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PTI boycotting Geo and Jang: Imran Khan

Peaceful demonstration against rigging of 11th May 2013 and demands for electoral reforms.

As long as the demonstration is peaceful and electoral reforms are the result, I am okay with it.
Some inside info by najam sethi

Bottom line KPK govt is fcked PTI knows that it will be doomed in the next elections and thats why all this drama

a must watch

Imran Khan's party will be history in the next elections. He doesn't have the grassroot level support among Punjabis or Sindhis or any other group for that matter, like PMLN or PPP. IK's main supporters in Punjab or Sindh were the urban crowd. Now that the novelty factor has worn off and people have seen his antics wrt Taliban, he is not going to get a lot of votes from those people. I think even people of KPK won't elect him next time.
Imran Khan's party will be history in the next elections. He doesn't have the grassroot level support among Punjabis or Sindhis or any other group for that matter, like PMLN or PPP. IK's main supporters in Punjab or Sindh were the urban crowd. Now that the novelty factor has worn off and people have seen his antics wrt Taliban, he is not going to get a lot of votes from those people. I think even people of KPK won't elect him next time.

From Sindh he is off now PTI's popularity has significantly reduced , only support in some parts of Punjab burger bachay and most desi diapers from us / middleast / uk and canada support him.
From Sindh he is off now PTI's popularity has significantly reduced , only support in some parts of Punjab burger bachay and most desi diapers from us / middleast / uk and canada support him.

keep dreaming..................qatal qomi movement workers
These are all planted demonstrations instigated by the ISI illegally. It has no business meddling in internal affairs.
yes all protest is against a planted govt by CIA , which ISI & the peoples of pakistan not ready to accept at any cost?take this & STFU?

As long as the demonstration is peaceful and electoral reforms are the result, I am okay with it.
pakistan is not running with you are okay or not?
if majority thinks they need to do what then, its thier power, & thier will, your goddaammed okay, is just not needed?
same old same old the target killer sympathizer blaming all others but qatal qomi movement
sorry to intrup, both of you guys?
in todays pakistan, poor pakistanis, been killed for no reasons, they hve been cheated of thier mandate, they have bern made poor, they are job less, they have been stolen of their electricity, they have been made animals?
but you 2, been fighting just to prove your party goods?
its time to take on the , traitor mafia, the rulling mafia?
the fake mandate, which was planted by international establishment?
which is still, blackmailing your leaders?
come on & become one to save pakistan?
join PTI,S protest, not because its PTI,s protest, but because it will lead us to a better pakistan, rulled by better peoples?
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