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China must recover territory ‘looted' by neighbours, said PLA General

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If you try to talk with Indians without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Indians are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Indians are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Indians have decided to fight China in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize India and plunder it.
If you try to talk with Chiness without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Chiness are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Chiness are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Chiness have decided to fight India in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize China and plunder it.



If you try to talk with Indians without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Indians are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Indians are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Indians have decided to fight China in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize India and plunder it.

So I guess you are becoming Indian slowly...because you are taking part in such pointless debate by such a long time :D
If you try to talk with Indians without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Indians are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Indians are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Indians have decided to fight China in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize India and plunder it.

forget about war Hong, I told you Beijing has been hijacked by Delhi and Moscow. see this report:

By PTI Dec 23 2010 , Beijing

China does not follow a policy of "strategic equilibrium" in South Asia, said a commentary in state-run China Daily, which argued that while economic and trade was the "driving force" in ties with India, it was "strategic partnership" that boosted relations with Pakistan.

Analysing Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's recent visit to New Delhi and Islamabad, the commentary stressed that China's policy is not to pursue "strategic equilibrium" between India and Pakistan, with Beijing looking at relations between the two neighbours differently.

"It is not China's policy to pursue strategic equilibrium in South Asia," Fu Xiaoqiang, a researcher with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, an official think tank, said in an article titled 'Wen's visit benefits South Asia'.

The article did not elaborate, but it was largely interpreted here as a rare attempt by China to state that it would not pursue a policy to balance its relations between India and its close strategic ally Pakistan.

The commentary argues that different factors drive Beijing to improve relations with India while retaining "strategic all weather" relationship with Pakistan.

Wen was in India on a three-day visit from December 15 to promote friendship and expand cooperation between the two countries which has seen comprehensive and rapid progress.

While economic and trade cooperation, emerged as the "driving force" and "stabilising factor" in India-China relations, "strategic partnership between Beijing and Islamabad originated from common geopolitical and strategic interests," it said.

Wen's South Asian trip last week "achieved a wide range of positive results and made people in the two host countries understand the tangible benefits of China's rapid development, it said.

The visit "not only helped China and India create guidelines for a win-win relationship in the coming years but also reinforced the foundation of China's all-weather strategic partnership with Pakistan," it said.

Outlining a host of economic deals and decision by India and China to step up their trade target to USD 100 billion by 2015 during Wen's visit, it argues that "expanding exchanges will help China and India reach the point where both benefit from cooperation and would suffer from and therefore, will avoid – confrontation".

"Ever-growing economic and trade cooperation over the past two decades, following the normalisation of ties, has proven to be bilateral relation's largest driving force and stabilising factor. Shared development will cause mutual interests to trump confrontations," it noted.

“The overlap of their strategic opportunities is also expected to prevent Beijing and New Delhi from moving too close to rivalry,” the commentary said, adding "There is enough space in the world for China and India to pursue greater development through cooperation".

China not pursuing 'strategic equilibrium' in South Asia | mydigitalfc.com

"forget about war Hong, I told you Beijing has been hijacked by Delhi and Moscow."

i guess one of the reasons Beijing is not publicly giving up claims on South Tibet region is that it may enrage the public and may help Taipei to rally a mass protest against the CPC. obviously CPC doesn't want to become projected by Taipei as traitor since public support is necessary. perhaps this is why they are not publishing actual reports of Wen's visit which turned into failure as far as the border issue is concerned. but behind the doors i think CPC has already given up claims, otherwise, why Delhi made such huge trade deals despite the fact that China still publicly does not support the British created MacMohan line. however, it will be very unethical and immoral to play with the Kashmiris' sentiments this way.
If you try to talk with Indians without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Indians are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Indians are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Indians have decided to fight China in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize India and plunder it.

You get molested by an Indian when you were little or something?

As for taking apart China, we'd only take Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Taiwan (if they voted for it), the rest you could keep.:azn:

PS. Actually we might let the UK take Hong Kong as well, just for kicks!:woot:

In all seriousness if China ever pursued such blatant landgrabbing they better hope they aren't defeated, they would indeed lose the above, though Hong Kong's not likely. Of course this is assuming China as a nation state isn't obliterated off the map by nuclear war.
If you try to talk with Indians without slapping them down first, the talks will be endless and pointless. The Indians are the masters of endless and pointless debates.

The Indians are like barbarians. You need to assert your role as the civilized nation there to show them the way of civilization and control their destiny.

Good thing the Indians have decided to fight China in a war. It will be a great pleasure to colonize India and plunder it.

Similar to what the Japanese did to China not so long ago? Didn't they think your barbarians?

Isnt your additude towards Indians very similar to the Japanese that murdered millions of Chinese and de-humanized them?

And other Chinese members thumbs up this guy?
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You get molested by an Indian when you were little or something?

As for taking apart China, we'd only take Tibet, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Taiwan (if they voted for it), the rest you could keep.:azn:

PS. Actually we might let the UK take Hong Kong as well, just for kicks!:woot:

In all seriousness if China ever pursued such blatant landgrabbing they better hope they aren't defeated, they would indeed lose the above, though Hong Kong's not likely. Of course this is assuming China as a nation state isn't obliterated off the map by nuclear war.

of course, we'll take the western hemisphere with us. If not, then we should return Alaska to Russia, grant Hawaii independence, return southwestern US to Mexico which the US stole, return Washington to Canada, grant the currently occupied under the US boot Confederate States of America its well deserved independence, and finally, the original colony at Massachussetts to Great Britain. the US can keep DC.
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