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Pakistan conducts successful test launches of 4 x Nasr missiles 05 Nov, 2013

I hate to break it to you, but a short ranged nuke is still counted as a tactical device in most parts of the world . And India's clarified response is one of massive retaliation, a disproportionate response resulting in "unacceptable damage" to the aggressor. We goaded Pakistan into attacking us in the war for Bangladesh and then we raped them into submission with the complete support of the world.

Mind games are nothing new to us Indians.
when did I say that a short range nuke or tactical nuke or TNW tactical nuclear weapon is not a nuke in the fist place?, all I said was that Pakistan's main stockpile is that of Strategical nukes & not of tactical nukes & Pakistan's nuclear weapons program is much more then NASR, just like India's nuclear program is much more then NIRBHAY, so whats there to hate or break in what I wrote
now what has operation chengis khan or for that matter the diplomacy regarding the 1971 conflict has to do with the topic @ hand ?
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So this test is significant because it launched 4 missiles?

What is shoot and scoot attribute suppose to be?

Gaddi Chalao ... Bhaag Jao... that's what shoot and scoot refers to 
And you think Pakistan will sit idle and not make mushroom clouds over India ?? We have more aggressive nuclear policy then what you guys have come up.

So don't worry, it will be a MAD scenario. 

hahahahahahahaha, i love how Indian reply us in their usual threatening tone.

The so called classified and non classified cruise missiles :bounce: :lol:

Dont know much about tone... but you seem to contradicting yourself... ...
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Well I am still waiting for an answer for a good reason to endanger whole Indian population because a couple of invading CBG/Armored Brigade have been nuked somewhere and the usual response to this of " because our doctrine says so " isn't good enough or making sense , simply put it isn't practical . Feel free to prove otherwise .

The premise of "massive retaliation to inflict unacceptable damage", refers to complete neutralization of pakistans all offensive capabilities(given the size of pakistan), hence neutralization of all threats to Indian population centers.

Counter question would be why would pakistan risk it's existence by launching nuclear strikes on "couple of IBG's"??? just because your doctrine say's so doesn't seem practical.

Then why back out from attacking Pakistan , three or counting Kargil four times in a row ? Forgot how to play those old mind games or the deterrence today is simply too great ?

the answer is freaking obvious and it is sad that you guys cant see it. We Have No Territorial Aspirations, neither are we interested in fighting pakistan, it bring no gains to us.... We weren't interested if fighting in all those four occasions, and without your instigations there wouldn't have been any of these four occasions.
@AhaseebA Not surely as a gesture of goodwill , right? :D The point is that by slightly reducing the payload , the range can be increased and it can be done . The range of Shaheen 2 is clear as always that is 2000 km - 2500 km ( even Dr.Samar Mubarakmand confirms the latter figure ) so I still believe that Port Blair can be hit . Anyways that was for the simulations run for a project of ours .

It can, but it won't be done. There would be only a handful of Shaheen-IIs, which are only enough against deeper counter-value targets. For the increased reach, Shaheen-III is being developed. 
@Oscar how about you write up a comprehensive article on Pakistani perspective of the purpose of TNWs, which can end the debate among the serious members? Because this topic keeps coming up again and again and no conclusion is arrived upon.
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TNWs are considered as precursor to a strategic attack, thats why we call them 'The weapons of deterrence'.
Sir if we just simply want to use Nasar for attack I mean not nuclear one but simple deadly attack what material it can be fitted with ?
The premise of "massive retaliation to inflict unacceptable damage", refers to complete neutralization of pakistans all offensive capabilities(given the size of pakistan), hence neutralization of all threats to Indian population centers.

Unacceptable damage refers to a sort of population destruction, but it does not means that the offensive nuclear capability of the enemy will be destroyed too. Pakistan may still be able to return the favour in an unacceptable amount. The size of Pakistan does not matters...the hardened hideouts of TELs can survive a ~50kt blast from a couple hundred meters away.
Unacceptable damage refers to a sort of population destruction, but it does not means that the offensive nuclear capability of the enemy will be destroyed too. Pakistan may still be able to return the favour in an unacceptable amount. The size of Pakistan does not matters...the hardened hideouts of TELs can survive a ~50kt blast from a couple hundred meters away.
Our channels again proved how dumb they are when it comes to reporting defense related thing they were reporting This missile has the range of 800 KM @Aeronaut @nuclearpak @Oscar and others
Sir if we just simply want to use Nasar for attack I mean not nuclear one but simple deadly attack what material it can be fitted with ?

I believe it can be used for conventional attack, but i'd doubt the wisdom of doing so.
ISLAMABAD ( Agencies APP ): Pakistan test fired the short -range ground to ground missile Nasr which is belong to the Hatf series . According to ISPR Hatf- IX ( Nasr ) missile hit the target from 60 kilometers away and it can change the direction during flight and capable of carrying all kind of warheads .
This missile was fired from an advanced multi- tube launcher and it can change its position immediately after launching . This missile has change the the regional situation in Pakistan and its fully capable of handling risks . Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani , Lt Gen ( R) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai and other officials witnessed the Nasr missile test . Nasar has ability to change direction and position against the enemy defense systems to deceive them.


RSS Swami at his best.
i understand your frustation and anger towards india but there is hardli you could do anything about you tried to bleed us dry thru a 1000 cuts but lost half your population and nation for it , gilgit and balistan are "girvi" with china for 50 years and your "freind not master" is killing, humiliating your ghairat and killing soldiers& people in your own back yard while your "strategick assets"are blowing your people in cities , markets and hwat not at an unchekked and periodick intervells and your still thinkin of punishing india and making fun of us ...lage raho:rofl::rofl::chilli::taz::chilli::rofl::rofl:
Unacceptable damage refers to a sort of population destruction, but it does not means that the offensive nuclear capability of the enemy will be destroyed too. Pakistan may still be able to return the favour in an unacceptable amount. The size of Pakistan does not matters...the hardened hideouts of TELs can survive a ~50kt blast from a couple hundred meters away.

The intent will be to take out most of known hardened bunker sites, airfields, storage sites, command center, network centers, power distributions sites, and military installations, not population centers, we are not america, our engagement has never entailed attacking civilian populations, we havent done it in past and neither will we in future. 
I believe it can be used for conventional attack, but i'd doubt the wisdom of doing so.

It can, but it won't be done. There would be only a handful of Shaheen-IIs, which are only enough against deeper counter-value targets. For the increased reach, Shaheen-III is being developed. 
@Oscar how about you write up a comprehensive article on Pakistani perspective of the purpose of TNWs, which can end the debate among the serious members? Because this topic keeps coming up again and again and no conclusion is arrived upon.

TNW is a poker hand.... the entire strategy behind it is to see if india calls it, if it does then the threat is pakistan shows or folds....Pakistan will be much better off to go big send Ballistic nukes right in the heartland, then either India surrenders or retaliates,....

imo in case of TNW india retaliates with full force, in case of ballistic nuclear strike India still retaliates with full force, then might as well keep bluffing on TNW and instead use Ballistic Nule strike, atleast it leaves a remote scenario where India doesn't strike back and surrenders ..
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The premise of "massive retaliation to inflict unacceptable damage", refers to complete neutralization of pakistans all offensive capabilities(given the size of pakistan), hence neutralization of all threats to Indian population centers.

Counter question would be why would pakistan risk it's existence by launching nuclear strikes on "couple of IBG's"??? just because your doctrine say's so doesn't seem practical.

the answer is freaking obvious and it is sad that you guys cant see it. We Have No Territorial Aspirations, neither are we interested in fighting pakistan, it bring no gains to us.... We weren't interested if fighting in all those four occasions, and without your instigations there wouldn't have been any of these four occasions.
That is an ideal scenario . Unfortunately for you , Pakistan has addressed survivability of its nuclear arsenal in such a scenario and enhanced its 2nd strike capability with all terrain TEL's and more new nuclear storages whose location isn't known . If I were on PC , I would have provided you with a link from American think tank confirming that part . Hence , simply put , the neutralization of Pakistan's all offensive capabilities which can pose a threat to Indian population center isn't possible . Even " inflicting unacceptable damage " doesn't necessarily mean what you have said .

Well our doctrine doesn't say anything except that Islamabad will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons - both tactical and strategic to deter/destroy the adversary if any of its " not clearly defined " thresholds are crossed . Since it would have been crossed , when we launch a TNW , it wouldn't be risking anything further but rather hoping for deterring further military misadventure by the enemy or the " Samson Option " meaning if we do not exist , so shouldn't the enemy .

Even if I were to believe that , there are other things besides territorial ambitions which India may want to carry out , the Op.Brasstacks back in '89 was a plan for a fourth war with Pakistan as admitted by Indian General but called off after the nuclear threat by Islamabad . The Op.Parakram afterwards saw mobilization and subsequent backing off Indian troops who were again ready to invade Pakistan but went back , after the stakes became too high . After Mumbai attacks , New Delhi sufficed with mere warnings of punitive action but once again nothing materialized . Mate , you are now looking for morality in this business when there aren't any .
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ah!!!! not again guys - we have grown through this everytime we talk about TNW, it yield no result, just as we are going to get out of this nuclear war, because whatever left after that will always be plain.....

you guys seriously need to read on cold war era and the nuclear arm race,
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