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"Communist Chinese liars are all Racist"

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The problem is you classify all Chinese as a single entity which in itself is a racist idea.

Very true, but gambit has always shown his hatred towards Chinese people.

It's not surprising at all. Like I said, the best thing to do is just ignore him. :azn:
The problem with the thread title is that it should say "Chinese Communists are all liars!" Then there could be no further argument.

This statement is obviously racist for anyone who can read. All enveloping statements about a race are always racist and ignorant in essence. Calling others racist when you yourself are obviously one does nothing for the credibility of your words.
Kid and Chinese boys imply that you respond in a more mature way than me. You have not shown this capability in anything besides in defense matters. I personally have not brought up your Vietnamese heritage as anything derogatory. The problem is you classify all Chinese as a single entity which in itself is a racist idea. You always need to bring in other Chinese as a justification in our arguments when you know I am winning. Would you like me to bring in other Vietnamese views when I argue against your view?

Your idea of yourself being free of racism is ridiculous. Because you are not racist against Pakistanis then you are not racist against Chinese? Fine then you agree with me based on your own logic Zhenghe is not racist against Vietnamese because he isn't exhibiting racist behavior against the Swedish. Makes about much sense as your you explanation
Wrong...My point was that if I was a racist, I could have also expressed it against the Chinese members here as well. But I did not. In their displeasure that an inferior Asian dared to challenge their claims, in ways that they could not dispute or accuse that I made things up, my origin became a convenient point for cheap and personal insults. There were no justifications for that. Am not going to cry about it but to give you boys a taste of your own medicine. Bitter, ain't it?

That is true though.

Let me then ask you, what about minorities living in the US? I'm not talking about immigrants; I'm talking about 3rd, 4th or more generations who have been living here their entire lives. Are they the same as you?

Of course. The intermarraige rate is very high across all ethnic groups that have the same economic status. Myself, I am 4th generation. My parents were from German and German-Scottish immigrant families. So I consider myself a German American if someone wants to know my heritage. But I reject the label of "white" when it is used to disparage or stereotype me. On my US Census form I fill in every racial category box as a protest.
Wrong...My point was that if I was a racist, I could have also expressed it against the Chinese members here as well. But I did not. In their displeasure that an inferior Asian dared to challenge their claims, in ways that they could not dispute or accuse that I made things up, my origin became a convenient point for cheap and personal insults. There were no justifications for that. Am not going to cry about it but to give you boys a taste of your own medicine. Bitter, ain't it?

what cheap and personal insult? did we insult your weight? did we call you ugly? LOL c'mon vassal boy, you write comments based on us because we are Chinese so we write comments based on you because you are vietnamese.

Just leveling the playing field; no personal insults. :no:
Very true, but gambit has always shown his hatred towards Chinese people.

It's not surprising at all. Like I said, the best thing to do is just ignore him. :azn:
You can no more ignore me than you could ignore my origin and use it in a cheap and personal insult. If anything, I have nothing but hope that you boys would persists in the same behaviors.
I really doubt if there is any country which can openly profess that they are not at all racist.

Every country faces this problem and so does China, the only factor which should be concerning is the extent to which this is carried out.

Look at the treatment of asian students in Melbourne Australia and one would understand what racism could destroy an image of a country.

Today Chinese people are extremely proud of their country and have an air of superiority among themselves. I believe they should have that, after all look at their unprecedented growth that they have achieved.
Wrong...My point was that if I was a racist, I could have also expressed it against the Chinese members here as well. But I did not. In their displeasure that an inferior Asian dared to challenge their claims, in ways that they could not dispute or accuse that I made things up, my origin became a convenient point for cheap and personal insults. There were no justifications for that. Am not going to cry about it but to give you boys a taste of your own medicine. Bitter, ain't it?

You have shown hatred towards me since I began posting. I have never made a racist remark yet you still Classify me as a racist simply based on the fact that I am Chinese. This behavior is the definition of racism. Racism usually denotes race-based prejudice,dislike,or discrimination. Sound familiar?

If you want to argue with me then use my statements against me instead of your preconceived notions of all Chinese views. Stop classifying me with others when you have no logical response. And stop recycling your quotes from previous posts when you can't respond with anything reasonable

I take it personally when someone makes broad enveloping statements about my race. Wouldn't you?
I really doubt if there is any country which can openly profess that they are not at all racist.

Every country faces this problem and so does China, the only factor which should be concerning is the extent to which this is carried out.

Look at the treatment of asian students in Melbourne Australia and one would understand what racism could destroy an image of a country.

Today Chinese people are extremely proud of their country and have an air of superiority among themselves. I believe they should have that, after all look at their unprecedented growth that they have achieved.
So China is entitled to an 'air of superiority' over other Asians because of progress...Hmmm...Your Chinese pals will be glad to have such support.
You have shown hatred towards me since I began posting. I have never made a racist remark yet you still Classify me as a racist simply based on the fact that I am Chinese. This behavior is the definition of racism. Racism usually denotes race-based prejudice,dislike,or discrimination. Sound familiar?

If you want to argue with me then use my statements against me instead of your preconceived notions of all Chinese views. Stop classifying me with others when you have no logical response. And stop recycling your quotes from previous posts when you can't respond with anything reasonable
Yes it does. Am trying to learn from the master Asian race. Looks like I have a loooooonnng way to go.
On my US Census form I fill in every racial category box as a protest.

If the US government still uses the word "white" as a classification, then wouldn't that imply that Americans in general are not opposed to the use of that word? Especially since there has not been much noise about the issue?

Are there any polls which show this to be an actual problem?
Gambit, its such a useless thread. Why do you think you could convince Chinese that they are racist? Would anyone accept that allegation? Its just futile. Just relax and go to bed. Don't take it personally.
You have shown hatred towards me since I began posting. I have never made a racist remark yet you still Classify me as a racist simply based on the fact that I am Chinese. This behavior is the definition of racism. Racism usually denotes race-based prejudice,dislike,or discrimination. Sound familiar?

He does the same thing to me as well. :azn:

I keep asking him to find me a single post of mine that has anything racist in it, but he never does. It seems that to him, Chinese people are just one big blob, who all sing and dance with the same mind.

This seems to be quite a common racial stereotype, for people to assign blame to ALL Chinese as if we are some sort of "collective".
Yes it does. Am trying to learn from the master Asian race. Looks like I have a loooooonnng way to go.

Do you have selective reading disorder or something. You are avoiding responding to the entire post because you have no reasonable response to it. Instead you are doing the exact same thing I state is the definition of racism

Trolling with one liners with prejudiced views about an entire group does nothing for your credibility.

Have I said anything about Chinese Superiority? If I have then give me an example. Otherwise stop bringing it up to cover your own ineptness in forming coherent responses.
Gambit, its such a useless thread. Why do you think you could convince Chinese that they are racist? Would anyone accept that allegation? Its just futile. Just relax and go to bed. Don't take it personally.
Never have, buddy. I do enjoy exposing them for what they are, though. The shield that since China has never subjugated other races China is exempted from having the racism charge levied has been crumbled a long time ago. Now the more covert Chinese racism is finally exposed here.
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