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Christian Father Commits Suicide After ISIS Members Rape Wife and Daughter

Why is there no protest against ISIS in Muslim countries? Are they supporting ISIS or they simply don't care? Its okay to kill, rape and persecute minorities but if France bans Burka idiots sitting thousands of miles in Pakistan gets sore butt? What kind of hypocrisy is this?

Pakistan army is cleaning the same style ISIS people in Waziristan. Let them get free of them. They are not soring butts. If you are so concerned about Pakistan, then should come up here and work with army to clean it. Or if you say so much, then you should give your statement over television live about ISIS or france or put a case on them. But as a Pakistan in other country, they just treat all sore butts there. ;) ..
forget hafiz i want to know what the us and europe is doing , they shoyld cleen after their own sh*t
Pakistan army is cleaning the same style ISIS people in Waziristan. Let them get free of them. They are not soring butts. If you are so concerned about Pakistan, then should come up here and work with army to clean it. Or if you say so much, then you should give your statement over television live about ISIS or france or put a case on them. But as a Pakistan in other country, they just treat all sore butts there. ;) ..

So do yo guys plan on protesting against ISIS or not? Or you guys only protest, loot shops and give death threats if your version of Islam is under threat?
Forget London. We want to know what General Hafiz Saeed has to say on this? Why the deafening silence? Does he concur with what the ISIS is doing?

He talks of Hindu infidels. What does he think of the inhuman actions of the ISIS? That would be interesting to know.

Never mind Hafiz Saeed there is something else going on in Pakistan. Where are all the militants gone? looks like Pak Army is killing the porters and male concubines left behind by Taliban. Have the Taliban been reassigned in Syria and Iraq?
I can't find any reliable news source for this article, most of them are conspiracy forums or right wing Christian websites.

Although I doubt the credibility of such articles taken from shitty sites .. Still these isis mofos should be exterminated.
Someone bomb the shit outta these sons of bitches!!

The only one who can do that is USA. Kurdish forces are running around with 1950s Soviet weapons. Iraqi Army is still finding it hard to regroup. The only other factors are Shiite militants. Which I believe should only stick to self defence, as some extremists will use their fighting to recruit more brain dead wahabi extremists from all over the world.
Where are the thousands of 'true Islam' followers protesting against ISIS now? I must have missed them because they sure seem to be found a dime a dozen when France bans burkas or Rohingyas are driven out ?
Never mind Hafiz Saeed there is something else going on in Pakistan. Where are all the militants gone? looks like Pak Army is killing the porters and male concubines left behind by Taliban. Have the Taliban been reassigned in Syria and Iraq?
Good question! Have the TTP and some other terror organizations run away due to PA pressure in the AfPak region and joined the ISIS instead?
Good question! Have the TTP and some other terror organizations run away due to PA pressure in the AfPak region and joined the ISIS instead?

Couple of weeks ago I did watch a video posted by Syrian Army showing Afghan and Pakistani prisoners, they said they were well trained in gorilla warfare. Unfortunately I can't put the video here as it is quite graphical. So yeah, it could be possible that many have chosen to go to Syria and Iraq instead of staying in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Where are the thousands of 'true Islam' followers protesting against ISIS now? I must have missed them because they sure seem to be found a dime a dozen when France bans burkas or Rohingyas are driven out ?

The same place where self righteous indian Hindus are when similar attrocities are committed in Kashmir and gaza ...
I think if every single faction/ country and race can agree on one thing its that IS needs to be completely destroyed. Its the crazier version of Taliban.
Couple of weeks ago I did watch a video posted by Syrian Army showing Afghan and Pakistani prisoners, they said they were well trained in gorilla warfare. Unfortunately I can't put the video here as it is quite graphical. So yeah, it could be possible that many have chosen to go to Syria and Iraq instead of staying in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Were they dead or what?
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