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Molana Tariq Jameel Adress to PAF on C130.

Tableegi jamat is not a sect. They are not preaching hate. They are preaching values common in all sects of islam. They are most tolerant people. They are preaching peace and good moral attributes. What is wrong in that?I know these people very well. They don't have any personal agenda or hate against any sect or religion. They are most sympathetic to non muslim. They pray for muslims andnon muslims alike.
I can't comment on what he was doing there and his intentions? Why did he do that? What was PAF's intentions? Lets generalise; Imam Abu Hanifa (rahim'Allah) said, if you find an alim at the gates of the ruler accuse him in his deen''!

Now, we have ''ulima on the gorment payroll''! We see ulima taking rides in gorment cars and now planes. They have sold their deen for money. No wonder people have a such a bad view of ''Ulima''; it's because of their hypocrisy.[/

Hazrat imam abu hanifa rahim'Allah quote is for pple like Tahir Ashrafi ! I am sure u have not listen to any bayan of Molana Tariq Jameel
Tableegi jamat is not a sect. They are not preaching hate. They are preaching values common in all sects of islam. They are most tolerant people. They are preaching peace and good moral attributes. What is wrong in that?I know these people very well. They don't have any personal agenda or hate against any sect or religion. They are most sympathetic to non muslim. They pray for muslims andnon muslims alike.

Ask them about Barelvi People .. :haha: :haha:

They'll answer ( Biddati , Biddati )
Are there not chaplain like positions in the armed forces?
Can someone tell me why the state gives official sanction to one sect over another? Are all PAF members tableeghis? Did the personnel who took part in this did so due to their own desires or was it official proceedings that you can't opt out of?

Don't want to start a fight..
Tableeghi's don't propagate any particular sect.
In armd forces learned people from all over the society are invited as guest speakers in school of instructions for talk on their subject like religion, economics, social sciences, national and international affairs . However other than training institutions this practice is not followed.

Many many many are already doing it. In all armed forces their are thousands who on holidays go with Tableeghi Jamat for Tableegh. In fact one of the DG ISI Lt General Nasir was with Tableeghi Jamat in a mosque doing tableegh when he was called and told he is new DG ISI.
But this can not be appreciated. However listening to learned people belonging to any field is definitely very useful.
Tableeghi's don't propagate any particular sect.
In armd forces learned people from all over the society are invited as guest speakers in school of instructions for talk on their subject like religion, economics, social sciences, national and international affairs . However other than training institutions this practice is not followed.

I have no enmity with the Tableeghis, my apprehension is based on something totally different. That is, Pakistan is a very diverse country with diverse religious thoughts, and that is aptly represented in the armed forces as well. I have no problem with this gentleman being invited, but for the purpose of equality, representatives from other religious thoughts should also be invited to give lectures, as there are a large number of Shias, Ahmadis, Christians etc in the army. Would it even be conceivable if someone advised bringing in religious scholars of the respective mentioned religious thoughts and giving personnel lectures? I am 100% sure there would be opposition to such an endeavor.

So either invite all religious scholars or invite none. Otherwise it does look like there is an element of favoritism. As for Maulana sahib, I have heard his bayans and I would like to clarify that I respect him as an eminent scholar.
Nothing to be surprised here, move along. The slow decline of Pak Army as a neutral force is finished if it is giving more importance to certain Molvi sahiban over the other.

The state, Armed forces and bureaucracy should be free from religion, it keeps the Establishment neutral towards all citizens of Pakistan but that has been slowly changing.
Can someone tell me why the state gives official sanction to one sect over another? Are all PAF members tableeghis? Did the personnel who took part in this did so due to their own desires or was it official proceedings that you can't opt out of?

Don't want to start a fight..

1. First of all Tableghis are not a SECT
2. Armed forces are consisted of almost all sects.
3. My personal take on this is that an entire institution should not be and cannot subjected to any kind of such activity
4. Zaravan is paranoid to an extent that he used a very negative word FUN for actual word joke or lighter note
5. It is possible that he is invited to address some programme arranged or a lecture in connection with some particular religious event like Milad/Rabiul awal etc tec
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1. First of all Tableghis are not a SECT
2. Armed forced are consisted of almost all sects.
3. My personal take on this is that an entire institution should not be and cannot subjected to any kind of such activity
4. Zaravan is paranoid to an extent that he used a very negative word FUN for actual word joke or lighter note
5. It is possible that he is invited to address some programme arranged or a lecture in connection with some particular religious event like Milad/Rabiul awal etc tec

I agree with everything except one, The tableeghis themselves are not a sect but their intelligentsia and following is mostly restricted to one sect.
I have no enmity with the Tableeghis, my apprehension is based on something totally different. That is, Pakistan is a very diverse country with diverse religious thoughts, and that is aptly represented in the armed forces as well. I have no problem with this gentleman being invited, but for the purpose of equality, representatives from other religious thoughts should also be invited to give lectures, as there are a large number of Shias, Ahmadis, Christians etc in the army. Would it even be conceivable if someone advised bringing in religious scholars of the respective mentioned religious thoughts and giving personnel lectures? I am 100% sure there would be opposition to such an endeavor.

So either invite all religious scholars or invite none. Otherwise it does look like there is an element of favoritism. As for Maulana sahib, I have heard his bayans and I would like to clarify that I respect him as an eminent scholar.
Its not only him, others are also invited, he since been very popular on social media has got more projection. This is a routine and people with very diverse (less politicians) opinions are invited to express their thoughts that too in academic environment as I have already mentioned.

find me any other tableeghi who is not from Deoband ..

by the way .. i too follow Deoband school of thought ..
Just look around you will find many and secondly they don't promote sect. Religious teachers in armed forces belong to breli and deoband school of thoughts but there is absolutely no issue. Everyone one offers prayers in same mosque. I believe there is no issue as such and may not be discussed.

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