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History Matters: 5 Myths About Israel

Because of the hatemongering lies it promotes, the acceptance of them by men like yourself, and the resulting moral corruption to Pakistani society. Do you think that best promotes Pakistan's needs - or those of the men in power who use antisemitism as a trick to rob the store while everyone's eyes are looking the other way? (You need to look at the hands, not the girl...)

You are correct in pointing out that there are cons to the pros of such policies, but as long as Pakistan, as a sovereign nation, thinks that the trade-off is worth it for its own national interests, there is not much anyone else, can, or should, do.
Nonsensical jeering in the face of facts.
So it is a fact that Zionists only use Zionist media and claim it to be absolute truth ...Where the world is shocked with the shooting of a woman ...Zionist media assures Zionists they shot a woman with a dagger....a small rusty dagger (the 1 shooting)

And then reply it with another woman shot!

So how is that jeering? It is a fact that even Israel "remain very vigilant and forestall any activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of israel, and/or perspective of the government of israel."
You are correct in pointing on that there are cons to the pros of such policies, but as long as Pakistan, as a sovereign nation, thinks that the trade-off is worth it for its own national interests, there is not much anyone else, can, or should, do.
You don't perceive that your calm acceptance - or resignation - to the State promoting hate and lies is itself a symptom of the moral corruption it promotes?
You are correct in pointing out that there are cons to the pros of such policies, but as long as Pakistan, as a sovereign nation, thinks that the trade-off is worth it for its own national interests, there is not much anyone else, can, or should, do.
Topic isnt about Pakistan nor has anything to do with it...Kindly do stay on topic :enjoy:

You don't perceive that your calm acceptance - or resignation - to the State promoting hate and lies is itself a symptom of the moral corruption it promotes?
Are we discussing Israel by any chance? Or are you trying to say Israel does this coz the thread is ABOUT ISRAEL, right?
You don't perceive that your calm acceptance - or resignation - to the State promoting hate and lies is itself a symptom of the moral corruption it promotes?

There is no such thing as morality in the pursuit of national interests, Sir. Such personal concepts have no place in international geopolitics.
There is no such thing as morality in the pursuit of national interests, Sir. Such personal concepts have no place in international geopolitics.
Except we're talking domestic politics here, not international geopolitics.
National interests reign supreme in both domains, Sir.
Do you understand the full implications of inverting justice upon Pakistan? Not just @Akhelios' jeering. It's at the root of the corruption and terrorism: officials grab what they can because truth is mere assertion and can change on a whim, while terrorists grab a gun because they see the government as merely competition?
You mean telling the truth...No harm done I just showed you the mirror of how the whole shock and strange cheery picking can also be applied to israel....none of which you have been able to "discuss" nor teach....

root of the corruption and terrorism
So as per your logic, you agree Zionism is causing terrorism?
Are we discussing Israel by any chance? Or are you trying to say Israel does this coz the thread is ABOUT ISRAEL, right?

And what you are projecting is also applicable to israel where I am yet to se a zionist ever question their country's butchering
remain very vigilant and forestall any activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of israel, and/or perspective of the government of israel.

officials grab what they can because truth is mere assertion and can change on a whim
is that what they teach in Israel?

So we have learnt a few new facts about Israel today:

1) They call themselves teachers but refuse to be questioned
2) They force down their opinion and refuse any other source
3) They call it a discussion but insult those who question
4) They call it teaching but have biased sources
5) Any questions thrown about Israel will inevitably lead to bashing Pakistan :o:
6) Misquoting and quoting out of context is a hobby like lying

Did I miss anything @Solomon2

Oh yes, ONLY things reported or told by Israeli is truth or facts :unsure: and then they have the audacity to point this out:

"remain very vigilant and forestall any activity that in any manner challenge(s) the ideology and principles of israel, and/or perspective of the government of israel."
1)Let's talk about facts. The only people that worked for the Zionist State of Israel were and still are European Jews. I have never seen a non European Jew (dark skin Jews) in power. And these are the ones that essentially controlled and still control Europe from the back.

2)Jews say there was no such thing as Palestine. However, read the Balfour declaration. It specifically says the word Palestine. So that excuse is weak. There was such a thing as Palestine. Doesn't have to be a country. It existed.

3) The Palestinians in the West Bank is like hell on earth. The Israelis occupied it and designed it in such a way that the neighbouring Palestinian villages cannot connect and help each other. They did this through sterile roads. Only Jews can use these roads and they isolates Palestinian villages which can be easily be attacked by settlers which the army doesn't do ANYTHING about. And of course by home demolitions. What's the point of Palestinians building schools and hospitals if they're going to be destroyed any way for new settlers homes which they will eventually abuse Palestinians.

And then they wonder why Palestinians are hurling stones and rocks at the IDF. Israelis have a PhD in provocation and deception.
1)Let's talk about facts. The only people that worked for the Zionist State of Israel were and still are European Jews. I have never seen a non European Jew (dark skin Jews) in power. And these are the ones that essentially controlled and still control Europe from the back.

2)Jews say there was no such thing as Palestine. However, read the Balfour declaration. It specifically says the word Palestine. So that excuse is weak. There was such a thing as Palestine. Doesn't have to be a country. It existed.

3) The Palestinians in the West Bank is like hell on earth. The Israelis occupied it and designed it in such a way that the neighbouring Palestinian villages cannot connect and help each other. They did this through sterile roads. Only Jews can use these roads and they isolates Palestinian villages which can be easily be attacked by settlers which the army doesn't do ANYTHING about. And of course by home demolitions. What's the point of Palestinians building schools and hospitals if they're going to be destroyed any way for new settlers homes which they will eventually abuse Palestinians.

I have posted breaking silence thing more than once on this forum....SO far no Zionist has been able to answer it coz it is a site run by Israeli Jews who are ashamed of what they have done but the blind Zionists who arent still cant accept shameless atrocities their own committed against their host!
I have posted breaking silence thing more than once on this forum....SO far no Zionist has been able to answer it coz it is a site run by Israeli Jews who are ashamed of what they have done but the blind Zionists who arent still cant accept shameless atrocities their own committed against their host!
They have a word for such Jews. A Self-Hating Jew. Lol :D
1)Let's talk about facts. The only people that worked for the Zionist State of Israel were and still are European Jews -
I'm sorry, you're extremely hindered by the bias of Pakistan's educational system. There are many Christian Zionists. Christian British Zionists were at the forefront pushing the Balfour Declaration and the boundaries of the Palestine Mandate.
I'm sorry, you're extremely hindered by the bias of Pakistan's educational system. There are many Christian Zionists. Christian British Zionists were at the forefront pushing the Balfour Declaration and the boundaries of the Palestine Mandate.
I'm talking about JEWS that were involved. The Zionist movement is exclusively European. Which makes it even more vile and disgusting. Why would a SECULAR state of Britain work for a Jewish homeland?
I'm sorry, you're extremely hindered by the bias of Pakistan's educational system. There are many Christian Zionists. Christian British Zionists were at the forefront pushing the Balfour Declaration and the boundaries of the Palestine Mandate.
Yea with the agenda of getting as many jews out of their nation :rofl:

How about answer him instead of attacking him? Did israeli education system teach you that? You know to attack if questioned? :o:

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