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Bayraktar TB2's Confirmed Kill List (759 targets - for now)

the issue with this bayraktar drone is that its been fighting incompetent forces - Syria- not a good military due to attrition, Iraq - same thing as Syria, not a good military, because the country isnt even united , Libya- not even a country, just run by proxy militias really, Eastern Ukraine- rag tag militia too, not a competent military force.

Bayraktar hasnt faced a good military yet, just like alot of "good" western military equipment, such as F35. Military equipment IMO isnt good unless it performs good against a good military. i believe that hasnt happened yet with Bayraktar.

Drones arent usually very effective against good adversaries, thats my point. Look at Israeli drones and Hezbollah- despite ISraeL HAVING so many good and high altitude and capability drones, Israel is always disadvantaged intelligence-wise when it enters conflict with hezbollah- the drones cant save the day alone.

Another layman in military matters. How can that be it's problem? by the other side being shitty? Besides Armenia was armed to the teeth had the best of defense systems available this is what most folks don't realize who was not following the war.. An Armenia general disclosed this from the horses own mouth they had the best Russia could offer of defensive systems but Turkish EWs just breached them completely

Some observers have attempted to downplay the TB2's extraordinary effectivity by disparaging the Armenian military, whose equipment had supposedly been lacking. However, past engagements over Syria, Libya as well as the one in Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrated an ability to take on many of the integrated air defence systems (IADS) modern nations might muster, having successfully combatted systems such as the Buk-M2, Tor-M2, S-300PS and Pantsir-S1 even when used in conjunction with electronic warfare systems like the Avtobaza-M, Repellent-1 and Groza-S. The TB2's performance in the face of these systems, designed to completely deny the airforces of even the most advanced nations the ability to function marked a watershed moment in the history of modern warfare.

The Bayraktar TB2's role was not merely that of a hunter killer, but ultimately even that of a complete ruler over the battlefield. Capable of stalking the location of any ground target and tracking their every move all the while flying in one of the most densely covered areas of air defence, the TB2 could direct other assests to hit ground targets all the while flying circles above them. The Roketsan 230mm TRLG-230 guided rocket can hit targets designated by TB2s; by fitting a laser guidance kit to the rocket. This impressive capability allows the TB2 to strike other targets well after expanding its own MAM-L and MAM-C munitions.

For Turkey, its highly efficient use of the Bayraktar TB2 has boosted its growing foreign policy assertiveness to shape a new foreign policy: Bayraktar Diplomacy. This essentially constitutes a new type of warfare that is uniquely well-suited to the characteristics of modern-day conflicts. Based around small-footprint interventions that seek to maximise both political and military impact at low financial and humanitarian cost, Bayraktar Diplomacy is so effective that it can be said to have decided the fate of nations: without the TB2 the internationally-recognized government of Libya could well have been wiped out and Nagorno-Karabakh would likely still be under Armenian control.

Behind these impressive feats is a company that not only appears intend on revolutionising modern warfare, but also to change the mindset of a country and offer future generations a chance to follow in the footsteps of success. In the process, Baykar Tech has proved that a nation doesn't need to be a superpower with an unlimited R&D budget to design advanced technology. As Baykar is eagerly pushing ahead the development of the MİUS unmanned fighter aircraft and TB3 carrier-born UCAV, the TB2 is not forgotten either, with almost daily updates ensuring that the design stays ahead of any system meant to counter it. [1]

The year 2021 saw the passing of Özdemir Bayraktar, the founder of Baykar, and Tarık Kesekçi, the performance and analysis team leader of the Akıncı project. Their deaths will leave those left behind with grief, yet they might find support in the thought that their legacy will continue to live on in the minds of new generations. Those inspired by their feats will not only be the future engineers behind upcoming unmanned aircraft designs, but also help to raise Turkey in other fields of technology and science. In this sense, Baykar Tech is transforming not just the country's destiny in the skies, but also in the sea and on the ground.

A detailed list of 759 targets confirmed to have been destroyed by Bayraktar TB2s over Syria, Libya, Iraq, Nagorno-Karabakh and Eastern Ukraine can be viewed below. This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available. In some cases this solely consists of footage that was recorded on the ground. In these cases, the use of an armed drone was reported by witnesses on the ground. Therefore, the amount of equipment destroyed is significantly higher than recorded here. Hits on personnel, munition caches and military structures are not included in this list. The list will be updated as additional footage becomes available.

(Click on the numbers to get a picture of each individual captured or destroyed vehicle)

Tanks (120)

Armoured fighting vehicles (46)

Towed artillery (142)

Self-propelled artillery (43)

Multiple rocket launchers (78)

Ballistic missiles (2)

Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (7)
  • Armenia - 1 23mm ZSU-23-4: (1)
  • SAA - 4 23mm ZSU-23-4: (1) (2) (3) (4)
  • SAA - 2 23mm ZU-23 on Toyota: (1) (2)

Surface-to-air missile systems (37)
Radars systems (7)
  • Armenia - 2 P-18 ''Spoon Rest D'': (1) (2)
  • Armenia - 1 1S32 ''Pat Hand'' (for 2K11 Krug SAM): (1)
  • Armenia - 1 1S91 SURN (for 2K12 Kub SAM): (1)
  • Armenia - 1 ST86U/36D6 ''Tin Shield'' (for S-300 SAM): (1)
  • Armenia - 1 19J6 (for S-300 SAM): (1)
  • SAA - 1 SNR-125 ''Low Blow'' (for S-125 SAM): (1)

Jammers and Deception systems (1)
  • Armenia - 1 R-330P Piramida-I: (1)

Aircraft (7)

Vehicles (269)
Pakistan should buy a few dozen immediately.
Hezbollah have met TB2 in Syria, all that shia mercenaries :p: . The fact is Israel don't have the TB2, cheap Laser bombs like MAM. If they have something like that, hizbies would not able to breath like pkk. Back in the day isreally drone would have to target and fighters would haved to bomb. Thats expensive, compared it to TB2. With bombs, you can fly 24 hours over target and when you see it bomb it.

We all remember all that troll armies on PDF, it was cgi and later the crew was not capable. In Lybia the same stories.

If a war breaks out with a x country and that x country face only TB2? TB2 to against F35? Only dumb people can compare things like that. IF you try to shoot a drone with air defence missiles, the enemy will now your place and counter attack will begin. A war is not that simple, if you build your war with hizbies that will be your level:-).

Untill today ther are 257 being build. And ther are more to come. We will see 1 year later that number will exceed 300, when our Drone ship will enter service our TB3 will enter the game. And ther are x countries want that system, thats TCG Anadolu like ship with TB3. Later we will use bigger ship with MIUS. TB2 is good thats the fact!

If they have something like that, hizbies would not able to breath like pkk. Back in the day isreally drone would have to target and fighters would haved to bomb. Thats expensive, compared it to TB2.
Israel has Harop,Harpy NG,Green Dragon and others.

IF you try to shoot a drone with air defence missiles, the enemy will now your place and counter attack will begin. A war is not that simple, if you build your war with hizbies that will be your level:-).
But they will probably shoot them down with their Air Force.

We will see 1 year later that number will exceed 300, when our Drone ship will enter service our TB3 will enter the game. And ther are x countries want that system, thats TCG Anadolu like ship with TB3. Later we will use bigger ship with MIUS. TB2 is good thats the fact!
People are complaining about the prices and salaries and you dream of aircraft carriers,TB3 and MIUS...
Israel has Harop,Harpy NG,Green Dragon and others.

But they will probably shoot them down with their Air Force.

People are complaining about the prices and salaries and you dream of aircraft carriers,TB3 and MIUS...

another dumb post, you can not fly 24 hours with Harop or other suicide drones. Try to shoot a drone with your fighters in a war with a country like Turkey :p: .

Greece was the country that was crying about Turkish drone flying ober Agea Sea. How expensive it is to counter with fighters. A single F16 1 hour operate cost something near 8000 euro. A TB2 500 euro:-).

In the end our economy will recover, what is irrelevant wich we are talking a topic about drone. You should talk about your own country who is in the hand of foreigner countries. From China to Germany, from USA to France.

next troll....
Turkiye had already sold Bayraktar TB2 to Ukraine. This is the reason why Russia is afraid to start the war with Ukraine.
another dumb post, you can not fly 24 hours with Harop or other suicide drones. Try to shoot a drone with your fighters in a war with a country like Turkey :p: .
I mentioned their drones because you made it look as if they don't have any.

We'll have to shoot them down with our fighters in case of war. What's so funny about that?

Greece was the country that was crying about Turkish drone flying ober Agea Sea. How expensive it is to counter with fighters. A single F16 1 hour operate cost something near 8000 euro. A TB2 500 euro:-).
And yet we will still defend our country from them.

In the end our economy will recover, what is irrelevant. You should talk about your own country who is in the hand of foreigner countries. From China to Germany, from USA to France.
It will recover? Maybe. Maybe yes,maybe no. Maybe it will recover in a few years. Maybe it will cause violence and a new coup. Maybe a war by Erdogan and the AKP government,to divert attention. If you think that you be a power without these foreigners,then try to cut full relations with USA,Germany and China. We'll see how fun it will be if your debt triples and your country is embargoed. Of course you'll be in Germany and won't care.
Turkiye had already sold Bayraktar TB2 to Ukraine. This is the reason why Russia is afraid to start the war with Ukraine.
Yes,that is the reason why Russia won't go to Ukraine...lol
I mentioned their drones because you made it look as if they don't have any.

We'll have to shoot them down with our fighters in case of war. What's so funny about that?

And yet we will still defend our country from them.

It will recover? Maybe. Maybe yes,maybe no. Maybe it will recover in a few years. Maybe it will cause violence and a new coup. Maybe a war by Erdogan and the AKP government,to divert attention. If you think that you be a power without these foreigners,then try to cut full relations with USA,Germany and China. We'll see how fun it will be if your debt triples and your country is embargoed. Of course you'll be in Germany and won't care.

Yes,that is the reason why Russia won't go to Ukraine...lol

They don't have cheap drone like TB2 and bombs like MAM. A suicide drone like Harop cost almost like TB2. The rest of your post off topic.
They don't have cheap drone like TB2 and bombs like MAM. A suicide drone like Harop cost almost like TB2. The rest of your post off topic.
It's not off topic. If you Turks don't like someone commenting on the bull you constantly talk about,just say that you want an audience to just clap.
Really nice analysis as well

I wonder what's the Russian shill excuse for all of those Pantsirs destroyed.
I can already imagine it being something like "local monkey crews can't do anything properly"
As far as I know,no Buk was destroyed by TB2 and a TB2 only tracked a Tor-M2 in Karabakh,supposedly one that was parking(?)inside a garage or something,but a Harop destroyed it.

Let's not forget the TB2s shot down in Libya:

View attachment 801917

They lost A LOT of their inventory. A big part.

I remember MMM-E going like "Turkish Army destroy 155 SAA tanks!" lol
Harops have dedicated HARM variants. No wonder they are used exactly as intended.

The point stands: HARM drones + light attack drones operated from frontlines annihilate air defences, and pretty much everything else.
I can already imagine it being something like "local monkey crews can't do anything properly"
Harops have dedicated HARM variants. No wonder they are used exactly as intended.

The point stands: HARM drones + light attack drones operated from frontlines annihilate air defences, and pretty much everything else.
Harops are perfect for SEAD missions due to its radiation seeking technologies, long loitering capability and extremely low RCS.

There are no dedicated variants, they're all capable of it. Multirole.


It's not the first time drones ensured absolute victory over a SAM network.
This is operation Mole Cricket 19.

I think that's the only operation that can rival the war with Armenia with its success.
Harops are perfect for SEAD missions due to its radiation seeking technologies, long loitering capability and extremely low RCS.

There are no dedicated variants, they're all capable of it. Multirole.

View attachment 802038
It's not the first time drones ensured absolute victory over a SAM network.
This is operation Mole Cricket 19.

I think that's the only operation that can rival the war with Armenia with its success.
From what I heard, there is a "SEAD package" for Harop. The command van with huge telescopic antennas is seen on some footage, but absent on other, where command centre is in a truck with just a tiny antenna.
From what I heard, there is a "SEAD package" for Harop. The command van with huge telescopic antennas is seen on some footage, but absent on other, where command centre is in a truck with just a tiny antenna.
You might be confusing between the Harop and Harpy and Harpy NG.

Harpy NG is a more advanced Harpy that's fitted with a SEAD package.

Harop is a SEAD capable drone by default.
As far as I understood it from IAI at least.
In the first post of the title, visual confirmations are included one by one. Proven 759 targets. These are the attacks reflected in the press. Only open sources were used when collecting the sources. And the world watched these wars almost live. Can you show me any study of any weapon system with such clear and understandable visuals like that?

It doesn't matter if it's the USA or Russia, or any other country, air defense system or drones... Usually, we discuss Operative achievements in terms of the numbers released, not visual confirmation when speaking. The situation changed when the subject was TR. But the subject here is not TR, is it?

The archives don't lie, go back and check out this forum's pre-2016/17 posts and see, for example how pantsir had hyped by someones. But, While no one is talking about the weakness of the Russian systems here actually, the TB-2's(and some other mini and tactical drones) operational success has often been marred by the claim that the Pantsir system is actually garbage, for some reason. Well, I remember very well, just two years ago, the same people argued here that TB2-like tactical drones could never hit a pantsir, anyway...

We take the subject to unnecessary points and miss the point we need to see. TB-2 or another tactical drone (we are going over TB2 because there is concrete data) how these aircraft, which have a really simple engineering, have now become indispensable tools of land armies and, in parallel, how they are changing today's combat doctrines. We should discuss this.
The archives don't lie, go back and check out this forum's pre-2016/17 posts and see, for example how pantsir had hyped by someones. But, While no one is talking about the weakness of the Russian systems here actually, the TB-2's(and some other mini and tactical drones) operational success has often been marred by the claim that the Pantsir system is actually garbage, for some reason. Well, I remember very well, just two years ago, the same people argued here that TB2-like tactical drones could never hit a pantsir, anyway...
Russians always talk big about their systems! Even the S-300 and S-400 might not be that good in the end. All these decades the hype about the S-300 and S-400 and the Russians were extremely reluctant to use them in Syria. They put them there as a show of force and didn't even use them once. They used the Buk,Pantsir and Tor instead. Makes you wonder if it's not as good as they have been saying.

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