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Taliban aim to boost anti-aircraft capacity to counter 'Pakistan threat'

Who will supply them USA china

What about India?

You have no clue about what you're talking about. Your Shia asslicking and inferiority complex mixed with some extremism is talking.

Where's your care for the blood that Afghanistan has consistently been spilling in Pakistan for decades on end?

Majority of them reject your existence and don't even recognise you as Muslim, they overwhelmingly support India, and despise you. More of them support ISIS (who literally slaughters Shias and other Muslims for fun) than they do Pakistan.

They do not care for economic integration as they are fixated on irredentist expansionist goals. If it was possible it would have happened. They want war which they are doing through TTP.

There is no such thing as an Islamic leader, every nation is doing their own thing.

Oh stfu ethno rat. I’m seen the caliber of soldiers Pakistan has and my moneys on the Afghans - they are violently committed to their people and country, unlike you Ranjeet Singhs and British Anglos leftover cumstains. I’m willing to bet they will wreck Pakistan in any future war for simple reasons, Pakistanis are sleazy and lazy and won’t fight for their country. The soldiers are recruited from the same population base full of timidity. I will also Iran, India, and even Uncle Sam will arm the Taliban to ensure complete destruction of the Pakistani nukes.

Less than 2,500 Americans died in a 20 year span while they squatted in Afghanistan with a mere portion of their military. That's literally only 125 deaths a year on average.
Mere? I was there during the surge and it wasn’t mere. That force was close to 300k with full spectrum dominance
I’m willing to bet they will wreck Pakistan in any future war for simple reasons, Pakistanis are sleazy and lazy and won’t fight for their country. The soldiers are recruited from the same population base full of timidity.
Idk how true that is for soldiers of PA or other security forces in Pakistan but, Pakistanis wouldn’t be a walkover.
Taliban’s special forces 313 Badri was more Panjabi than it was Afghan. 313 Badri was raised and trained in Pakistan on SSG level. I know this cause I have a few friends who were part of 313 Badri and fought under them in both Afghanistan and Kashmir.
When the invasion of Afghanistan happened Taliban requested help of Pakistani mujahideen groups like LeT and JeM. Thousands of Pakistanis from Panjab, AJK and Karachi were martyred in Afghanistan. Panjabi Taliban was in particular known for its hardline stance and even prevented groups of Afghan Taliban from surrendering on many occasions earlier on in the war. Osama Bin Laden’s personal body guards were comprised of a lot of Pakistanis/Kashmiris who were sent by Pro Pak Kashmiri mujahideen groups to Afghanistan. 40 of them lost their lives during US bombing of Tora Bora. It’s also been said that Pakistani/Kashmiris masterminded the suicide attack on CIA camp Chapman in Khost in 2009. Aside from Pakistani tribal Pashtuns, other Pakistanis, mainly Kashmiris and Panjabis have done probably the second most fidayeen attacks in Afghanistan by foreigners, after tribal Pashtuns of Pakistan.
Panjabis have been fighting in Kashmir for decades as well. Just from single cities like Bahawalpur in Panjab you’ll find hundreds if not thousands of martyrs who were martyred in IOJK came from there.
The only reason why IOJK isn’t turned into hell rn is because establishment isn’t allowing mujahideen to attack and instead making them go underground. But even with all the troubles and Pakistani pressure, mujahideen groups like JeM are still fighting Indians with their frontal orgs like PAFF and using Pakistani fighters to raid Indian bases.
In case of invasion of Pakistan by kuffar there will be millions of mujahideen from all over Pakistan that’ll fight. They’ve proved their worth by contributing decisively to the Taliban victory in Afghanistan.
I don’t know about PA tho but Pakistanis from rural areas of Pakistan have strong Emaan.
No war between Pakistan and Afghan Taliban will take place anytime soon.
Idk how true that is for soldiers of PA or other security forces in Pakistan but, Pakistanis wouldn’t be a walkover.
Taliban’s special forces 313 Badri was more Panjabi than it was Afghan. 313 Badri was raised and trained in Pakistan on SSG level. I know this cause I have a few friends who were part of 313 Badri and fought under them in both Afghanistan and Kashmir.
When the invasion of Afghanistan happened Taliban requested help of Pakistani mujahideen groups like LeT and JeM. Thousands of Pakistanis from Panjab, AJK and Karachi were martyred in Afghanistan. Panjabi Taliban was in particular known for its hardline stance and even prevented groups of Afghan Taliban from surrendering on many occasions earlier on in the war. Osama Bin Laden’s personal body guards were comprised of a lot of Pakistanis/Kashmiris who were sent by Pro Pak Kashmiri mujahideen groups to Afghanistan. 40 of them lost their lives during US bombing of Tora Bora. It’s also been said that Pakistani/Kashmiris masterminded the suicide attack on CIA camp Chapman in Khost in 2009. Aside from Pakistani tribal Pashtuns, other Pakistanis, mainly Kashmiris and Panjabis have done probably the second most fidayeen attacks in Afghanistan by foreigners, after tribal Pashtuns of Pakistan.
Panjabis have been fighting in Kashmir for decades as well. Just from single cities like Bahawalpur in Panjab you’ll find hundreds if not thousands of martyrs who were martyred in IOJK came from there.
The only reason why IOJK isn’t turned into hell rn is because establishment isn’t allowing mujahideen to attack and instead making them go underground. But even with all the troubles and Pakistani pressure, mujahideen groups like JeM are still fighting Indians with their frontal orgs like PAFF and using Pakistani fighters to raid Indian bases.
In case of invasion of Pakistan by kuffar there will be millions of mujahideen from all over Pakistan that’ll fight. They’ve proved their worth by contributing decisively to the Taliban victory in Afghanistan.
I don’t know about PA tho but Pakistanis from rural areas of Pakistan have strong Emaan.
No war between Pakistan and Afghan Taliban will take place anytime soon.

That’s another thing I didn’t write - I was referring to the Pakistan army, but the rural folks are deeply Islamic and do you think they’ll side with the ethno sleazy bastards like the ones sitting in London and talking that shit, or would they side with the more Islamic party that promises to deliver justice? Not a hard choice for most people. The ethno rats are a failure. They will never win.
Afghans are outsiders, rest of the crimes you mentioned every ethnic group in Karachi does it, but Afghans are not Pakistani's and they are often involved in terrorism, seems like you are part of the problem. @Bengal71 this is one example, people due to their ethnic bias harbor Afghans, provide them shelter and help them in getting CNIC/Pakistani Passports who later on go to west and do crimes which also blamed on Pakistan.
Neither are the biharis and bengalis who came after '48...but nobody would label them non-Pakistanis.

Some of you ethno rats showing so much bravado against a poor neighboring country should be ashamed of yourself. I hate to break to my people in Punjab, and the Muhajirs folks in Karachi- if the US couldn’t handle them, what makes you think Pakistan army can do a better job?
The Taliban fighters picked up on U.S. infantry and Ranger tactics while battling them. They will rip through Pakistan army like a knife through butter. Half of your army will surrender because your generals will quietly get their families out and then leave their troops to their own device, the other half will elect to join India - yeah ask me how I know all of this?!

Funny, a Shia orthodox country has a better relationship with a Sunni orthodox than the actual Sunni one that helped create the Sunni orthodox one.

I laid the blame entirety on Pakistanis, because you’re stupid! The Taliban were begging for economic integration but you again thought you get blood money from the non Muslims by selling Afghan blood again like you have for the past 40 years. I tell it like it is. Iran is the defecto leader of the Islamic world while Pakistan is just another Egypt. A puppet run by American 3rd tier diplomats who only needs to pick the phone softly threaten its slaves to get in line.
Pakistan is the worst enslaved country in the world, especially compared to Egypt, who at least has the audacity to produce and sell rockets to Russia while taking billions in aid and weapons from Amreeka annually.
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Neither are the biharis and bengalis who came after '48...but nobody would label them non-Pakistanis.
You forgot there was once a East Pakistan, Afghans to this date hate Pakistan and there are millions who wants to create a Pushtunistan, and unfortunately our own people supports them. Afghans are Afghans because they are not Pakistani's, people who are living here, migrated at the time of partition are more Pakistani's than the so called son's of soil ever could be, Lets also not forget that there was only one country to this day has no accepted Pakistan as a independent country, remind me which country is that ?
First paragraph was though provoking
The last paragraph was just pure BS
40 years of hosting and Pakistan is still unable to install a state of gratitude in Afghans. God knows at how many levels Pakistan has lost itself.

Special credit to chest-thumping Fouj. Sure you failed yourself one more time.

Don't degrade a country (India) who stands better than you at every front. Next time when you try to shame them, look at Pak Fouj first. Just a suggestion.
Dialogue with afghans is useless. They see it as weakness that only embolden them. The only language afghans understand is brutality and force. afghans only understand the law of the jungle. There is a reason why afghanistan is the most destroyed, backward and disgusting place on the planet.
So, Murricans should have unleashed their force and not fight with hands tied behind their back?
i.e. cowardly attacking a convoy without clear combatant insignia will directly result in destroying the nearest village where this incident happened?
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