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Afghan companies reach out to Gujarat for joint ventures

Ok good to know slum dog.
lol...even slums are so credible to win 8 oscars and actors to earn milllions......
what about pakistan.....did terrorist activities, electricity failure and other won u any thing......:azn::azn:
Can't handle spanking from a lone afghan? Coward calling for truce. Why don't u do that with Indians? Tab kya Teri aqal ghaas charney jaati hai?

Ull be always inferior to India. Enough said. Ahem need not be said it well understood for pipo with sane brains.

Btw nice joke on your profile pic. Reminds me radio pakistan nayi Dilli :rofl:
Stop fighting @Nuri Natt @Afghan-India both countries future prosperity is interlinked, anyway this is good because Gujrat has seen the most growth of any Indian state so Afghanistan is just looking for pointers no big deal.
We are not Bharat where in decade 180 million people are added. Pakistan population as of 2014 is 185 million. And GDP figures are real and latest.

lol do you actually know what is your average population growth.?

you add a pakistan every two decades, as for the 185 million show me proof of your census board, or your population board and not some manufactured figures like u do with your gdp, or social indicators.
lola which history book u read.....
pakistanis act as indians to save their face.....
lol....they feel ashamed of being called a pakistani abroad.....
want me to paste some videos and literature.......tell me if u want.....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Do it and let us watch him run away from this thread. Btw thanks to mods. I'm having feast hunting trolls. :D

Hahahahahaha. Pathological liers :rofl: intellectual prostitutes. :D
Ohhh u live in movies not in reality...:lol::lol:

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare :lol::lol:
Reuters) - Pakistani merchants and job seekers in the United States, still reeling from economic hardship since the September 11 attacks of 2001, are posing as Indians to avoid discrimination in the wake of the Times Square bomb attempt.

Once again, a man of Pakistani descent is at the center of a security story, leading to backlash against the Pakistani-American community.

Faisal Shahzad, 30, a naturalized American born in Pakistan, was arrested on Monday, two days after authorities say he parked a crude car bomb in New York's busy Times Square.

Suspected September 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and convicted 1993 World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef are also of Pakistani decent, and anti-American militants fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan take refuge in Pakistan.

In Brooklyn, home to one of the largest Pakistani populations in the United States, businessis scant at the various grocery, halal meat and sweet cake shops since a Pakistani-American was suspected in the Times Square plot. More than 100 businesses along Coney Island Avenue have closed due to a 30 percent drop in business since 2001, a merchants' association said.

In Washington, an American man of Pakistani descent told of coming under suspicion this week when he tried to buy garden fertilizer. The Times Square car bomb contained a non-explosive type of fertilizer.

While there have been no reported incidents since the failed car bomb attack last Saturday, some Pakistanis are bracing for reprisals. Police have increased foot patrols.

"A lot of Pakistanis can't get jobs after 9/11 and now it's even worse," said Asghar Choudhri, an accountant and chairman of Brooklyn's Pakistani American Merchant Association. "They are now pretending they are Indian so they can get a job."

India and Pakistan have fought three wars since independence from Britain in 1947, creating hostilities that ordinarily would lead a Pakistani to resent being mistaken for an Indian.

According to the latest U.S. census data, some 210,410 people of Pakistani origin reside in the United States. Nearly 15,000 Pakistanis received U.S. immigrant visas last year.

"I want to make clear that we will not tolerate any bias or backlash against Pakistani or Muslim New Yorkers," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said this week, noting there are always "a few bad apples."

New York is "the city where you can practice your religion and say what you want to say and be in charge of your own destiny and we're going to keep it that way," Bloomberg said.


In Washington, an American of Pakistani heritage who would only be identified as Farhan, said a manager of a suburban home-improvement store prevented him from buying two bags of fertilizer for his family's lawn on Tuesday.

Farhan, who was born in northern Virginia, said police arrived soon after, investigated and allowed him to buy the fertilizer.

"What kind of a country are we living in when a 22-year-old male can't buy fertilizer?" Farhan asked. "I'm American. I'm not Pakistani."

Farhan said the store had subsequently apologized and the case appeared to be one of an overzealous manager rather than store policy.

Merchants in New York, many of whom declined to be named, still remember reprisals after September 11. Soon after the attacks, there was a drive-by shooting in Brooklyn at a Pakistani restaurant, which is now closed.

The local merchants association has shrunk to 150 members, from about 250 merchants almost a decade ago.

The FBI also arrested many undocumented workers in the neighborhood, leading to a wave of deportations, and residents would call law enforcement to make claims against their neighbors, including many false claims, Choudhri said.

"After 9/11, we took much pain," he said. "After that, a small beating is nothing. Now the Pakistanis are not so much scared but we are ashamed. We are embarrassed that the name of Pakistan came up."

Pakistanis pose as Indians after NY bomb scare| Reuters
Do it and let us watch him run away from this thread. Btw thanks to mods. I'm having feast hunting trolls. :D

Hahahahahaha. Pathological liers :rofl: intellectual prostitutes. :D

lol..watch this ...what there own news channel has to say....:D:D

lol...u people are always first to laugh on other and then...the beat u in same game.......
look at BD now....once part of ur own country and is much smaller ..and is a vibrant economy.......soon, they will beat u and will move ahead and u will remain in the same place laughing......

and I wish Afghanistan do the same and I am assured afghanistan will become a bigger economy then pakistan in next 20-25 years......:agree:
lol kid we r in a state of war.......and what r u bragging yr economy just got better then us in 2000s only. Before that we never let u touch us.

Terrorist alert o_O
Easy because I have met Indians around here as well when one says they are from so and so they usually say where from and considering most of the time Pakistanis go to same mosques we know who is who so we would know if some Pakistani said he was Indian.

LOL you endians are so desperate, you say Pakistanis call themselves Indian in nyc but I am in NYC myself so I would no better since I actually live here. It is like me trying to tell Indians how things work in Delhi LOL.

So you have a monitor that lets you into the interactions of every Pakistani in NYC with their customers or other Americans is it?

I live in NYC and personally have never met any Pakistani that has faked being Indian either...but that doesnt mean that the odd pakistani living in an ignorant part of the country might not have called themselves Indian to escape scrutiny or avoid an unnecessary confrontation...
It is also a fact that Indians as a minority group are the richest, most educated and business savvy community in the US....FACT!

lol...even slums are so credible to win 8 oscars and actors to earn milllions......
what about pakistan.....did terrorist activities, electricity failure and other won u any thing......:azn::azn:

actually my pakistani friends oldest sister won an oscar for best documentary on the cause of acid attack victims...It was exceptional...Ms. Obaid Chinoy is a talented and dedicated journalist...kudos to her..
lol kid we r in a state of war.......and what r u bragging yr economy just got better then us in 2000s only. Before that we never let u touch us.
So ure a dead terrorist? Lol just out of ur kabr to show middle fingie :D

lol kid we r in a state of war.......and what r u bragging yr economy just got better then us in 2000s only. Before that we never let u touch us.

That didn't stop us from keeping 93000 of soldiers hostage. You have no shame do you?
So you have a monitor that lets you into the interactions of every Pakistani in NYC with their customers or other Americans is it?

I live in NYC and personally have never met any Pakistani that has faked being Indian either...but that doesnt mean that the odd pakistani living in an ignorant part of the country might not have called themselves Indian to escape scrutiny or avoid an unnecessary confrontation...
It is also a fact that Indians as a minority group are the richest, most educated and business savvy community in the US....FACT!

Well what you said might not be a lie either. But the news that one guy from your fellow Indian has posted is 4 years old and was after the times square incident. It is time Indians should stop blabbering about 4 years old news articles. They have gone past their useful life don't have any reasonable meaning.

Indians only look imbeciles when they brag about a 4 years old news.
That didn't stop us from keeping 93000 of soldiers hostage. You have no shame do you?
That was a mistake from our side. Next time no pows (like Umair's uncle xutia zaid zandu hamal once said)

Well what you said might not be a lie either. But the news that one guy from your fellow Indian has posted is 4 years old and was after the times square incident. It is time Indians should stop blabbering about 4 years old news articles. They have gone past their useful life don't have any reasonable meaning.

Indians only look imbeciles when they brag about a 4 years old news.
At least u accept the FACT that some losers posed as Indians. Born losers.
Well what you said might not be a lie either. But the news that one guy from your fellow Indian has posted is 4 years old and was after the times square incident. It is time Indians should stop blabbering about 4 years old news articles. They have gone past their useful life don't have any reasonable meaning.

Indians only look imbeciles when they brag about a 4 years old news.

Dear Areesh, Every action has an equal and opposite reaction....

We can play the chicken and egg game for eternity....the trend of shoving things in each others face (indians and Pakistanis) with news that happens as a one off incidence or a long while back is not gonna stop...both communities are to blame..

i mean hell...how many times have I seen the Indian man marrying a dog vide....not enough toes and fingers to count..
You dont think Pakistanis look like imbeciles when they do that? If you want change...start from within...
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