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Indian actress Sonakshi Sinha's gets hate mails from Pak fans

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@PashtunPak why are you so ashamed to be a human? No human disregards others on basis of race unless you are a neo Nazi. Seems your fantasies of being a true white, blonde haired, blue eyed individual is not going so well. And get one thing straight p a k i , being fair toned does not qualify you for being Aryan. If you do not know what Aryan is I suggest you go look it up. Some people are so delusional...... I guess still can't accept the fact that your got your az handed over to you in the semi finals... Dont worry you guys will have your chance in 4 years...considering you guys are still allowed to participate and a foreign team in your country don't get attacked!!! Lol

Yes, he is a shame for human society. We should not let such ugly thought to go with out any protests. This is not just about him, his family or his society but this is about what he is taught.
don't get mad at me because the treat you like a slave over there. go see a plastic surgeon, and end this problem of yours.

lol, did you now figure out fair and lovely does not work you can't change your round dark featurless face.

Now he claimed he is neither sick nor racist!!! :lol:

:lol: It not matter whether I need a surgeon or not also whether it will make me beautiful or not but your sickness cannot be cured by any surgeon. That is both outside and inside. Its shame that you call yourself a human without humanity.

I think sometimes you even hate your own hand when it gets dirty, isn't you? I am still thinking where did you got such sickening thoughts? Family? School?
lolz, at least i can tell when my hand is dirty, can you? :lol::lol:

Yes I can because I don't hate my hand like you because our build up is only with hatred. You hate your teacher if he is black!!! You hate your schoolmate if he is black. You hate your relatives if he is black. So what new for you here not to hate your own hand? :rofl:
I think we need a point system to determine who won that battle
I think we need a point system to determine who won that battle

Better write an article with heading "pashtunpak: a sick racist who wants to be Aryan and hate blacks"

Here goes another story of a person want to be Aryan claiming, "Afghans are ARYAN!!!" :rofl:
which indian member on here is this old rat khan talking to in this commerical? lol

I think Pakistanis watch more of Indian movies/media/commercials then Indian themselves.. Man height of Obsession!!!

BTW, how many of you have not watched Dabang? That's the movie in which the girl you are talking about appeared.
Well kissing is also a sliva exchange ... so why is spitty an evil ? when you kiss you exchange sliva ? no ... aussie4ever

But I agree paktoon bhai , yea spitting witting is too much you should go an apologize to her twitter account , and if she asks who are you , just tell her I am from PDF and she will know they story she is following this thread right now
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