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Indian research scholar at Oxford: Pakistan Army not involved in Bangladesh

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Forty years after the independence of Bangladesh, a new book on the conflict by an Indian author has sparked outrage among Bengalis around the world. Sarmila Bose, the US-born author of ”Dead Reckoning” claims, among other things, that the atrocities committed by Pakistani soldiers in Bangladesh were greatly exaggerated and that both sides committed crimes against humanity during the independence war.

The civil war – between what was the East Pakistan and West Pakistan – is believed to have caused up to 3-million deaths (a number Bose believes is wildly inflated). She writes that perspectives on the conflict “are still imprisoned by wartime partisan myths”.

She contends that “many Bengalis - supposed to be fighting for freedom and dignity - committed appalling atrocities. And many Pakistani army officers, carrying out a military action against a political rebellion, turned out to be fine men doing their best to fight an unconventional war within the conventions of warfare.”

Bose, of Bengali Hindu descent and a senior research fellow at Oxford University, claims the Pakistani army was “demonized” and blamed for “monstrous actions regardless of the evidence”, while Bengali people were portrayed as “victims”.

“This has led to a tendency to deny, minimize or justify violence and brutalities perpetrated by pro-liberation Bengalis,” she says, adding that Bangladesh is in a great state of denial over what really happened during the war.

Bangladeshi scholars are savagely criticizing Bose’s book and conclusions.
Naeem Mohaiemen, a New York-based writer, told the BBC that Bose is “pushing her conclusions to an extreme” by assuming that the Pakistan army used “only justified and temperate amounts of retaliatory force.”

Bose said she interviewed people throughout Bangladesh as well as former Pakistani officers and combed through official documents.

She alleges, among other things, that Bengali nationalists in Bangladesh attacked non-Bengalis in the country just prior to the war – including West Pakistanis and Biharis who had migrated eastward during partition in 1947.
Bose told BBC: “In the ethnic violence unleashed in the name of Bengali nationalism, non-Bengali men, women and children were slaughtered.
Non-Bengali victims of ethnic killings by Bengalis numbered hundreds or even thousands per incident... men, women and children were massacred on the basis of ethnicity and the killings were executed with shocking bestiality.”

In response, Mohaiemen told BBC: “She [Bose] also relies heavily on Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report, which was done by the post-1971 Pakistan government with the intention of white-washing the war.”
Source: The Nation (Pakistan)

TX Note: Dr Sarmila Bose is also founding Director of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ)

Read more: Indian research scholar at Oxford: Pakistan Army not involved in Bangladesh massacre | Terminal X
To OP,I can understand that you were happy as this article suits your propaganda well and there is nothing wrong in filling happy.But why did you post this in Indian Defence section when you have a separate Bangladesh section??!!
Anyways,the atrocities comitted by PA is true or not,the damage to the image of Pakistan is already done and now after so many years this book means nothing.
hmmmmm.... interesting but! you cant change peoples minds after decades of history written
desperately clutching at straws eh ? :lol:

It happens! This sarmila bose has been quoted god knows how many times by apologists of the massacres carried out in BD. this Terminal X blog is not the first to do so and will not be the last either. It happens each time the guilt-pangs erupt in a certain part of the world.
Forty years after the independence of Bangladesh, a new book on the conflict by an Indian author has sparked outrage among Bengalis around the world. Sarmila Bose, the US-born author of ”Dead Reckoning” claims, among other things, that the atrocities committed by Pakistani soldiers in Bangladesh were greatly exaggerated and that both sides committed crimes against humanity during the independence war.

Are you sure she is Indian..............She is a US born British...............
...apologists of the massacres carried out in BD. ...

There are apologists indeed.

1. Apologists for the "perceived" massacres in BD
2. Apologists for the "lies" of INdian media and Sh Mujeeb.

Take your pick. And it is obvious which side you are on.

Pakistani army made blunders in BD. Who can deny that.

The only issue at hand is to prosecute the "perpetrators".

Let's look at it.

so we are now in Jan 1972.

** 50,000 Pak army troops, 40,000 others from Pak are in Indian jails.
** Indira Gandhi is assembling a star team of lawyers and investigators to prosecute these SOBs whose crimes?

** They (Pakistanis) killed 3,000,000 Bengalis and raped 6,000,000 Bengali women.

Every Tom, Shunker, and Lallu knows about it.

Obviously it is an

** open and shut case.

** you got the perpetrators (those 90,000 Muslas from West)

** you got the 3 million killing and 6 million raping.

** you got the motive that Western Muslas wanted to teach a lesson to these hapless Bengalis.

** you got the star lawyers.

the only thing you need is a shred of evidence that proves the guilt of 90,000 Muslas.

the only little ittsy bittsy evidence is all you need.

And then 90% of these SOBs the generals the bureaucrats these damned Pakistanis will be hanging on the gallows.

So the star team of lawyers start compiling evidence upon evidence.

They do that for 12 damned months throughout 1972.

They look for evidence for 3,000,000 dead bodies in BD from Pak army ops starting in March 1971, ending in December 1971, period of 9 months.

They look for babies born to 6,000,000 million raped Bengali women tarting in March 1971, ending in December 1971, period of 9 months.


they can't find even a 0.1% of these numbers in BD.

No Pakistani looking kids to raped Bengali women.
No mass graves dug up by Pakistani buldozers. No nothing.

so unless Pakistanis used some star war weapon that made 3,000,000 murdered Bengalis to instantly evaporate,

or Pakistanis were firing blanks and not a single baby was born to 6,000,000 raped women.

To make the matters worse, these INdian investigators found that most of the killings and raping of Bengalis took place in the camps inside India.

When Indira saw all that, she must have said. "Baap ray baap: (meaning nehru ray nehru),

I am in a deep $hit. I cannot prosecute even one general for the war crimes.

So she had to let them go.

and you guys want to talk about apologists?

Sorry to be brutally honest. But we have to be. We are talking about million upon million killings and raping. This is no easy charge. So please don't be childish or queasy about question it.
3 Million Bangalis murdered by Pakistan Army-Claim of indians and Bangladeshis.

Meanwhile, of the 90,000 Pakistanis who surrendered to india in then East Pakistan, only about 40,000-50,000 were Pakistan Army soldiers. Rest were gov.t officials, doctors, and maintenance crews, etc. In other words, non-combatants.

How does such a small army manage to kill this many people?

Any expert, correct me if i'm wrong.
3 Million Bangalis murdered by Pakistan Army-Claim of indians and Bangladeshis.

Meanwhile, of the 90,000 Pakistanis who surrendered to india in then East Pakistan, only about 40,000-50,000 were Pakistan Army soldiers. Rest were gov.t officials, doctors, and maintenance crews, etc. In other words, non-combatants.

How does such a small army manage to kill this many people?

Any expert, correct me if i'm wrong.

The massacre started from late 1950s .. 20 years was a good time to get the million kills !
The massacre started from late 1950s .. 20 years was a good time to get the million kills !

Chalo ji.

You just dropped your donkey in the well (poor shepherd pushed his own sheep in the well)

Even Sh. Mujeeb didn't dare to expand his lies of massacres all the way back to 1950 or even back to the time of Bhuddah.

But you Sir take the cake of a huge joke.


We say "khawajah ka gawah Daddu" (Abduallah ke shaadi main Bihari-Lullu dewana).


Chalo ji.

You just dropped your donkey in the well (poor shepherd pushed his own sheep in the well)

Even Sh. Mujeeb didn't dare to expand his lies of massacres all the way back to 1950 or even back to the time of Bhuddah.

But you Sir take the cake of a huge joke.


We say "khawajah ka gawah Daddu" (Abduallah ke shaadi main Bihari-Lullu dewana).



hahha... u just showed that u are an emotional kid ! First u dont believe Mujib's values about rapes in BD but take his words when it suits your ends :wave:
EVeryone even Bangladeshis know those numbers are distorted. If they have a decent education of course. The truth is the number was wrongly broadcast and then the Bangladeshis went along with it because it helped their freedom aspirations. By the time it came to actually test those numbers the myth had already become a "reality" for most and so they could not revise the figures. No Pakistani denies the Bangladeshis were wronged and that the army delivered a brutal crackdown but most will not accept those absurd numbers and rightfully so. They were human soldiers afterall and not machines.
EVeryone even Bangladeshis know those numbers are distorted. If they have a decent education of course. The truth is the number was wrongly broadcast and then the Bangladeshis went along with it because it helped their freedom aspirations. By the time it came to actually test those numbers the myth had already become a "reality" for most and so they could not revise the figures. No Pakistani denies the Bangladeshis were wronged and that the army delivered a brutal crackdown but most will not accept those absurd numbers and rightfully so. They were human soldiers afterall and not machines.
the exact number is not the issue, there was massive killing in systematic manner. Which ever number you come up with does not change that.
the exact number is not the issue, there was massive killing in systematic manner. Which ever number you come up with does not change that.

Yes and Pakistanis will apologize and own up to whatever the real number is but not until they tell us the truth. I repeat Pakistani army men are humans not machines.

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