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UK minister under fire for singling out Pakistani men


Mar 16, 2012
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LONDON: British Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s remarks that British-Pakistani men “hold cultural values at odds with British values” have been criticised by political commentators and children’s charities as “inflammatory” and akin to initiating “race wars”.

Ms Braverman came under fire when, during a Sky News interview about plans to tackle child sexual abuse, she spoke about “the predominance of British-Pakistani males who hold cultural values totally at odds with British values”.

“[British-Pakistani men] see women in a demeaned, illegitimate way, and pursue an outdated and frankly heinous approach to the way we behave,” Ms Braverman commented after she was informed that a Home Office report in 2020 concluded that most child sexual abuse gangs are made up of white men under the age of 30, and that there was not enough evidence to suggest members of grooming gangs were disproportionately more likely to be Asian or black.

Ms Braverman instead pointed to reports from Rotherham, which was rocked by a child sexual exploitation scandal in which five British-Pakistani men were convicted of grooming, raping and exploiting young girls. The home secretary also cited a 2015 report penned by Dame Louise Casey CB, which ironically noted how British-Pakistani community had been “harmed by association” in the scandal.

Braverman’s remarks akin to triggering ‘race wars’
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who is expected to roll out new measures to tackle sexual violence against children, said the grooming gang crackdown would defy “political correctness”. However, he did not repeat Ms Braverman’s comments targeting Pakistanis.

The government vowed that experienced specialist officers and members of the National Crime Agency will assist police forces with their investigations into child sexual abuse cases.


Speaking on a Sky News show after Ms Braverman, West Yorkshire Mayor Tracy Brabin said, “It feels very dog whistle, if I may say, and it doesn’t deal with what is happening on the ground.”

British actor and presenter Adil Ray was one of many who pointed out that, as per the Home Office report in 2020, most perpetrators are white. Braverman was attorney general at the time [it was published].”

British-American political commentator Mehdi Hasan tweeted, “Despite heavy competition, and despite her own ethnicity, Suella Braverman may be the most bigoted, cynical, and dangerous politician to emerge from the modern UK Conservative Party in many decades. This is vile and dishonest stuff.”

Former chief prosecutor Nazir Afzal, too, drew attention to the predominance of white male perpetrators in child sexual abuse case data.

“Suella Braverman knows that 84% of child sex offenders are white British, but chooses to focus on those who are not,” he posted.

For The Independent, journalist Adam Forrest penned a column titled “Is Sunak’s grooming gangs crackdown just ‘dog whistle’ politics?”, in which he wrote, “The suspicion remains that the Tories have latched upon the grooming gangs issue again in order to create controversy, rile up voters in the Midlands and north of England and demonstrate they are the party willing to say the “unsayable”.

Chief Executive of the National Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Sir Peter Wanless, said government’s focus on tackling such crimes was welcome, but race should not be the focus.

“Child sexual exploitation by organised networks is one pernicious form of abuse and it’s welcome to see the government focus on disrupting perpetrators and protecting victims. This must be backed up with funding for services to help child victims recover and support for a justice system that is struggling to cope.

“It’s also vital we remember that any child can be a victim of child sexual exploitation and adult perpetrators do not just come from one background. Sexual predators will target the most vulnerable and accessible children in society and there must be a focus on more than just race so we do not create new blind spots that prevent victims from being identified.”

Sabah Kaiser, an ethnic minority ambassador to the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse led by Professor Alexis Jay, who investigated child abuse in Rotherham, said, it was “very, very dangerous” for the government to turn child sexual abuse into a matter of colour.

“Child sexual abuse does not have a skin colour, it doesn’t have a religion. It doesn’t have a culture. Child sexual abuse does not discriminate. And so therefore, it is really, really important that we as a nation have a singular societal response to this issue,” she told Today on BBC 4.

“It is really important that we do not turn this very, very important issue into an issue about colour. Because let’s be frank, let’s be serious: that grabs headlines, but that is not helpful for this topic.”


I have noticed that ever since the Hindutva have taken over Britain there is a constant attack against Pakistani community by both the far right and Indians. How are you guys experiencing this in Britain? How are things after the Leicester riots? Any chance of mass communal violence?
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You can take the Gangu out of Gangadesh, but you can't take the Gangadesh out of the Gangu.
Suprised she didn't say Pakistani men were doing love zihaad in UK.

I am just wondering how the strong Pakistani community in the UK is viewing these developments. One thing is becoming clear. Rishi boy and his lackey ministers are not going to stop attacking and singling out the Pakistani community. Can this spiral out of control just like we saw in Leicester?
I am just wondering how the strong Pakistani community in the UK is viewing these developments. One thing is becoming clear. Rishi boy and his lackey ministers are not going to stop attacking and singling out the Pakistani community. Can this spiral out of control just like we saw in Leicester?
They'll take their communal filth mindset everywhere. They turn their own country into a battlezone every few months and now turning host countries into shitholes too.
They'll take their communal filth mindset everywhere. They turn their own country into a battlezone every few months and now turning host countries into shitholes too.

No doubt. This was bound to happen after Rishi boy got elected. I think Rishi boy and his party are itching for communal violence. The question is how is the Pakistani community in the UK viewing these developments.
What can we expect when the British made a BJP Hindu their PM and a Hindjew their Home Secretary.
This Indian bitch's comment is highly ironic considering her home country has the highest incidence of mass rape, rape, sexual assault, etc in the world.

True. Yet the far right and Hindutvatis are allies in their propaganda campaign against the Pakistani community. Leicester was a glimpse of what is possible. Such verbal attacks against the Pakistani community won't stop. I think we are waiting for something big to ignite. The boys won't hold back. I know this from my time in the UK.
I am just wondering how the strong Pakistani community in the UK is viewing these developments. One thing is becoming clear. Rishi boy and his lackey ministers are not going to stop attacking and singling out the Pakistani community. Can this spiral out of control just like we saw in Leicester?

Leicester was the boiling point of something that had been simmering for a long time.

We’ve been dealing with remarks like these for many years now, so it just seems to bounce off us and we don’t really care.

If there was to be large scale violence against them, the British Pakistani community would definitely begin to push back against it, so I’m not really too worried.

British Pakistanis seem to be the only Pakistanis who still have their balls, which cannot necessarily be said for those still in the homeland
Leicester was the boiling point of something that had been simmering for a long time.

We’ve been dealing with remarks like these for many years now, so it just seems to bounce off us and we don’t really care.

If there was to be large scale violence against them British Pakistani community would definitely begin to push back against it, so I’m not really too worried.

British Pakistanis seem to be the only Pakistanis who still have their balls, which cannot necessarily be said for those still in the homeland

Exactly how I view it. I have lived and studied in the UK for almost a decade in my early teens. I remember how vicious Pakistanis are when defending their territory and community. Far right gangs always got their *** kicked when they tried to bully the community.

However with a bigoted and anti-Pakistani UK government in charge things can really take a nasty turn. I think this government is already signalling it won't shy from abusing its powers.
What one should expect from an Indian, its in their DNA to target Muslims/Pakistan. Previous Indian home secretary was no different either, even born and bread abroad doesn't washes away their spots and biases.
Thanks Jinnah for creating the Pakistan but we should be ashamed for not looking after our own country. We got the freedom from the British and the Hindu bunias and our own shameless, pathetic army hijacked the country to enslave their own people.
What one should expect from an Indian, its in their DNA to target Muslims/Pakistan. Previous Indian home secretary was no different either, even born and bread abroad doesn't washes away their spots and biases.
Thanks Jinnah for creating the Pakistan but we should be ashamed for not looking after our own country. We got the freedom from the British and the Hindu bunias and our own shameless, pathetic army hijacked the country to enslave their own people.

The Hindu brigade is going to ignite something really nasty. Something they won't be able to control.
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