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Twitter Campaign by Afghans to boycott Pakistani Products

For someone who thinks Afghanistan is a burden on Pakistan -- I say good I hope they do.

Perhaps a collapse of the Afghan economy will knock some sense into the Afghan public.

If I was in your place, I would not wish for collapse of their economy. That will make hundreds of thousands of illiterate young men available for groups like AQ and ISIS.. With Pakistan's certain areas having blood relatives there, will not result good for Pakistan. No matter how crazy it sounds, but a stable anti-Pakistan Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interest rather than destabilized Afghanistan.

This. A collapse of Afghan economy might bring wrath on Pakistan in many ways Pakistan won't be prepared to defend.

That's why it is imperative Pakistan supports Afghanistan building stable economy in Afghanistan. Hence kudo to Pakistan continues its expanding investment in Afghanistan close to 1 billion dollars now. A stable economy of Afghanistan means the same for Pakistan as well. Unfortunately, Afghanistan cannot be trusted to be left alone as history attests to that. That's why Pakistan will have to interfere. Right now, Pakistan will be blamed, and many things, but in the long future, future generations after many decades may start to realize what Pakistan meant to do so.

A Prophet was sent to Makkah for them, but what did they do? I am afraid Pakistan might go through the same and people in Afghanistan and million Afghani refugees in Pakistan will remain thankless to Pakistan.
India should have stepped in when they blew up the Buddhist statues but alas we did not and 9.11 took place the rest is history. Taliban will get power because the Karzai govt was so corrupt! maybe things different now but... who knows.
If they boycott it their entire economy will stop
If I was in your place, I would not wish for collapse of their economy. That will make hundreds of thousands of illiterate young men available for groups like AQ and ISIS.. With Pakistan's certain areas having blood relatives there, will not result good for Pakistan. No matter how crazy it sounds, but a stable anti-Pakistan Afghanistan is in Pakistan's interest rather than destabilized Afghanistan.

Of course I don't wish for a collapse of the Afghan economy, it would only exacerbate the misery of the Afghan people. But short of war this is the most humane option to force the Afghans to rethink their options.

Well times are changing -- Pakistan is already building land barriers -- China could build the great wall hundreds of years ago -- I'm sure the Afghan border is to a large part sealable -- much like the India Pakistan border.

And Anti-Pakistan Afghanistan is not an option for Pakistan. When there was chaos in Afghanistan in the 1980s Pakistan was stable and peaceful.

What Pakistan needs is an internal security policy -- we keep spending on the Army but not an internal security force.

I think Pakistan can have an Afghanistan that is like Bhutan is to India. Pakistan should aim for nothing less.
I work in quantitative marketing -- do you?
What does quantitative marketing have to do with providing a platform for a handful of tweets promoting anti-Pakistan propaganda.

Given the reach and popularity of this site, you have provided more visibility to a fringe view that damages Pakistan's interests.
I know what I'm posting -- from your comments it figures you don't have clue
What you are doing is providing publicity and a platform to anti-Pakistan propaganda.
And form posting these tweets you have been able to infer with certainty my motives --
Yes, see above for rationale.
Seriously you do now know why they are calling for a boycott.
I know why these nutjobs are calling for a boycott - what I want to read are your views on their rationale.
They think it is a salvo they are firing at Pakistan who they blame for all their miseries -- did you understand this differently?
And what is your view on their rational for the boycott and why?
Of course I don't wish for a collapse of the Afghan economy, it would only exacerbate the misery of the Afghan people. But short of war this is the most humane option to force the Afghans to rethink their options.

Well times are changing -- Pakistan is already building land barriers -- China could build the great wall hundreds of years ago -- I'm sure the Afghan border is to a large part sealable -- much like the India Pakistan border.

And Anti-Pakistan Afghanistan is not an option for Pakistan. When there was chaos in Afghanistan in the 1980s Pakistan was stable and peaceful.

What Pakistan needs is an internal security policy -- we keep spending on the Army but not an internal security force.

I think Pakistan can have an Afghanistan that is like Bhutan is to India. Pakistan should aim for nothing less.

Problem is the terrain and landscape even the LoC in Kashmir the militants can get through in winter when the fence gets damaged due to the weather conditions.

Walls and fencing are expensive and not a long term solution, instead peace talks and a joint counter terrorist force is a better approach.
That's for Afghans to sort out.. Probably China can step in.. My limited point is that if Afghans indeed decide to look elsewhere, they will have options.

Are we forcing afghan to buy our shit?:lol: China is already there and actually supporting Pakistans position.. The Iranians are also hated by afghans... I'm sure China would love these guys to smuggle their stuff... They don't border afghanistan though..
What does quantitative marketing have to do with providing a platform for a handful of tweets promoting anti-Pakistan propaganda.

You don't get it do you :-(

Look I work in this field, social media reach, impact, influence is part of quantitative marketing. Beyond that I don't want to say without given my cover away.

Now if you don't know anything about this field I really can't educate you from the start. I'm sorry I just don't have the time or fortitude.

Given the reach and popularity of this site, you have provided more visibility to a fringe view that damages Pakistan's interests.

How? my goal is to raise the awareness of Pakistanis about what Afghans think of us -- that they are not our Bhai/Bhais

What you are doing is providing publicity and a platform to anti-Pakistan propaganda.

I know why these nutjobs are calling for a boycott - what I want to read are your views on their rationale.

And what is your view on their rational for the boycott and why?

I just stated -- here again:

They, the Afghans think it is a salvo they are firing at Pakistanis who they blame for all their miseries

-- did you understand this differently?
I doubt 90% of Afghans could even spell boycott! when you are poor you can not pick what you like to buy unless you a rich corrupt crony of Karzai.
I doubt 90% of Afghans could even spell boycott! when you are poor you can not pick what you like to buy unless you a rich corrupt crony of Karzai.

I agree, in practice I doubt it that they can afford to do this -- but it useful to rally Pakistanis around this point.

We're talking about intent -- not effect.
I agree, in practice I doubt it that they can afford to do this -- but it useful to rally Pakistanis around this point.

We're talking about intent -- not effect.

Most Afghan's just want a better life and a better country which is free from conflict. I know so many Afghan's in UK and they are warm kind people but the country has seen war for over 20 years now. The Karzai govt must take much blame from the corruption as who wins from that? None other than the Taliban who the people turn to when they know the elite live in palaces in Kabul while they suffer without basic necessities.
Most Afghan's just want a better life and a better country which is free from conflict I know so many Afghan's in UK and they are warm kind people but the country has seen war for over 20 years now. The Karzai govt must take much blame from the corruption as who wins from that? None other than the Taliban who the people turn to when they know the elite live in palaces in Kabul while they suffer without basic necessities.

Ask the same Afghans:
Would they accept an safe and peaceful Afghanistan under Pakistani hegemony -- they will say no
Ask the same Afghans:
Would they accept an safe and peaceful Afghanistan under Pakistani hegemony -- they will say no

Everyone wants to be ruled by their own people and system, they are no different.

I met Karzai many years ago in Finchley where he used to live before 9/11 etc and he seemed a honourable, educated man whom I had much respect for but perhaps it was his circle around him or he turned a blind eye. Whatever the reason his govt made some African countries look like Switzerland!
You don't get it do you :-(

Look I work in this field, social media reach, impact, influence is part of quantitative marketing. Beyond that I don't want to say without given my cover away.
Hiding behind cloak and dagger excuses is typically a good sign that BS is being peddled. No one asked you for your resume and job title.
Now if you don't know anything about this field I really can't educate you from the start. I'm sorry I just don't have the time or fortitude.
Don't use an excuse you can't expound upon or justify next time then. At the moment your 'quantitative marketing BS' is just that, BS. You're providing a platform for fringe anti-Pakistan views.
How? my goal is to raise the awareness of Pakistanis about what Afghans think of us -- that they are not our Bhai/Bhais
Right, by using a completely unrepresentative sample of tweets by some journalists and providing greater coverage to a Twitter 'campaign' that undermines Pakistani interests.
I just stated -- here again:

They, the Afghans think it is a salvo they are firing at Pakistanis who they blame for all their miseries

-- did you understand this differently?
What 'miseries' are the Afghans blaming us for, and what do you think of that blame and why?
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