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Turkish forces have entered Syria to end Assad's rule

right now Assad and its forces should be focused on ISIS and Al-Nusra front like mofo's , and if Syrian Army decide to Fight Turks than it means we have a power Split .. Assad can be dealt later but ISIS needs to be halted right there before they hold grounds in other countries ..and as the Mosul Operation is going to progress, the ISIS fighters will try to Flee to syria , or they'd be already there ..
And you think Assad is fighting ISIS?
And you think Assad is fighting ISIS?

I don't think anything , i say what i see ... so i don't even have to prove that Assad is fighting ISIS and Al-Nusra front you are free to use some Google :)
Interesting, the show will enter another stage, let us see what will hapen:coffee:
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I don't think anything , i say what i see ... so i don't even have to prove that Assad is fighting ISIS and Al-Nusra front you are free to use some Google :)
Do some real research before coming up with such claims,Assad only thinks of himself,he killed 300k of his own people who had nothing to do with Muslim extremist,he never fought ISIS.
Do some real research before coming up with such claims,Assad only thinks of himself,he killed 300k of his own people who had nothing to do with Muslim extremist,he never fought ISIS.

What makes you think i did not done it already ? ? now i don't accept everything on Internet nor its not the Topic how much Assad Kill in Syria .. so the thing is that Assad Forces are Fighting ISIS, and Al-Nusra aka moderate rebels in Allepo and many other parts of Syria .. and its not Turkish Fight to be in , cause Syria is not Attacking Turkey , imagine if USA attack Turkey on behalf of PKK ..
the recent invasion will help no one else other than Terrorists in Syria ..

P.S i don't Support Assad .
First he is negotiating with Russia over Operation Euphrates Shield and now this....
I really dont get this mans foreign policy.
wake up bro he doesnt have any policy did you notice after the failed coup he attacks everyone like a wounded dog ? i think that he is being cornered and he knows it !
If this is true, will be very interesting to see how Putin reacts to this, who has always backed Assad. IF you watch RT, Kremlin's mouthpiece, the propaganda against Turkey was night and day before and after the coup attempt. When Turkey shot down the SU-24, there was a video accusing turkey of buying ISIS oil at least once a day from RT. After the coup attempt and Turkey's "rapprochement" towards Russia, all these videos against Turkey was ended. haha
What makes you think i did not done it already ? ? now i don't accept everything on Internet nor its not the Topic how much Assad Kill in Syria .. so the thing is that Assad Forces are Fighting ISIS, and Al-Nusra aka moderate rebels in Allepo and many other parts of Syria .. and its not Turkish Fight to be in , cause Syria is not Attacking Turkey , imagine if USA attack Turkey on behalf of PKK ..
the recent invasion will help no one else other than Terrorists in Syria ..

P.S i don't Support Assad .
It is not a fight of Turkey? Think again. All the enemies of Turkey were and are active in its border countries like Syria and Iraq. All the scum was coming and is coming from there. If some of them have problems with Turkey just declare war but they are to smart and scared at the same time because they know that they dont have a chance. Now from some time Turkey is doing the same and everybody cries and all the world see this because their propaganda machine is better. They own all the medias. The truth is nobody is innocent in this war. Did Turkey supported ISIS? YES! Turkey supported ISIS by just watching how they grow and doing the same thing other terrorist organizations are doing from atleast 40 years in Tukrey. They fight want a land destroy and killing innocents. When you look at their land you see people who are acting like they support them because they fear that if they dont support ISIS tommorow somebody will be with a bullet in the head. The same situation is in Turkey but nobody said nothing trough all these years. Is Turkey fighting ISIS? NO! Atleast for now. Is Russia, USA, Assad fighting ISIS? NO! We all know the truth about this kind of organizations and their purpose. The truth is that the world needs ISIS all the countries I mean the leaders on higher level need ISIS. Yesterday was Al Qaeda today is ISIS tommorow will be something different. If you thing that somebody is fighting ISIS you are liyng to yourself. Dont you think for a moment how a great countries and even modern empires that have the power to destroy the whole world hundreds of times dont have the power to destroy some fvcking low intelligent subhuman beings with AKs beards and funny hats. Everything is a lie the fight against terrorism is a lie and the consequences are faced by the normal people. Thats the truth. Yes Turkey did let that happen you can call it revenge or something like that but the truth is that in the global politics and especialy in the time we are now you cant just stay and watch you must act. You must crush your enemies. I am very sad the things are like that but the situation we are facing today make us do things that are not right. Even in the everyday life its just like that or you cant survive. We all have sins and we all will pay for them sooner or later. Now the situation is like that (My terrorist versus their terrorist. Someones terrorists are doing a job that is serving some of my interests so I will not touch them for now but I want to rule more and have more power in the area and when the time is right I will go after thoose terrorists with my terrorists and establish control where I want). This is the scary truth that nobody want to talk about.
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The Turkish military launched its operations in Syria to end the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Nov. 29.

“In my estimation, nearly 1 million people have died in Syria. These deaths are still continuing without exception for children, women and men. Where is the United Nations? What is it doing? Is it in Iraq? No. We preached patience but could not endure in the end and had to enter Syria together with the Free Syrian Army [FSA],” Erdoğan said at the first Inter-Parliamentary Jerusalem Platform Symposium in Istanbul.

“Why did we enter? We do not have an eye on Syrian soil. The issue is to provide lands to their real owners. That is to say we are there for the establishment of justice. We entered there to end the rule of the tyrant al-Assad who terrorizes with state terror. [We didn’t enter] for any other reason,” the president said.

On Aug. 24, the Turkish Armed Forces launched an operation in Syria, the Euphrates Shield operation, with FSA fighters to ostensibly clear the country’s southern border of both the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) and the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) forces, which Ankaraconsiders as a terrorist group linked to the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

Last week, a total of six Turkish troops, of them four in a suspected Syrian government attack, and two in ISIL attacks, were killed in three separate attacks from Nov. 24 to 26.

Stupid Hindu logic. Go away and worship some cow or something.
We're fighting TERRORISM for centuries.
While you were slaves to the British . You are a nothing people. And surrounded by enemies. :lol:

How come Assad is a terrorist and those oppose Assad are saints....Any way, if this my Hindu logic, so your joining war with Assad is Turkey religion logic???? Calm down mate, when you hurl insult to others, it shows your stature as an individual and your thoughts.
Just saying , India is a joke of a country. And forever will be.:lol:

If by saying of few Individuals, a nation can be a joke, then of course, your logic to label Assad terrorist is a valid one. What can be expected out the thoughts which represent you?

The point is that in spite of West, US, Arabs and many other supporters trying to outst Assad, he is still there in his position since last 5 year. If you read latest wikileaks, It is the West which is hand in glove of creation of notorious terrorist outfits to fight against Assad.

Rather middle east will be much safer, Iran expand its influence beyond its traditional areas, and the peace can prevail.

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