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First Project-15B Bangalore-class DDG hull : satellite pics

You do know the pace at which these folks are progressing in each field we need to make piece with them as soon as we can to take advantage of their economic might by enhancing trade & investment btw both nations.

As @Dillinger said,peace has got its own price brother.To make peace,you have to keep a big danda ready in your hands too.......just in case!!Otherwise you will end up having tasted another 62,especially when dealing with an entity as pragmatic and as cunning as the Chinese.You want that to happen again bro??

All I was saying that I'm an avid trekking fanatic and I've been to the frontier regions of both Sikkim and AP multiple times.You should visit those places and see for yourself the kind of static defences have come online.I feel that they deliberately left the transportation infrastructures under-developed till the necessary defensive fortifications were complete.Because getting the roads and rail links ready before completing the defensive strong points would've been a suicide.
As @Dillinger said,peace has got its own price brother.To make peace,you have to keep a big danda ready in your hands too.......just in case!!Otherwise you will end up having tasted another 62,especially when dealing with an entity as pragmatic and as cunning as the Chinese.You want that to happen again bro??

All I was saying that I'm an avid trekking fanatic and I've been to the frontier regions of both Sikkim and AP multiple times.You should visit those places and see for yourself the kind of static defences have come online.I feel that they deliberately left the transportation infrastructures under-developed till the necessary defensive fortifications were complete.Because getting the roads and rail links ready before completing the defensive strong points would've been a suicide.
We are not cunning people, you've got a hot head. Cool it.
As @Dillinger said,peace has got its own price brother.To make peace,you have to keep a big danda ready in your hands too.......just in case!!Otherwise you will end up having tasted another 62,especially when dealing with an entity as pragmatic and as cunning as the Chinese.You want that to happen again bro??

All I was saying that I'm an avid trekking fanatic and I've been to the frontier regions of both Sikkim and AP multiple times.You should visit those places and see for yourself the kind of static defences have come online.I feel that they deliberately left the transportation infrastructures under-developed till the necessary defensive fortifications were complete.Because getting the roads and rail links ready before completing the defensive strong points would've been a suicide.
Forgive me,I forgot to add while constantly Increasing our strength on border areas & about the AP & Sikkim thing can you post some pics & no that was due to Corruption not deliberately done
Forgive me,I forgot to add while constantly Increasing our strength on border areas & about the AP & Sikkim thing can you post some pics & no that was due to Corruption not deliberately done

Will do,once I get back home,I'm gonna need my desktop for that.But it's pretty much standard.You know.........first lines of sanghars,then lines concrete pillboxes inter-connected with dug in trenches.Besides,the hills opposite to and overlooking the highways are occupied with reinforced concrete bunkers,set into the mountain walls camouflaged,setting their crosshairs on the highway in case the forward defences are breached.That's the kind of preparations I had been talking about.

And no,it wasn't due to corruption mate.........it never was.As per available info in public domains,it was partly due to the lack of nerves of GoI,partly due to the hostile terrain and weather conditions and partly due to problems in getting clearance from environment and forest ministries.
Yes,the P 15A is quite an improvement over what we had before,there is no denying in that.But I didn't utter a single word on P 15A!!My complains are against the B models because I,as many other Indian members had expected it to sport more drastic improvements above the As.That's all.
Well, it is actually quite similar in approach to e.g. Type 22 batch 1, 2 and 3, or the various Flights of the Arleigh Burke. Changes do not necessarily have to be in the armament (or even visible from the outside) in order to be significant.
Well, it is actually quite similar in approach to e.g. Type 22 batch 1, 2 and 3, or the various Flights of the Arleigh Burke. Changes do not necessarily have to be in the armament (or even visible from the outside) in order to be significant.

Like??Could you please elaborate a bit farther??Thank you.
But bro I think the rear vls is 16 but forward is 32. The trench is quite wide! A tender delivered that recently 2013 end can't be a hoax, no PKS, AS, etc.... :woot:
That the outside measurements of that forward 'trench' seem to match with the contour around the 2x8 forward on P15A, but with no 'divider' in between (which you may only need at the decklevel where the VLU hatches are.

Barak 1 is better than S 125 of Rajput class.
They are apples and oranges. One is an anti-aircraft system dating back to the 1960s with a 35km range. The other is an anti-antiship missile / close in weapon system dating from the late 1980s with a 10km range.

Delhi class shtil 1 was 24 km but fairly good in AAW.
Can be compared to USN's SM1MR

I mean keep in mind, PN has SAMs only of upto 14 - 18 KM.
Again, a far smaller point defence missilel. You need to compare with SAMs on frigates of the IN > none in Nilgiri's, OSA in Godavari's, and Barak in Brahmaputra's.

The Rajput and Delhi class were designed with the PN as the primary enemy.
The Rajputs are a soviet design (Kashin class) and were designed with USN in mind. The Delhi's were to conceived to be similar to their Sovremenny;s[/quote]
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Bhai if only our Defense Ministry ordered at least 6 FREEM class frigates back in 2012 then we would have in our hands one of the most potent warships in the entire IOR region by now:smitten:.Plus the AAW capability of the FREMM class is excellent plus the French version can also carry 16 LACM Scalp missiles in addition to the 8 Exocet Block-III AshM.Plus the cost of a Fremm frigate is around $1 billion.So we could have easily procured 3-5 Fremm class to replace the obsolete Godavari class and perhaps the Brahmaputra class:D.What's your take in this matter??
Italian one at that: Rinascimento class
FREMM - Rinascimento class - multipurpose frigate

You have to hit below waterline. Even sea eagle can do that.

The BAe Sea Eagle is a medium weight sea-skimming anti-ship missiledesigned and built by BAe Dynamics (now MBDA). It is designed to sink or disable ships up to the size of aircraft carriers in the face of jammingand other countermeasures including decoys. Its users include the Royal Air Force and Royal Navy, the Royal Saudi Air Force, and the Indian Navy.

Yeah right, below the waterline. Stop verbal farting pls.
Only in length, about 2,5x. Not in deck area

For the 64 cell LR-SAM/SAM arrangement.

Like I had said, there is space for another 16 VLU even on the Bs.

Still feeling no love on the VSR though.

Thales Nederlands and TASL had "jointly" offered the SMART-L for the IN, seems like it was not taken up.

http://www.mazagondock.gov.in/newsite2010/pdfs/ots_jully14/Tender Doc 6000000437.pdf

The above tender is the latest one for the model of the P-15B, it includes 16 cells for the AShMs and 64 cells for the SAMs.

That means 64 LRSAM on the P 15B?

said probable armament of these ships P 800 (Not Confirmed as Bought) and Klub (YJ 18) missile.
For the 64 cell LR-SAM/SAM arrangement.

Like I had said, there is space for another 16 VLU even on the Bs.

Still feeling no love on the VSR though.

Thales Nederlands and TASL had "jointly" offered the SMART-L for the IN, seems like it was not taken up.

http://www.mazagondock.gov.in/newsite2010/pdfs/ots_jully14/Tender Doc 6000000437.pdf

The above tender is the latest one for the model of the P-15B, it includes 16 cells for the AShMs and 64 cells for the SAMs.

I was resonding to your reply to this question IF IT'S POSSIBLE TO FIT BARAK-8 VLS UNITS IN THE SLOTS OF 30MM GUNS INSTEAD OF PUTTING BARAK-1/MAITRI CELLS?. Yes, in terms of available deck area it should be possible but ... the VLU for Barak 8 is 2,5 that of Barak 1 in terms of height. And that is were a problem may lie.
I was resonding to your reply to this question IF IT'S POSSIBLE TO FIT BARAK-8 VLS UNITS IN THE SLOTS OF 30MM GUNS INSTEAD OF PUTTING BARAK-1/MAITRI CELLS?. Yes, in terms of available deck area it should be possible but ... the VLU for Barak 8 is 2,5 that of Barak 1 in terms of height. And that is were a problem may lie.

Oh I got that bit.

I am referring to the NEW MDL tender for fabricating a 1/100 scale model of the P-15B as per the designs MDL will provide.

It lists 16 cells for AShMs and 64 cells for SAMs.

I wanted you to go through it.
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