moaning. I believe pakistanis are blessed with more blessings (especially human capital) than the saudis but the question is what have they done with it?
I have always wondered why the previous Muslim empires haven't bothered discovering the oils des.......

The Arabs knew about the oil but had no use for it. Oil in Arabia was used mostly for lamps and fighting mange off camels. They had little use for it otherwise. It took the industrial revolution in West that use for petroleum as a fuel was considered. That too after the steam power had been used to it's full potential.
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What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

You are making a thread about KSA before oil was discovered and in order to do so you are posting black and white photos of a one of the few people who lived/live in the Rub' al-Khali (empty Quarter) in the Southernmost part of KSA (Najran)? Afro-Arabs mostly. How is that remotely representative?

Here are some photos of the isolated (historically too) and impoverished Pashtun inhabited areas of mighty Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.


Mind you my post shows Peshawar (largest Pashtun city back then too) and not a bunch of nomads in the Rub' al Khali.

I could post some 100 year old photos of Pashtun Kuchi nomads (if they even exist) but I can do with recent ones instead to prove the point.

You are trying to belittle people who created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethic group in the top 15) who hailed from modern-day KSA and Arabia, who ruled most of the Muslim world for 800 years and whose linguistic, religious, cultural, architectural, military etc. influence is only rivaled by that of very few other peoples.

As for wealth, Arabia was one of the richest areas of the planet millennia before oil was even discovered.


You are also trying to portray Arabia, the second longest inhabited place on planet earth and home to some of the oldest recorded civilizations and cities, and to almost 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites alone, as the equivalent of your native lands (Pashtun inhabited lands of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan).

But yes, most of modern-day KSA was poor and survived on agriculture, livestock, sea trade etc. and sparsely populated compared to today but which region of the Middle East and Muslim world was not that? You can find such photos and worse in each country of the region and Muslim world back then. Be it Albania or Indonesia.

Allah blesses whom he wishes. The quality and quantity is in his hands. He has blessed each country with resources. What Allah blessed KSA with, they had used it to develop their people and country. Allah has blessed pakistan with numerous resources of different kinds. What has the leadership and people done with it other than sell it to other countries and fill their own pockets. If you got to whine, whine about your own people first.

Secondly, arrogance surely is an individual trait. I have seen many rich pakistanis & asians here in the GCC more arrogant than the rich arabs. How can someone generalize everyone or a nation as arrogant or ignorant. I have seen Pakistanis more ignorant than jungle men.

Better do something with your resources rather than moaning. I believe pakistanis are blessed with more blessings (especially human capital) than the saudis but the question is what have they done with it?

Those obsessive clowns think that Arab history began 100 years ago so in order to somehow "prove" that, contrary to logic, history, facts and everything else, they nitpick by posting black and white photos of mostly Afro-Arabs living on the edge of the Rub' al-Khali. What this is supposed to proof nobody knows but I don't think it is should be a surprise that what is modern-day KSA and all of the Muslim world 100 years ago, especially on the countryside or when nomadic peoples are used as an example whatever their ethnicity, was mostly poor agricultural/livestock based economies and that most people, especially villagers, lived simple lives.

At least there were no famines in what is modern-day KSA, people were independent (not under foreign rule) and they somehow survived rather effortlessly compared to many other regions of the Muslim world back then. Moreover that time period was one of the worst in Middle Eastern history.

A few examples:

Killed 3 million people:



Killed as many as 8-10 million people (over 50% of the population)

I wonder how it was back then for such a thing to occur. Probably everyone else in the Muslim world lived as people do in Dubai too.
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خدا گنجے کو ناخن نہیں دیتا[/QUOTE]

Thori history parh lain ... khuda nay ganjay ko 700 saal nakhun diyae rakhay thay...america ko abhi 70 saal pooray nahin howay
Anyway KSA is the size of Western Europe (12th largest country on the planet) and is home to numerous historical regions which have their own unique culture and history. Life in metropolitan Hijaz 100 years ago or Eastern Arabia differed greatly from that of farmer or average villager in say Najd. Or from genuine Bedouins (who roamed the deserts, steppes, plains and mountains on their own) who lived on their own as other nomadic peoples did 100 years ago across the world and as some continue to do today across the world.

Anyway this below for instance is a traditional Najdi village and traditional Najdi houses.

Such a village relied on farming, agriculture, livestock and trade. I do not see how such a village and village live differed from village live 100 years back anywhere in the Muslim world or world for that matter.

In the coastal regions of KSA (over 3000 km of coastline) be it in Hijaz or Eastern Arabia, fishing, was a great source of income. In Eastern Arabia pearl fishing too. Anyway trade was the greatest source of income overall though regardless of region.

Houses were either made by mud, bricks, wood or stones or a combination.

Examples of one such traditional village (Ushaiger)

Then you had typical traditional mountain villages (half of KSA is covered with mountains) and houses like those below . Very common in Hijaz and Southern KSA.



Or ancient port towns like Jeddah and its old quarter (a World UNESCO Heritage Site today) which for the past 1400 years has been a gateway to Makkah and Madinah thus welcoming Muslims from all corners of the Muslim world.

In the North you have a more "Levantine" feel (given that parts of Northern KSA belong to Levant historically and it neighbors Southern Levant directly) in the cities and a common thing for instance is the prevalence of olive fields.

etc. etc. etc.


May I also finally add that Arabia is one of the richest areas of the world in terms of minerals, gold and natural resources in general outside of just oil and gas?

In Hijaz you can find the oldest continuously working gold mine (5000 years) and the largest in the Middle East called Mahd adh Dhahab. It was known locally and in the region as the cradle of gold.

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@Saif al-Arab Where did I belittle? That suggests getting something and denuding. I did not. I merely took extracts from English traveller Bertram Thomas from 1930s KSA before the oil boom. Is showing KSA before they got oil a sin?

As regards your riposte it fail;s to find relevance and further I never said we were centre of universe. I only opened this thread because too many Pakistani's are servile to Saudi arrogance which floats on oil induced wealth. I was just showing them this is what they are minus oil.

few posts here reeks of racism.
And the way KSA treats poor South Asian's or making laws specfically to target Pakistani's is not racism of the most disgusting kind? If that were done anywhere in the West our Mullahs would be flailing their arms.
@Saif al-Arab Where did I belittle? That suggests getting something and denuding. I did not. I merely took extracts from English traveller Bertram Thomas from 1930s KSA before the oil boom. Is showing KSA before they got oil a sin?

As regards your riposte it fail;s to find relevance and further I never said we were centre of universe. I only opened this thread because too many Pakistani's are servile to Saudi arrogance which floats on oil induced wealth. I was just showing them this is what they are minus oil.

Did you not read post 56 and post 58? I thought that you as an man in his 50's born and breed in the UK would understand English.

This Bertram Thomas, whoever he is, travelled mostly in the Empty Quarter (Rub al-Khali) where no human beings live expect for a few Bedouin tribes and Afro-Arabs vanished to those areas or working on farmlands on the edge of the Rub' al Khali in Najran (southernmost of KSA).

That is by no means any representation of how live was in KSA 100 years ago. For that you need to read and see post 56 and 58.

Let me quote myself again:

What an idiotic thread by this obsessed Pashtun. He might take a look at the wonderful state of his native lands today and their equally "wonderful" state 100 years ago.

You are making a thread about KSA before oil was discovered and in order to do so you are posting black and white photos of a one of the few people who lived/live in the Rub' al-Khali (empty Quarter) in the Southernmost part of KSA (Najran)? Afro-Arabs mostly. How is that remotely representative?

Here are some photos of the isolated (historically too) and impoverished Pashtun inhabited areas of mighty Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan.


Mind you my post shows Peshawar (largest Pashtun city back then too) and not a bunch of nomads in the Rub' al Khali.

I could post some 100 year old photos of Pashtun Kuchi nomads (if they even exist) but I can do with recent ones instead to prove the point.

You are trying to belittle people who created 3 of the 11 largest empires (more than any other ethic group in the top 15) who hailed from modern-day KSA and Arabia, who ruled most of the Muslim world for 800 years and whose linguistic, religious, cultural, architectural, military etc. influence is only rivaled by that of very few other peoples.

As for wealth, Arabia was one of the richest areas of the planet millennia before oil was even discovered.


You are also trying to portray Arabia, the second longest inhabited place on planet earth and home to some of the oldest recorded civilizations and cities, and to almost 20 World UNESCO Heritage Sites alone, as the equivalent of your native lands (Pashtun inhabited lands of Afghanistan and Northwestern Pakistan).

But yes, most of modern-day KSA was poor and survived on agriculture, livestock, sea trade etc. and sparsely populated compared to today but which region of the Middle East and Muslim world was not that? You can find such photos and worse in each country of the region and Muslim world back then. Be it Albania or Indonesia.

Those obsessive clowns think that Arab history began 100 years ago so in order to somehow "prove" that, contrary to logic, history, facts and everything else, they nitpick by posting black and white photos of mostly Afro-Arabs living on the edge of the Rub' al-Khali. What this is supposed to proof nobody knows but I don't think it is should be a surprise that what is modern-day KSA and all of the Muslim world 100 years ago, especially on the countryside or when nomadic peoples are used as an example whatever their ethnicity, was mostly poor agricultural/livestock based economies and that most people, especially villagers, lived simple lives.

At least there were no famines in what is modern-day KSA, people were independent (not under foreign rule) and they somehow survived rather effortlessly compared to many other regions of the Muslim world back then. Moreover that time period was one of the worst in Middle Eastern history.

A few examples:

Killed 3 million people:



Killed as many as 8-10 million people (over 50% of the population)

I wonder how it was back then for such a thing to occur. Probably everyone else in the Muslim world lived as people do in Dubai too.

Anyway KSA is the size of Western Europe (12th largest country on the planet) and is home to numerous historical regions which have their own unique culture and history. Life in metropolitan Hijaz 100 years ago or Eastern Arabia differed greatly from that of farmer or average villager in say Najd. Or from genuine Bedouins (who roamed the deserts, steppes, plains and mountains on their own) who lived on their own as other nomadic peoples did 100 years ago across the world and as some continue to do today across the world.

Anyway this below for instance is a traditional Najdi village and traditional Najdi houses.

Such a village relied on farming, agriculture, livestock and trade. I do not see how such a village and village live differed from village live 100 years back anywhere in the Muslim world or world for that matter.

In the coastal regions of KSA (over 3000 km of coastline) be it in Hijaz or Eastern Arabia, fishing, was a great source of income. In Eastern Arabia pearl fishing too. Anyway trade was the greatest source of income overall though regardless of region.

Houses were either made by mud, bricks, wood or stones or a combination.

Examples of one such traditional village (Ushaiger)

Then you had typical traditional mountain villages (half of KSA is covered with mountains) and houses like those below . Very common in Hijaz and Southern KSA.

Or ancient port towns like Jeddah and its old quarter (a World UNESCO Heritage Site today) which for the past 1400 years has been a gateway to Makkah and Madinah thus welcoming Muslims from all corners of the Muslim world.

In the North you have a more "Levantine" feel (given that parts of Northern KSA belong to Levant historically and it neighbors Southern Levant directly) in the cities and a common thing for instance is the prevalence of olive fields.

etc. etc. etc.


May I also finally add that Arabia is one of the richest areas of the world in terms of minerals, gold and natural resources in general outside of just oil and gas?

In Hijaz you can find the oldest continuously working gold mine (5000 years) and the largest in the Middle East called Mahd adh Dhahab. It was known locally and in the region as the cradle of gold.


Everything is explained in detail. Some diplomatically, some less diplomatic but sometimes this is needed when the messenger has dug a hole in the ground that he cannot escape from. Or something about stones, glass houses etc.

I really don't want to insult an people (Pashtuns) due to 1 idiot with complexes and weird obsessions but I think I told you the ground reality a while ago but due to this being a Pakistani forum I was banned but had I written it anywhere else everyone else would have agreed with me.

Please don't compare Arabs and our history and achievements with your people, Pashtuns. Just stop as it is embarrassing. Such a comparison makes no sense and is unfair for Pashtuns quite frankly. If you asked any historian and objective person they would confirm. And trust me on my mother's life, I have nothing against Pashtuns but when a representative of them keeps trolling against Arabs when no Arab user bothers him or even interacts with him, I at one point, am forced to employ the same rhetoric and then it gets ugly. In such discussions I have nothing to "fear".

Look, I don't know you and I frankly don't care how you look at Arabs or me but please stop trying to get my attention far too often. Whatever is your problem I am not responsible for. Nor am I interested in "replying" anything in a similar manner as I simply do not care about such "discussions". Nor do I have any problem with Pashtuns for me to constantly belittle them which you face enough from already from your compatriot of other ethnicities in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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Did you not read post 56 and post 58? I thought that you as an man in his 50's born and breed in the UK would understand English.

This Bertram Thomas, whoever he is, travelled mostly in the Empty Quarter (Rub al-Khali) where no human beings live expect for a few Bedouin tribes and Afro-Arabs vanished to those areas or working on farmlands on the edge of the Rub' al Khali in Najran (southernmost of KSA).

That is by no means any representation of how live was in KSA 100 years ago. For that you need to read and see post 56 and 58.

Let me quote myself again:

Everything is explained in detail. Some diplomatically, some less diplomatic but sometimes this is needed when the messenger has dug a hole in the ground that he cannot escape from. Or something about stones, glass houses etc.

I really don't want to insult an people (Pashtuns) due to 1 idiot with complexes and weird obsessions but I think I told you the ground reality a while ago but due to this being a Pakistani forum I was banned but had I written it anywhere else everyone else would have agreed with me.

Please don't compare Arabs and our history and achievements with your people, Pashtuns. Just stop as it is embarrassing. Such a comparison makes no sense and is unfair for Pashtuns quite frankly. If you asked any historian and objective person they would confirm. And trust me on my mother's life, I have nothing against Pashtuns but when a representative of them keeps trolling against Arabs when no Arab user bothers him or even interacts with him, I at one point, am forced to employ the same rhetoric and then it gets ugly. In such discussions I have nothing to "fear".

Look, I don't know you and I frankly don't care how you look at Arabs or me but please stop trying to get my attention far too often. Whatever is your problem I am not responsible for. Nor am I interested in "replying" anything in a similar manner as I simply do not care about such "discussions".
Yawn ....
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