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Christian Father Commits Suicide After ISIS Members Rape Wife and Daughter

Even though I hate ISIS. This is a lie, don't trust much from Assyrian news agency they make things up left and right.

Locals in cities with ISIS presence are the ones saying this to people living elsewhere in the country so it's probably true that this happens.
Can you imagine the trauma that guy must have gone thru..... I feel sorry for him...

If things like this happens frequently i wont be surprised if i become an atheist.... If there is a god (forget the name or religion) then why is he allowing something like this, that too in his name....
They all end up getting blown to pieces. The worst awaits them on judgement day. If someone like Khalid Bin Waleed was alive these rats would have been killed without mercy. This is not Jihad. This is simple looting, raping and war crimes.
No wonder why they say that we are are living in hell,were a few thousand rule over million's. And these mofo's say they have setup a ''Caliphate'' whose caliph has no obejction allowing such atrocities,that son of gun should be shot in the rear for saying that. These idiots are more like pawn of west & east(M),the one affected are the innocents.
bastards ... such a barbaric act from ISIS. .. why Pak members protest against ISIS. .. like they respond against Israel. ..
Disgusting, I declare these ISIS as non Muslim apostates who should burn in hell.
Can you imagine the trauma that guy must have gone thru..... I feel sorry for him...

If things like this happens frequently i wont be surprised if i become an atheist.... If there is a god (forget the name or religion) then why is he allowing something like this, that too in his name....

Wars, rapes, all that stuff has been going on since ages...even during the times of "Gods"...Atheism world would be 100 times better than a religious one.
I don't have faith in Iraqi army after how 30,000 of them performed against 800 ISIS fighters about more than a month ago. The Kurds could only manage to hold their own territory. Pakistan and Turkey are really the only two Muslim Armies that have effectively dealt with insurgencies..

I agree, not to mention the long-term side effects of arming fighters to deal with ISIS (I'm not saying the Kurds are terrorists or anything, but just look at Afghanistan.)

Whatever this ISIS is doing, either all these reports are lies or ISIS has no right to call itself "Islamic".
Yes, Jizya does exist in Islam, but rape is completely forbidden and has a death penalty. So either ISIS should execute their rapist soldiers or stop calling itself Islamic.
Requiem In Pacem !

Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Kyrie eleison.
I have no doubt those bastards will pay for it in their lifetime but I am so sad that the damage could not be reversed :-(
I have no doubt those bastards will pay for it in their lifetime but I am so sad that the damage could not be reversed :-(
Some mass graves are needed for these bastards and their supporters. We must fight these terrorists with 100 times more terror so that their future generation will never think of such crime.
we commit atrocities on foreign funded terrorists,who cross the border and come here.So therefore no remorse and no sympathy caus we don't have the concept of good terrorist and bad terrorist ;)

Mukti bhaini,LTTE,BLA even Nepal claims india supported n trained Maoists against them ... So please shut up.. They even say we incited you Sikhs ..even though Bhinderwal was a congress puppet.

Now do t bring in Kashmir ... It has been like 7 decades and there is an insurgency n the Kashmiris rejecting indian identity..

Ok. Only this much you will say ?

Now let me say : Those bastards must be killed and their family members should be eradicated from the surface of the earths .
why their families?? their families could be completely against everything they doing.
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