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I am the daughter of a man who served in PIA for 37 years


Mar 13, 2009
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By Saman Jafarey


Crew of a PIA Super Constellation (AP-AJZ) led by Capt. Raja Zia with Thailand’s royal couple at Dacca Airport, East Pakistan, on March 21, 1962. PHOTO: AHMED SAEED SIDDIQI'S COLLECTION

In wake of PIA’s possible privatisation, a lot of people have taken to social media to give their two cents worth. Fair enough, it is a debate of public interest. However, most of the statuses I have read are targeted towardsPIA’s employees– not the organisation as a whole, but the employees alone.

Facebook statuses and subsequent comments have said things like,

“Good for nothing (employees)”,

“Useless employees”,

“They are being overpaid”, and

“Now who would want to lose a job which pays even when you are sleeping.”

I am the daughter of a man who served for 37 years in PIA.

All of my life, my father worked for the national airline and retired in 2010. Six years on, he is still passionate about the organisation. Many evenings, he is on the phone conversing with his former colleagues and friends about the inevitable doom of the airline and what could and should be done to rectify it.

My father does not fit any of the aforementioned generalised labels people have been very kind to pass. He worked hard for a living and he was loyal to the organisation. It is from my father that I learnt to work honestly and with complete dedication to any job I take. My father is an earnest man and he instilled the same values in my sisters and me. I am nowhere close to where I want to be in my career but my biggest strength is that I have never disappointed an employer.

So before you judge all employees by the same scale, let me ask you a question: How many of you are aware that every time the government changes, be it PML-N or PPP, the top management of PIA does too?

This is done in order to reflect the governing party. With a Punjabi government in power, PIA sees an influx of Punjabis all around and it’s the same with Sindhis when PPP wins an election.

I am not being overly righteous here, but surely, you should be made a general manager or a director based on your qualifications, achievements and merits rather than merely being associated to the prime minister, right?

Or maybe that’s just me.

These executives have come and gone with the country’s General Elections. I recall my father commenting on how people of various high positions don’t have the ability to construct a grammatically correct sentence in English, let alone understand the aviation industry. So yes, some employees are useless but they didn’t get the job based on merits. We all know how they got the job. If you want to blame somebody, question the government.

How many of you are aware of the lesser known or rather, more popularly forgotten fact that it was indeed PIA that helped to establish Emirates, Singapore Airlines, Somali Airlines, Philippine Airlines, Air Malta and Yemini. Today, Emirates is one of the leading airlines in the world. Yes, it was PIA’s “useless employees” who trained Emirates employees back in the day.

To reiterate, it is the government that has driven PIA to failure by placing incompetent men in high positions of significant importance and decision-making. Had they allowed for men like my father, and other honest men with experience in the organisation, to continue climbing the corporate ladder, PIA would still be one of the leading airlines today.

PIA has employed various people who are loyal to it. These loyalists have experienced PIA’s glory days and want to see them return. These employees include my father, his friends and countless others. For all those who are supporting PIA’s privatisation, remember Nawaz Sharif is doing it so he can sell it to his grand-daughter’s in-laws. It’s going to become one of their family’s businesses. You’re not going to benefit from it. It is a personal gain and a national loss.

When I asked my father his views on the possible privatisation, he commented saying,

“While we talk of privatisation, it is based on the presumption that those who will take over as the new management will honour merit, implement proper management policies, thereby avoiding cronyism and nepotism. The simple and honest fact is that these are biological traits which the public sector executives lack.

If our political leaders decide they will not use public sector resources to award or purchase loyalties of political workers and stop meddling in the running of PIA, it could benefit the airline. With liquidative contracts and just employment, PIA can perform smoothly after privatisation as well. PIA did prove to be lucrative till the 80s, even though it was a public sector organisation.

While discussing public sector functionality against privatisation, the only important factor is honesty and transparency. In the case of PIA, we have to make sure our financial advisors have expertise in the aviation industry.

PIA is an organisation in a developing country. It has done its best in order to provide jobs to the educated youth but this has been misused by politicians.”

When I asked my father about the 780 to one employee ratio circulating on social media, he said he was not absolutely certain about it. Whatever the ratio may be, I am sure it won’t be the ideal proportion. One must bear in mind, however, that many of the comparisons we are making are with airlines in developed countries that have a higher literacy rate as compared to Pakistan. These international airlines are not corrupted by political appointees disregarding merit.

Most business operations in Pakistan are frequently disrupted by power breakdowns, political strikes and so on. PIA has employed drivers and purchased vehicles to ensure their pilots and other crew members arrive on time and safely for their flight schedules. Is that not responsibility?

Oh, and the tax payer’s money – did you know that PIA has its own medical establishment? They have hospitals and clinics and all their employees (from peons to directors) get free medical and dental treatment along with their families. With PIA, you don’t have to be a manager to get your family treated for an illness, which I think is commendable given the inflation in Pakistan; even a clerk can afford decent medical treatment for his family.

To conclude, as I have digressed quite a bit, I am proud of my PIA background. I am proud that my father served the national airline. I am proud of my father and his friends. I am proud that there are innumerable employees who go to work relentlessly in order to make a difference in an airline which everyone is quick to judge and criticise. For if it was not for men like my father, this airline would have closed many years ago.


Saman Jafarey
The author is a law graduate. She did her LL.B (Hons) from the University of London and LL.M in Commercial Law from the University of Hertfordshire.

I am the daughter of a man who served in PIA for 37 years – The Express Tribune Blog
There is a saying..
"First you Eat organization then Organization Eats you" seems perfect for PIA
"My father does not fit any of the aforementioned generalised labels people have been very kind to pass. He worked hard for a living and he was loyal to the organisation."

I'm pretty sure he was corrupt like any other, being loyal to PIA mean just that.
There are so many wholes in this article that a common man was basic knowledge of pia and international airlines can counter

First of all the whole point of selling this airline is too get rid of political influence that has caused havoc in the airline everytime a government has changed. Yes this one of the biggest reason the airline is suffering, so the government is getting rid of this culture by privatising it.

Pia did indeed help set up emirates and other airlines and employees should be proud of it, but that was 30 years ago and since then the airline industry has moved on. This is the biggest problem with the airlines employees they are not in touch with the current world and how an profitable airline is run. Every year more and more employees are being replaced by machines, be it electronic check in counters replacing staff who used to check u in at the airport or be it luggage handlers that are being completely axed for machines that take out passengers luggages and delivers them on a belt.

And to run any successful organisation you have to make sure your employees are on contracts so that you have the right to fire them legally if they are not up to the standard you expect your employees to be.
When the airline is sold to someone they are going to make sure that they employee people on contracts as this is the standard being used by successful airlines world wide and this PIA employees fear this so much as they know they are stuck in the 70's and how the airline was run then. they fear any take over will mean the new management is going to get rid off all this dead weight which has become the cancer of airline.

Theres only 2 options for this airline when you think about it realistically, either you privatise it and let the new owners follow the model they need to adopt to change the fortunes of the airline or the second option is you just shut the airline down completely because there is no way in hell the government or the tax payers of pakistan can afford to run this airline like it does now and like the employees want it to reman stuck in the 70's.
And I am the son of a man who served in PIA for 35 years.
Completely agree with her.
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Pia has 19000 employs...

Privatization does not mean all of them will be fired...
May b the most incompetent and corrupt will be fired... sadly those are alsame people who run these unions....

Honest and competent people has nothing to loose ....but every thing to gain from better work environment to better pay....
The comments of the article are not wrong...

I am a Son of an PIA employee who still given all the time till now though he officially retired after serving 37 years...

When I went for my interview for a job in PIA (Though was not selected) Proudly stated That PIA is my Mother...

Ah yes, children of privilege justifying their entitlements. Nothing new here.
The entitlements of the Children of the US President are also there.

All airline in the world give the same entitlements and more..You would like to know that Emirates gives her employees the right to give their ticket to any person of the family even how distant he/she may be.

One more thing all the children are privileged, were you not equally cared by as a child or you do not care for you own children...
So if USA gives some benefits under social security like health care, education, free transport etc to children that is all paid by the hard earned money from the parents so would that not constitute to be in the same Privileged as you quoted.

Pia has 19000 employs...

Privatization does not mean all of them will be fired...
May b the most incompetent and corrupt will be fired... sadly those are alsame people who run these unions....

Honest and competent people has nothing to loose ....but every thing to gain from better work environment to better pay....
The issue is how would they justify....Because if they are fired then they can not work any where else and this stigma on their name has to be proven in the Court of Law. There is no Law concerning Redundancy like in UK for example.

One more thing is employees are permanent and are protected under the Constitution of Pakistan according to the date they were employed which makes it very difficult to make new laws to remove them from service. Law which works Retrospectively is illegal.
Of course there are many people in PIA who serve the organization with passion and dedication but there are probably twice as many people who do not care at all and were appointed based on political connections. The point of privatization would be to get rid of the dead weight, which unfortunately constitute a major chunk of the PIA workforce
Ah yes, children of privilege justifying their entitlements. Nothing new here.

I thought you'll make a smart remark.

The author is a law graduate. She did her LL.B (Hons) from the University of London and LL.M in Commercial Law from the University of Hertfordshire.

For someone who demands correct terminology, and desire to be a lawyer;

Management comes under the term of "employee". The Management is an employee. Just like the baggage carriers, check-in, drivers of pilots being paid for by PIA, they all fall under "Employee".

I would post this on express news, but rather not create an account.

So if USA gives some benefits under social security like health care, education, free transport etc to children that is all paid by the hard earned money from the parents so would that not constitute to be in the same Privileged as you quoted.

Nearly 55% of US households pay taxes. Federal Income Taxes that pay for Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Education, (no such thing as free transportation), and other public services. Americans earned those services.

Every American pays some tax, either to local/State/Federal governments. Hopefully once Pakistanis start paying taxes these services can be provided to Pakistan. Pakistan collect their taxes in September? Care to share?

Here's the tax returns of President Obama:

You can google the tax returns of every American politician or businessman wanting to become President. In America an elected official not paying taxes is political suicide. Perhaps Pakistan can have the similar culture?
Ms. Jafarey,

Dont listen to these nay sayer since now is the time for your father to reap the benefits for life which includes twice a year round trip tickets to anywhere in the world. Also he will not miss his old co-workers as on every twice a year trip he will have a chance to travel and meet all of his old friends since half the plane will be filled by ex-employees of PIA.
However she is right

Actually she isn't. I will illustrate with a few points below.

With a Punjabi government in power, PIA sees an influx of Punjabis all around and it’s the same with Sindhis when PPP wins an election.

Fact - current employee numbers ae down to about 15000 from 18000 prior to this Govt. The number of employees is on a downward trend. Definitely no influx of employees as she claims.

These executives have come and gone with the country’s General Elections. I recall my father commenting on how people of various high positions don’t have the ability to construct a grammatically correct sentence in English, let alone understand the aviation industry

In the case of PIA, we have to make sure our financial advisors have expertise in the aviation industry.

She is wrong on this point too.

Both this government and the previous ppp gov have put the right managers with sufficient experience in place. Whether that be Capt Haroon under the PPP or the recently resigned CEO.

The problems that have arisen are largely down to pilot and employee unions supported by courts and/or politicians hampering improvements. An example would be PALPA refusing to support codeshare agreements with other airlines, particularly Turkish.

That has now come to a boiling point and thankfully the current Gov called the union's bluff.

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