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Saudia Arabia - before the oil.

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You are right i came to know this when i was there..That's great your father must have known better urdu then..This is first time i come across some arab known about Allama Iqbal:enjoy:..But how did you learn urdu because of father ?

In which area did you leave?

And their are lots of pathans in Al Ain
You are right i came to know this when i was there..That's great your father must have known better urdu then..This is first time i come across some arab known about Allama Iqbal:enjoy:..But how did you learn urdu because of father ?
The only logical, decent, and affordable place that one could run to from the hellish heat of summer was Pakistan.
Back in the '70's and 80's, A lot of Emiratis had properties there, and it was just a small two hour hop away on Gulf Air or PIA. Very convenient. I still remember in the '80s 1 dirham = 4 rupees. For a kid you can imagine how exciting that was :p:

Most families preferred Pakistan over London, due to our cultural similarities.

Ya Al Ain comes under your Area :-)Abu Dhabi

Guys if you want, lets open a separate thread on Emiratis speaking Urdu, or Khafee's Musings :-)

I think we have successfully destroyed this thread :cheers:
The only logical, decent, and affordable place that one could run to from the hellish heat of summer was Pakistan.
Back in the '70's and 80's, A lot of Emiratis had properties there, and it was just a small two hour hop away on Gulf Air or PIA. Very convenient. I still remember in the '80s 1 dirham = 4 rupees. For a kid you can imagine how exciting that was :p:

Most families preferred Pakistan over London, due to our cultural similarities.

Guys if you want, lets open a separate thread on Emiratis speaking Urdu, or Khafee's Musings :-)

I think we have successfully destroyed this thread :cheers:
Yes i think this topic deserve a separate thread :bounce:
You are right i came to know this when i was there..That's great your father must have known better urdu then..This is first time i come across some arab known about Allama Iqbal:enjoy:..But how did you learn urdu because of father ?
I visited UAE a few times and I was surprised that a lot of Arabs on airport can speak Urdu.
And something else. MostPakistani's are conservative and religious so they look at KSA like some kids look to sweet candy. But hear this. Beyond the life of the prophet (PBUH) Sand Arabs have nothing to do with the rise of Islam or staying as world leading scientific civilization.

Very soon after the demose of the prophet (PBUH) the axis of Islamic power shifted to Baghdad and Damascus. The latter was a Assyrian centre and the latter was home of the Mesopotamian cultures and then shifted to Istanbul. The real people who took Islam to great heights was modrn day Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians, Itraqis. Turks, Iranians and Maroccans. With exception of Turks and Iranian's rest of them adopted Arabic language but were levantine peoples more similar to Turks or Iranians then the people of the Arabian desert which had and has remained peripheral to most of history. You can see this that how long did the khaliphate stay in Media or Mecca?

So I appeal to the religious minded Pakistani's to realize that Islam is not anybodies property. KSA does not own it. No one people own it. KSA and Islam are not the one and same thing. In fact if you want to honour those who fought most to spread Islam then Ottoman Empire deserves a big credit. Palestine is now under Jewish control precisly because the Sand Arabs conspired to join the imperial powers against the Turks to destroy the Ottoman caliphate.

These kings and sheikhs of Arabia were then awarded their little petty kingdoms by western imperial powers whilst Palestine was given to the Jews. And ever since KSA and other GCC who are products of illegitmate western imperialism have ruled thewir tiny kingdoms supported by West and USA. This can be seen how fast America comes to the rescue of these kingdoms and even is ready to fight for them to keep them in power.
And something else. MostPakistani's are conservative and religious so they look at KSA like some kids look to sweet candy. But hear this. Beyond the life of the prophet (PBUH) Sand Arabs have nothing to do with the rise of Islam or staying as world leading scientific civilization.

Very soon after the demose of the prophet (PBUH) the axis of Islamic power shifted to Baghdad and Damascus. The latter was a Assyrian centre and the latter was home of the Mesopotamian cultures and then shifted to Istanbul. The real people who took Islam to great heights was modrn day Syrians, Palestinians, Egyptians, Itraqis. Turks, Iranians and Maroccans. With exception of Turks and Iranian's rest of them adopted Arabic language but were levantine peoples more similar to Turks or Iranians then the people of the Arabian desert which had and has remained peripheral to most of history. You can see this that how long did the khaliphate stay in Media or Mecca?

So I appeal to the religious minded Pakistani's to realize that Islam is not anybodies property. KSA does not own it. No one people own it. KSA and Islam are not the one and same thing. In fact if you want to honour those who fought most to spread Islam then Ottoman Empire deserves a big credit. Palestine is now under Jewish control precisly because the Sand Arabs conspired to join the imperial powers against the Turks to destroy the Ottoman caliphate.

These kings and sheikhs of Arabia were then awarded their little petty kingdoms by western imperial powers whilst Palestine was given to the Jews. And ever since KSA and other GCC who are products of illegitmate western imperialism have ruled thewir tiny kingdoms supported by West and USA. This can be seen how fast America comes to the rescue of these kingdoms and even is ready to fight for them to keep them in power.
I wish you knew the geography and history...
Iraq was and is an Arab country, same goes for Syria, ..and basically they were province of the Islamic empire...
I wish TTAs read some authentic history and geography books and ...and only new creation is KSA which did not exist until 1914.
I'm an Emirati, and an Honorary Pakistani
I have spent four years in Qatar and the only Pakistanis with whom Arabs were relating and who were some what close to them socially , were Pashtuns......I think its the tribal thing, Arabs in general have admiration for Pashtuns. Pashtuns were the only laborer and low income workers there who were not taking any shyt from Arabs and cases were getting reported in which a Pashtun would slap or beat Qatari in the quarrel, and would get deported. Thats why they were kept as guards by Qatari Shaikhs. Pashtuns of Pakistan and Afghanistan live together in "hujras" in Gulf countries and were seen as potential threat by the Qatari king Hamad bin Khalifa as his father (who he deposed ) was great admirer of Pashtuns , so their "hujras" were getting demolished during my last months in Qatar. In early 70s, when Qataris were simple and not rich, many intermarriages took place between them and Pashtuns. The more they got richer , the more they lost their amiability and became aloof.

I have met some Yemenis and Jordanians , very different from rich Shaikhs of Gulf Qataris......they had admirable traits and i am sure such Arabs and Pashtuns can get along very well. This snot-brat Saif-ul-Arab is different sort.
why bring islam into a saudi history thread?

ummah was destroyed and splintered by the iraqi and egyptian sultanates, though I agree it was expanded upon by the Ummayads in Shaam and the Ottomans (as well as the Mongols).
Imagine the children of these people call Pakistani's "Miskeen" today and look down on them. Oil can change everything. Shows what money can do.

English writer - Bertram Thomas Arabia Felix - Across The "Empty Quarter" of Arabia 1932



These Saudi Arabs could give the Bengali's run for their money.


Bertram Thomas in middle with some Saudi's 1930s



Link > https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Arab+Bertram+Thomas+Arabia+Felix&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkn5emkaXRAhUMCMAKHYLODukQ_AUICCgB&biw=1056&bih=488#imgrc=_ii-ZlnBVhxOkM:

Your pics were selected among the weirdest ones available. Some lost people in the Empty Quarter and some other remote areas. These pics don't really show how we looked even before oil. You also clearly missed one important thing. No matter how hot it gets, it is very rude and unacceptable in KSA for anyone to go out with his chest unclothed (unless he is swimming or something). You could find such thing in tropical countries, and perhaps in the Indian sub-continent, but not in the Arabian Peninsula.
You may have the monopoly on oil, brains though... nah., Your bone headed referance to the sub-continent is that, bone headed. Are you even aware of the vast climate types in South Asia. From deserts, semi deserts, to high mountain alpine climate with winters at minus 20 degrees in Pakistan alone.

And those pictures are authentic from a English travellar in 1930s. Are you suggesting he was a fraud? Are you saying he went to Africa and then pretended it was Saudia.

I will give you the unedifying fact - KSA before oil was Bangladesh meets Somalia. Nothing more, nothing less.

Century ago African's walked around with everything dangling. Now they don't because they think it is rude. Cue: That was before oil.

And those pictures are random taken from random travels of a Englishman who was not out to make KSA look bad because during 1930s KSA had no standing to speak of in the world. You are more than welcome to post some images of KSA before oil capturing daily life. Please tag us if you do. Thanks.

You clearly have hatred and other negative feelings so you will therefore lean towrds biasness. You didn't even relize that up until the very recent past say (20 -30 years), it was too rude for a man to go out without putting the tradtional keffiyeh on his head (let alone being in public without a shirt).

Here are just some pics that reflect life in KSA before oil.



Pakistani Sunnis suffer from cognitive dissonance and an inferiority complex in regards to the Arabs. Pakistan is in the shit state it is largely because of the Sunnis, there's no escaping that. They will forever plunge their faces five feet deep in an Arab's rectum. If it ain't the Arabs, it's the Turks. A large portion of Pakistani Sunnis don't seem to have any grasp on reality or the ability to stand on their own two feet.

In regards to SA and Pakistan, both their interest don't align. Saudi's interest revolve around containing Iran, while Pakistan's should be to contain India. The Saudis & GCC are more than happy to have a fruitful relationship with India. India's second largest trading partner is the UAE and together with SA contribute $40billion to their economy. There's nothing at all wrong with this, to each their own and Pakistan's issue with India can ONLY be resolved by itself.

What shouldn't be tolerated is the Saudis or GCC meddling in Pakistan's internal affairs and the wider region whether that was the radicalisation in Afghanistan, the constant war-mongering against Iran, desire for PPP[seen as pro-Iran] not to be elected, to not go through with the Iranian pipeline deal to meet Pakistan's shortfall in energy, their desire for us to join their Islamic alliance that was designed to isolate Iran.

Here's just an example of this one-sided relationship. After Pakistan's parliament refused to join the coalition and the war in Yemen, Anwar Gargash [UAE - Minister Of Foreign Affairs], came out and said Pakistan would pay a 'heavy price for its ambiguous stand'.

Like a true beggar nation, this is Nisar's meek response:

“This is not only ironic but a thought-provoking moment that a minister of UAE is hurling threats at Pakistan. The statement of the UAE minister is in stark violation of all diplomatic norms prevalent according to the principals of international relations,” Nisar said.

Pakistan is an honoured nation and has brotherly emotions for the people of UAE along with Saudi Arabia, but this statement of an Emirati minister is equal to an offence against the ego of Pakistan and its people and is unacceptable."

If Pakistan had any self-respect it would have threatened the UAE militarily, told them to stay in their fucking lane and proceeded with carrying out a military exercise with Iran. That would have been an apt reply.

They aren't cutting their ties to India, but expect Pakistan to cut their ties to Iran? A country that is vital for Pakistan's national security. Whether that is meeting its energy needs in both periods of peace and war, security in both Balochistan and Afghanistan, to keep a check on Russia's involvement in the Central Asia region. Most importantly to help secure Pakistan's western border so Pakistan can concentrate solely on annexing IOK and working on containing India's influence in South Asia.


Pakistan suffers from a widening trade deficit, a large proportion of its population is still not literate, poor state protection for all people especially its minorities, lack of constant electricity for its citizens etc. You can't blame, Saudi Arabia, for all of Pakistans' ills.

I understand your dislike of the Saudis, but ultimately the fault lies with the Pakistani establishment and its citizens. If no-one accepted SA nefarious ideas and desires then they wouldn't have a place at the dining table of the establishment or its people. Sadly, that just isn't the case and until the leaders and the sunnis don't change then expect the status-quo to remain the same.
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This multiple user: @Saif al-Arab aka @Sharif al-Hijaz aka @Sargon of Akkad aka @Banu Hashim aka @Arabian Stallion has posted in old threads with his multiple ids for several times. So it's better to report him firstly.

You are a 10 times permanently banned user who recently received a 3 month long ban for trolling and insulting a moderator. You should have been gone ages ago. As for your nonsense, it is similar to this thread. Nonsense.

As for his thread I can see that other users have already answered this nonsense (95% of the ancient black and white photos (can't judge anything even from those photos) are not from KSA and those that are show isolated Afro-Arab communities and nothing else in the Rub Al-Khali desert) in numerous posts which have been thanked by 10-15 users already in each post.

@Zaki @Horus @WebMaster @Slav Defence @waz

Some troll thread of which 95% of the photos are not even from KSA is worthless.

Your pics were selected among the weirdest ones available. Some lost people in the Empty Quarter and some other remote areas. These pics don't really show how we looked even before oil. You also clearly missed one important thing. No matter how hot it gets, it is very rude and unacceptable in KSA for anyone to go out with his chest unclothed (unless he is swimming or something). You could find such thing in tropical countries, and perhaps in the Indian sub-continent, but not in the Arabian Peninsula.

95% of the photos are not even from KSA. They are from Yemen and the Rub al-Khali that is part of Yemen. Showing isolated Afro-Arab communities that are walking around almost half-naked. Anyone even remotely familiar with Arabia will know that this has nothing to do with 99% of the population. Not even 5% of the Afro-Arabs 100 years ago did dress like this. Most lived in cities or towns.

You clearly have hatred and other negative feelings so you will therefore lean towrds biasness. You didn't even relize that up until the very recent past say (20 -30 years), it was too rude for a man to go out without putting the tradtional keffiyeh on his head (let alone being in public without a shirt).

Here are just some pics that reflect life in KSA before oil.
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This nonsense thread has already been countered successfully in the earlier pages. I suggest that everyone should read the posts which are solely based on facts and actual visual evidence although I can see that you have covered this part as well, bro.

I am not going to post photos of Afro-Arabs as they are not Arabs but I can post photos of Bedouins from the Rub al-Khali so people can see a difference;

Some excellent photos of the proud Bedouins of the Rub' al-Khali. One of the most ancient of peoples. Some photos are 40-35 years old photos.









Amazing portraits.

It is said that Bedouin hospitality is second to none in this world. It is famed across the world and has been romanticized in movies, poems, songs etc. Both in the Arab world and elsewhere. They are sometimes blamed for some ills but by heart they are lovely people.

They are also one of the biggest survivors of this world that live in a very harsh environment. Their lifestyle is dying out but I hope that at least some will survive in let's say 50 years of time from now on.

Bedouins are also great musicians, story tellers, poets and artists. Also famed warriors. One of the best in history. They formed the backbone of many Islamic armies throughout the ages.
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O you who believe! Truly, the pagans are unclean (people); So after this year of theirs, do not let them come to the Sacred Mosque. And if you fear poverty (due to reduced trade), Allah will soon make you rich, if He wills, from His bounty; Indeed, Allah is All Knowing , All Wise (Quran)
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