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Survey on Caliphate in Pakistan

WHAT THE F_K!? are you kidding me?
Saudis? you mean those corrupt b@stards?

I am just speechless..

Please watch this and see how the KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA was created.

was being sarcastic every one know al e saud yahud are sc*m bags now on a serious note,i am not a supporter of caliphate in my opinion it will be the worst nightmare for pakistan ...
heeeeeeeeeeey there none of your business.

Nothing is my business. But just the effort you have put to offend someone totally unrelated to your country is what boggling my mind. Do you realize Isarel or jews are none of your business too? It is considered something of bad taste in the civilized world.

I wouldn't have asked you if you were one of those bigoted guys. You seem not to be. Thats why I am curious.
=Myth_buster_1;1555478]Okay first of all dont even think that I see Gandhi as some super hero who stood against British by walking a thousand mile and boycotting by not eating and speaking.

As for Jinnah. Yes he is quite responsible for the enslavement system he left for Pakistan. For god sake until early 1950s Pakistani and Indian military chief were BRITISH! How much of enslavement do you want?

M A Jinnah passed away in 1948 he goverened for appx 1 year or less than that , Pakistan was a new state with zillions of problems ... how can you rub the entire blame on this great man .?
Yes sir, how can you blame this on the person, who sacrifised his life of comfort and ease for lives of trillions?
What have you got to say now?

After his death, the Land Lords took over politics and created a mafia, which is now clearly visible.
M A Jinnah passed away in 1948 he goverened for appx 1 year or less than that , Pakistan was a new state with zillions of problems ... how can you rub the entire blame on this great man .?

So then how can you call Jinnah the great leader and the founding father of Pakistan when from the beginning Pakistan had zillions of problems?

Lets see what Prophet Mohammed PBUH has to say about this great secular leader.

“If anybody sees in his Ameer something which displeases him, he
should remain patient, for he who separates himself from the
authority of Islam (Sultan) by even so much as a hand span and
dies thereupon, he would die the death of the days of ignorance.”

In Quran and Hadis it is mentioned so many times that its obligatory for Muslims to establish islamic governing system.
And what did our so called founding fathers or great leaders do? They submitted to British enslavement system.
Yes sir, how can you blame this on the person, who sacrifised his life of comfort and ease for lives of trillions?
What have you got to say now?

After his death, the Land Lords took over politics and created a mafia, which is now clearly visible.

Correction. The world population today is almost 7 billion.
Okay just answer this, did Jinnah obeyed British terms and conditions or the other way round?
Britain had long term planing of dividing subcont and these leaders did their job.
Jinnah was 120% British Agent, I saw him eating English Muffins.

Get it, English Muffins.

Only a British Agent would do such a thing.
I want to apply for this job.

Please send me the application form.

you use internet thats why you are not fit to be a Caliph . may be we can make you IT minister in that cabnet .lollllllllllllllllllllllllll
How do we know that the appointed Caliph won't be a British/Israeli/American/Nigerian Agent?

What if he spends all his time in the harems like the Turkish Caliph?

The follow up question, will he invite me to the harem?
Jinnah was 120% British Agent, I saw him eating English Muffins.

Get it, English Muffins.

Only a British Agent would do such a thing.

man he is math buster (old name?) i forget but he dont like me .heheheeheheh let him bust.BTW i am atheist i have no right to comment on religus matters .
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