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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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No they r not like Pakistani's,Pakistani's talk about the n word at every drop of hat,but they atleast agree on 1 thing MAD is inevitable

now here we have some Chinese who claim that their fake ego and their position in 10th dimension will protect them from an India retaliatory strike if they nuked India.

And their reason India do not have as much as nukes as china have,those loonies even dont know that even 1 bomb is more than enough

The thing is, India only has tiny 20kt nukes, that is not nearly enough to guarantee Mutually Assured Destruction.

The entire Indian nuclear arsenal is only about one megaton in total.

On the other hand, one single American/Chinese/Russian nuke... is already several megatons each.
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of course, we'll take the western hemisphere with us. If not, then we should return Alaska to Russia, grant Hawaii independence, return southwestern US to Mexico which the US stole, return Washington to Canada, grant the currently occupied under the US boot Confederate States of America its well deserved independence, and finally, the original colony at Massachussetts to Great Britain. the US can keep DC.

How can you grant anything when you're obliterated?:azn:

What about Montana, the Dakotas, Michigan and New York? Rhode Island etc.

Also California will form the New California Republic!:victory:
Everyone can trace their origins back to eastern Africa.

the point was Japanese have Han ancestry.




i rest my case here.
The right wing chinese attitudes expressed in the article and this thread should be a wake up call. It is kind of remeniscent of pre WWII Japanese attitudes. Currently the Chinese military is held in check by the Government. But if they ever in the future exert control watchout.
Its inappropriate to term it as "LOOTED" land.
Everyone has pie, by same logic it could be said to neighbors too.
The right wing chinese attitudes expressed in the article and this thread should be a wake up call. It is kind of remeniscent of pre WWII Japanese attitudes. Currently the Chinese military is held in check by the Government. But if they ever in the future exert control watchout.

What's wrong with being right-wing or left-wing?
Perhaps this warmongering general is a good indication of the policies China will pursue 5-15 years from now.
Nope. China is starting right now. China will rise to become the most powerful nation in the world again. And any country (like India) who tries to stop this will be targeted by the PLA.

you have enough nuke in china, russia and the US to flatten every single inch of the earth tenth time over
LOL. That's so ignorant. In the real world of military professionals, when superpowers go to war they are expected to go nuclear. Obviously India is not a superpower but they should expect China to go nuclear right away because this is how the big boys play.

China cannot adopt the same measures to rise as did the erstwhile colonial powers.
Actually, China should colonize and plunder India because New Delhi is an enemy of China. They are proud of it. Enemies deserve no mercy.

Those r even big retards who think that India will loss it's second strike capacity if China nuked as first,we will make sure each and every one will go down with us if we r made to fall.
LOL. India doesn't even have an Agni-II working. China can do a massive first strike on Indian military and industrial targets. India cannot retaliate at all, except shooting at the Himalaya mountains. India's 2 kiloton atomic weapons can't even damage very much in Tibet either.

And their reason India do not have as much as nukes as china have,those loonies even dont know that even 1 bomb is more than enough
Keep dreaming, Indians. Nobody is afraid of your 2 kiloton atomic weapons with no delivery system. China is happy to send you megatons of thermonuclear action for trying to steal China's land.

The thing is, India only has tiny 20kt nukes, that is not nearly enough to guarantee Mutually Assured Destruction.

The entire Indian nuclear arsenal is only about one megaton in total.

On the other hand, one single American/Chinese/Russian nuke... is already several megatons each.
Yes, one JL-2 missile has about 5 warhead MIRV with about ~400 kiloton yield. A Type 094 SSBN carries 12 JL-2 missiles.

As soon as India gets aggressive in Tibet, we can open fire on the Indian military. Then PLA moves into India to plunder the gold and jewels.
Nope. China is starting right now. China will rise to become the most powerful nation in the world again. And any country (like India) who tries to stop this will be targeted by the PLA.

LOL. That's so ignorant. In the real world of military professionals, when superpowers go to war they are expected to go nuclear. Obviously India is not a superpower but they should expect China to go nuclear right away because this is how the big boys play.

Actually, China should colonize and plunder India because New Delhi is an enemy of China. They are proud of it. Enemies deserve no mercy.

LOL. India doesn't even have an Agni-II working. China can do a massive first strike on Indian military and industrial targets. India cannot retaliate at all, except shooting at the Himalaya mountains. India's 2 kiloton atomic weapons can't even damage very much in Tibet either.

Keep dreaming, Indians. Nobody is afraid of your 2 kiloton atomic weapons with no delivery system. China is happy to send you megatons of thermonuclear action for trying to steal China's land.

Yes, one JL-2 missile has about 5 warhead MIRV with about ~400 kiloton yield. A Type 094 SSBN carries 12 JL-2 missiles.

As soon as India gets aggressive in Tibet, we can open fire on the Indian military. Then PLA moves into India to plunder the gold and jewels.
first try to capture a small island ..named taiwan...
The right wing chinese attitudes expressed in the article and this thread should be a wake up call. It is kind of remeniscent of pre WWII Japanese attitudes. Currently the Chinese military is held in check by the Government. But if they ever in the future exert control watchout.

That is so true. It is really frightening if ever Chinese military start exerting control over its government
first try to capture a small island ..named taiwan...
Ha ha.... it's only because USA defends Taiwan that mainland cannot simply take it. It has been this way since 1950's.

But USA will not defend India. Indian Army will fall like flowers in front of the PLA. It will be much more devastating than 1962... it will be like 1962 with tactical nuclear weapons.
any major victory of PLA against any nation so far....??
1959 Defend North Korea against USA
1962 Defend Tibet against India
1965 Defend North Vietnam against USA
1969 Defend China against Soviet Union
1979 Defend border against Vietnam (1984 and 1988 again)

Since 2000, China has been constantly clashing with the USA and Japan with navy, submarine and air force.

Compared to China's power, India is a piece of cake. We can beat down India with a massive air and missile attack and there is no way India can defend itself.
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