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Featured SH15 Artillery in Pakistan

Pakistan should have rounded Indian army in Kashmir on 27th February, now all such expenses are due to with holding permission to shoot 9 Indian US-30 by some IG of idiots.
When people like you start paying taxes and stop pretending ro be arabs Pakistan will do what you request. Until then just erve teh arabs quietly and let Pakistan be foe paksitanis

I have my good days and my bad days, thanks for asking.

1) Control food
2) Walk and some exercise
3) Take prescribed medicines regularly

That is what I have been told by my Doctor, though I am somewhat younger than you.
1) Control food
2) Walk and some exercise
3) Take prescribed medicines regularly

That is what I have been told by my Doctor, though I am somewhat younger than you.
Intermittently, and with considerable lack of discipline, doing all three.

1) Control food
2) Walk and some exercise
3) Take prescribed medicines regularly

That is what I have been told by my Doctor, though I am somewhat younger than you.
I'm 72 in August.
I have crossed 63 and approaching 64. You are about 8 years older than me.

Basant Birla-ji used to regularly come up to my Dad at parties, and always asked first before even wishing him," 'R', how old are you?" and my father would reply, a very satisfied look would spread over the great man's face, and he would announce, with the greatest pleasure in his voice and his countenance,"I am one year older than you!" Every party, everytime they met that I was also there.
That explains why I am a broken down wreck subsisting on an austere fixed income.

What does it matter, now? What must have been the annual income of Sri Krishna Jee Maharaj, while Arjun must have been quite rich? How it boils down to nothingness? We have to live and form opinions, because we are forced to. There is no escape. Otherwise, perhaps, it is all a delusionary vacuum.
What does it matter, now? What must have been the annual income of Sri Krishna Jee Maharaj, while Arjun must have been quite rich? How it boils down to nothingness? We have to live and form opinions, because we are forced to. There is no escape. Otherwise, perhaps, it is all a delusionary vacuum.
It IS a delusionary vacuum.
What does it matter, now? What must have been the annual income of Sri Krishna Jee Maharaj, while Arjun must have been quite rich? How it boils down to nothingness? We have to live and form opinions, because we are forced to. There is no escape. Otherwise, perhaps, it is all a delusionary vacuum.
It IS a delusionary vacuum.
A great Punjabi poet Syed Waris Shah, in his famous "Heer Waris Shah" used the term "Khaawb Saraaye" (Place of Dreams), for the existence.

"Waris Shah, iss khaawb saraaye andar, kayi waajarhay gaye waja Mian"
True, true.
If loud talk won wars, you would be Master of the Universe.
We are there in Kashmir, you tried thrice to drive us out, lost each time.
Now you have jack-in-the-box guns, and want to destroy Indian industry. First, do your homework. You will not get more than a percentage point or two within your gun ranges, but will lose huge amounts on your side.
Don't start something you can't finish.
You guys will never be at peace there. We will always try and always send occupiers to hell. A lose or death doesn’t scare or demoralize us. Kashmir will become worse then Afghanistan for india. Indians will soon feel the heat all over India when the 200 million Muslims in India come to their senses and start fighting rss terrorists. Already you guys are dropping like flies in Nagaland in Bihar in Assam in Kashmir in the whole red corridor. There’s many mujahideen ready to cross loc and make it hell for Indians.
We don’t do loud talk rather it’s Indians who do the loud talk just remember 3 years ago when we gave you your reply for your loud talk.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish” - You guys won’t last in the end. Every single Muslim in the world hates India and once the call of jihad comes they’ll turn india into Afghanistan.
YOU guys shouldn’t start something YOU guys can’t finish because if history taught us anything it’s THE ENEMIES OF MUSLIMS ALWAYS SUFFER DEFEAT. Wtf is india compared to super powers we destroyed?
You guys will feel the heat super soon don’t think Muslims in india will ever forget the lynching and the oppression you guys did against them. Don’t think they’ll ever forget what you guys did to Babri Masjid. The time will come and it will come soon that India will once again be under Muslim rule like it was for hundreds of years before British came!
The Red Army did use Artillery Divisions as a single, cohesive formation, with devastating effects. It may be neither necessary nor even useful in normal conditions, but it could swing the balance in difficult engagements.
If the plan is to motorise both artillery divisions so they can take part in offensives with armor and mechanised divisions then large amount of Acquisition of SP Arty would make sense.

2nd Artillery Div with 6th Armored Division and 21 Artillery division with 25th mechanised division.
We should have 200-300 SH-15 with pre programmed gps guided artillery shells to hit Indian bases, major Indian business, Indian critical infrastructure and anything needing to be destroyed within SH-15’s range. These SH-15 units remain hidden underground unit war starts and when war starts they come above ground and fire at Indian bases close to the border and then go back into hiding and prepare for more salvos.
Since the next war will end fast and the first couple hours will be the deciding movement, our artillery should target and destroy anything that helps their economy, their power plants, their critical infrastructure and their military. We should even destroy bank branches or even big markets in India and ensure Indian economy cannot afford a large army in the future.
Smaller mobile forces can prove more potent rather than a larger force.

For a large force, a high ranked officer is needed, even if ad hoc force is 2-3 brigades. In case of Indian IBGs, they would need to squeeze out a few Major Generals to command those IBGs apart from the GOCs already commanding regular Divisions. Then the ordinance and logistics that supports Artillery formations. The amount of troops and trucks deployed to support an artillery Division and artillery regiment would be massively different. Getting these assets in place and then deploying them to support artillery to keep a continuous barrage pounding on enemy will again vary - a bigger setup for larger formation. Mobile forces in smaller groups going in different directions to engage enemy will prove more headache for enemy rather than a single huge force assembled at one place.

As an example, there are more brigadiers than Major generals in Army. Making brigade sized forces is more feasible and better for logistics/ordinance support also.

Force A;
1 x Armor regiment
1 x Mech Inf Battalion
2 x SP Artillery Regts +/- Artillery battery of MLRS (if required)
1 x AD Regt +/- AAA battery against smaller drones

This force can harrass and off-set a bigger enemy formation. Its mobile which means it can cover ground and flank enemy, it has got offensive punch through MBTs and APCs, its well protected against all enemy threats (ground and air), it has good long range fire capability and it can be commanded either by a Brigadier or a Major General.

Force B:

Artillery Division:
9-10 x Artillery Regts ( 3 x Bdes)
1 x AD Bde

Provides indirect fire for armored, mechanized or infantry formations its attached with. Commanded by a Major General. Can pound a single target area with massive bombardment. Needs a larger logistics/ordinance support setup. Enemy Air Force will keep sending sorties against it considering it operates as a single formation in one sector, it might become a priority target.

I just mentioned basic points. The comparison can be expanded in many ways. Both have pros and cons.
Smaller mobile forces can prove more potent rather than a larger force.

For a large force, a high ranked officer is needed, even if ad hoc force is 2-3 brigades. In case of Indian IBGs, they would need to squeeze out a few Major Generals to command those IBGs apart from the GOCs already commanding regular Divisions. Then the ordinance and logistics that supports Artillery formations. The amount of troops and trucks deployed to support an artillery Division and artillery regiment would be massively different. Getting these assets in place and then deploying them to support artillery to keep a continuous barrage pounding on enemy will again vary - a bigger setup for larger formation. Mobile forces in smaller groups going in different directions to engage enemy will prove more headache for enemy rather than a single huge force assembled at one place.

As an example, there are more brigadiers than Major generals in Army. Making brigade sized forces is more feasible and better for logistics/ordinance support also.

Force A;
1 x Armor regiment
1 x Mech Inf Battalion
2 x SP Artillery Regts +/- Artillery battery of MLRS (if required)
1 x AD Regt +/- AAA battery against smaller drones

This force can harrass and off-set a bigger enemy formation. Its mobile which means it can cover ground and flank enemy, it has got offensive punch through MBTs and APCs, its well protected against all enemy threats (ground and air), it has good long range fire capability and it can be commanded either by a Brigadier or a Major General.

Force B:

Artillery Division:
9-10 x Artillery Regts ( 3 x Bdes)
1 x AD Bde

Provides indirect fire for armored, mechanized or infantry formations its attached with. Commanded by a Major General. Can pound a single target area with massive bombardment. Needs a larger logistics/ordinance support setup. Enemy Air Force will keep sending sorties against it considering it operates as a single formation in one sector, it might become a priority target.

I just mentioned basic points. The comparison can be expanded in many ways. Both have pros and cons.
You've made your point, smaller flexible formations with a full complement of services and arms are likely to be far more effective than very large formations.
Smaller mobile forces can prove more potent rather than a larger force.

For a large force, a high ranked officer is needed, even if ad hoc force is 2-3 brigades. In case of Indian IBGs, they would need to squeeze out a few Major Generals to command those IBGs apart from the GOCs already commanding regular Divisions. Then the ordinance and logistics that supports Artillery formations. The amount of troops and trucks deployed to support an artillery Division and artillery regiment would be massively different. Getting these assets in place and then deploying them to support artillery to keep a continuous barrage pounding on enemy will again vary - a bigger setup for larger formation. Mobile forces in smaller groups going in different directions to engage enemy will prove more headache for enemy rather than a single huge force assembled at one place.

As an example, there are more brigadiers than Major generals in Army. Making brigade sized forces is more feasible and better for logistics/ordinance support also.

Force A;
1 x Armor regiment
1 x Mech Inf Battalion
2 x SP Artillery Regts +/- Artillery battery of MLRS (if required)
1 x AD Regt +/- AAA battery against smaller drones

This force can harrass and off-set a bigger enemy formation. Its mobile which means it can cover ground and flank enemy, it has got offensive punch through MBTs and APCs, its well protected against all enemy threats (ground and air), it has good long range fire capability and it can be commanded either by a Brigadier or a Major General.

Force B:

Artillery Division:
9-10 x Artillery Regts ( 3 x Bdes)
1 x AD Bde

Provides indirect fire for armored, mechanized or infantry formations its attached with. Commanded by a Major General. Can pound a single target area with massive bombardment. Needs a larger logistics/ordinance support setup. Enemy Air Force will keep sending sorties against it considering it operates as a single formation in one sector, it might become a priority target.

I just mentioned basic points. The comparison can be expanded in many ways. Both have pros and cons.

What about small tactical vehicles like this with 12.7 mm heavy machine guns or atgms on them and they harass enemy supply lines and bases. They can go in groups of 2 vehicles during the night into enemy territory then meet at a the target location attack it and disperse all in the middle of night before enemy even can’t process what happened.
They would be more mobile then tanks and apcs and wouldn’t be worth sending Air Force after. Them travelling in groups of 2 before reaching their target location at night would mean they remain undetected. Atgms and 12.7 mm machine gun can provide enough firepower to harass supply lines or destroy small forward bases. Their high speed will mean targeting them will be much harder and logistics for these will be much easier then sending tanks or apcs.
These can go into a target area a day before and harass the defences of the area while scouting the area. They can do hit and run attacks on enemy area while collecting info on what fire power they posse and what their reaction is like. That info can be passed onto the Force A you mentioned while better adapts and can attack the enemy area after it’s been weakened by constant harassment attacks. Also hit and run tactics could lure enemy formations into a deadly trap set up by Force A.
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