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Top ten military powers?

Since i thanked him I will explain why i agree with the statement he made..first of all there is no doubt that no army can match US in a conventional warfare..They were the trend setter in military technology and futuristic warfare..we all just shamelessly follow it..Just look at how they implement RMA in warfares..if you look at the conventional warfare US fought you can see there death toll seems to decreasing..[I am not saying about the attacks after they defeated Iraq or Afghanistan] ...Every army has learning from what US did in Iraq and Afghan war..As for India we are introducing network centric warfare currently after how US sucessfully did it in Iraq and Afgan war...

I am not commenting about Pakistan military because i dont have much knowledge about it..but as for Indian army just look at the current situations of common soldiers?how much protection are we given to them compare with US soldiers?Many of the soldiers dont even have a knee pad to protect his knees...I am sure that our soldiers courage are second to none ..but courage cannot stop bullets

And as for what US and Nato has achived, I totally agreed with Cisco guy about his statements that it helped considering the facts that bases of operations of Al-Queda has severly hit and they are on the run..Just look at how many bombings they had done ranging from US to African nations before the US attack on Afghan and now look at the situation...The bombings had significant shortfall ..

Hope you get my point

Thanks for your clarification, but its just to defend your own view point, the rest of the view point described in that thanked post was pathetic.

A thank means to the whole post, not a part of it.

And US has not yet faced an adversary of its own size, the day they do then we will know how much superior they are.

And knee & elbow pads are not as important as other personal equipment. Armies have fought without them for centuries and delivered.

And the hi-tech equipment the US armed personnel have, no doubt no one else has, but with such equipment their performance has been very very unsatisfactory in the last 8 years.

Anyway, leave it as this is out of topic.
Would someone please explain why they put India over the UK? UK have far more advanced technology, higher ecconomy, higher spending, best trained men(Though this does not mean Indians are not well trained). I could understand if it were just Numbers and I hope we never go to war as I am unsure if we would win.
Would someone please explain why they put India over the UK? UK have far more advanced technology, higher ecconomy, higher spending, best trained men(Though this does not mean Indians are not well trained). I could understand if it were just Numbers and I hope we never go to war as I am unsure if we would win.

ok UK ahead of India happy??Chill mate its peoples personal choice na..some guy even put maldives ahead of India ;-) dont worry..rating dont count in battle field :cheers:
I know I saw that. I was just wondering why people put them ahead that was all. I love India though and am moving there latter this year. :D
I have revised my list.

2. China
3. Russia
4. UK
5. France

6. Germany
7. Turkey
8. India
9. Brazil
10. Italy

With Nuclear bombs, Big 5 are always Big 5

But without Nuclear bombs,

USA > Russia >> China > India > France > UK ~ Germany ~ Japan ~ South Korea > Brazil > Pakistan > Turkey
I totally disagree. UK are far stronger than India. Have a larger Navy and Airforce than France and without Nukes Turkey is more powerful than Pakistan.
I totally disagree. UK are far stronger than India. Have a larger Navy and Airforce than France and without Nukes Turkey is more powerful than Pakistan.

In term of raw power, we need also to look at size instead of just technology. UK, France and Germany definitely is more advance than India. Even if a war if fought in Indian Ocean, I would bet that these European countries can beat India in a air or naval war. However, none of these countries can invade India as its much bigger.
I agree. However India could not invade UK and France due to their naval power. I am not so sure about Germany. Though India can not project their power to Europe while the UK have the second highest Power Projection after the USA.
With Nuclear bombs, Big 5 are always Big 5

But without Nuclear bombs,

USA > Russia >> China > India > France > UK ~ Germany ~ Japan ~ South Korea > Brazil > Pakistan > Turkey

And why do you think India are more powerful than UK? Uk has everything better and richer. Plus a larger Navy and Airforce than France.
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And why do you think India are more powerful than UK? Uk has everything better and richer. Plus a larger Navy and Airforce than France.



With Nuclear bombs, Big 5 are always Big 5

But without Nuclear bombs,

USA > Russia >> China > India > France > UK ~ Germany ~ Japan ~ South Korea > Brazil > Pakistan > Turkey

you couldn't ignore israel that rumored to have nuclear bombs, the german military is quite small, i would have put both pakistan and is israel ahead of germany, even by far.
Britain is falling!

Britain can win over Argentina, but no way over China or India!

Briton must face reality!

Please see how amny death toll of UK Army in Iraq and Afghanistan!

176 I am not 100%. However India are not as powerful as the UK how can you come to that conclusion. All India have over UK is numbers and nothing else. UK spend more on defence, Higher Economy, More Advanced Ships, Planes and Tanks, Second Highest spender on Military Tech after USA, One of only two nations building Aircraft Cariers, Best trained men in the world, Blue Water Navy. UK would win in a war vs India but not China, well not without NATO assistance.
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200 I am not 100%. However India are not as powerful as the UK how can you come to that conclusion. All India have over UK is numbers and nothing else. UK spend more on defence, Higher Economy, More Advanced Ships, Planes and Tanks, Second Highest spender on Military Tech after USA, One of only two nations building Aircraft Cariers, Best trained men in the world, Blue Water Navy. UK would win in a war vs India but not China, well not without NATO assistance.

Actually we are building one too :)..but not that big as urs and also France and Italy also have indigenous carriers along with Russia

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