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Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’

None of it is true, wakf board has huge land pool but Muslims wants to occupy other areas and make them designated muslim spots,which is stopped.

Has a problem with muslims praying in open spaces ie public parks, roads. train stations , airports highways etc

Their are many like you in India ,who missed their trains in 1947.
There are many in India who missed the Islamic sword.
There are so many mosques in the area already why need to pray in open?
I knew the answer when i asked the question. Of course it is specifically targeting muslims while majority gets a pass. Hypocrisy is thy name BJp ruled India.
Ya, tell them to pray in mosques not in open, or if in the open, on the waqf board land, not on public places. We don’t either and so do people of other religions. And what pass you’re talking about? Waha Kirtan karne hum bhinjayenge, to hame bhi nikal denge. And you should first let the temple get build in Islamabad then talk of majority/minority in India.
I knew the answer when i asked the question. Of course it is specifically targeting muslims while majority gets a pass. Hypocrisy is thy name BJp ruled India.
I too expected the jab at Hindu festivals but that is the reality. We don't take it to roads every day for some festivals, there can be at best 5 festivals a year for Hindus and that's it.

Victim card has limits. Wakf board is the third largest land owner in India if they can't build a few mosques for Muslims what are they doing?
There are many in India who missed the Islamic sword.
People also believe there should've been a reconquista similar to the one in Iberian peninsula. Fantasies....
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I too expected the jab at Hindu festivals but that is the reality. We don't take it to roads every day for some festivals, there can be at best 5 festivals a year for Hindus and that's it.

Victim card has limits. Wakf board is the third largest land owner in India if they can't build a few mosques for Muslims what are they doing?

People also believe there should've been a reconquista similar to the one in Iberian peninsula. Fantasies....
Leave them bhai they are the same people who’ll abuse Hindus and other religions during the day.

And cry of Islamophobia at night
How many Muslims will allow 100 - 200 Hindu men to gather 'one day every week' in a muslim area for an hour and do Puja or whatever? Ans - None. So, if there are more muslims less space they can take godowns or worshops on rent, why cause inconvenience to others and break the law?
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Its just beginning, Dogs are on the loose and they won't stop until they bite every Muslim, I was waiting for that day when Indian Chicken Muslims realizes that Jinnah was right.
We all thank Mr.Jinnah, thanks for agreeing
but I wonder if you truly thank him and agree with his philosophy - than why are y'all holding onto Kashmir, they don't look Indian, act Indian, are Muslim, read Urdu papers

If you agree with his philosophy, truly thank him than by that metric you have no business in Kashmir, you lose the moral authority to govern Kashmir if you agree with Mr Jinnah?

If Indians truly start agreeing with Mr.Jinnah than there is no reason for conflict,- Muslim regions in a separate country, Hindus in India and brotherly relationship among these states due to cultural, geographical reasons?
Truly accepting TNT solves the big problems of SC
By mistake I didn't write Mr.Jinnah or quaid e azam, sometimes when writting we take his name in vain by forgetting to write his proper name which we won't do when speaking
Looking back I felt terrible at taking his name in vain, hopefully next time me and all of us can be a little more careful with this
There are many in India who missed the Islamic sword.
Hindus rape children every day. That is their festival

Due to above quoted moronic reasons (very much true according to history and teachings of Islam) this is happening all around the world.

Malayalam director Ali Akbar quits Islam protesting against Islamists celebrating the death of CDS General Bipin Rawat

Ali Akbar said that he and his family will not have religion from now on, and he will be known as Ram Singh.

Renowned Malayalam director Ali Akbar has announced that he is leaving Islam protesting against those who had celebrated the tragic death of CDS General Bipin Rawat. Ali Akbar revealed this on Facebook, where he also stated that he and his family will have no religion henceforth.

Ali Akbar had earlier posted a video on Facebook criticizing the Islamists who mocked the death of CDS Bipin Rawat. Akbar’s account was suspended for a month after the video received hateful comments on the platform. The director then opened another account and declared that he was leaving Islam. Akbar said, “Within five minutes of speaking out against those who put up emojis, the account was blocked. I can not accept it, I can not agree with it, so I’m leaving my religion. I or my family no longer have a religion. That is the decision.”

Ali Akbar further said that from now on he will be known as Ram Singh. “Ramasimhan is a person who was killed while sticking to the culture of Kerala. Tomorrow Ali Akbar will be called Ram Singh. That’s the best name,” he said. Ramasimhan and his family were butchered by Islamists for converting to Hinduism from Islam in 1947. Ramasimhan, his brother Dayasimhan, Dayasimhan’s wife Kamala, their cook Raju Iyer and other members of the family were brutally butchered by Islamist Jihadists in Malaparamba, Malappuram district on 2nd August 1947, just two weeks before the independence.

Ali Akbar informed that he took the decision to quit Islam after discussing the matter with his wife. ‘I am throwing away the dress I was born with’, he said.

Akbar also posted a picture containing names of those people who had mocked the demise of the CDS Bipin Rawat on his Facebook page.
Source: Ali Akbar/Facebook

Ali Akbar has spoken to Janam TV and explained his protest against the anti-national elements and his decision to quit Islam

Notably, Ali Akbar had raised his objections through a Facebook video after he witnessed the celebration of the Islamists online. The national award-winning actor then came out declaring his departure from the religion of Islam.

Manohar Lal Khattar on Gurgaon dispute: ‘Offering namaz in open will not be tolerated’
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community.
Written by Pavneet Singh Chadha | Gurgaon |
Updated: December 10, 2021 9:38:30 pm
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar (File)
Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar Friday said that namaz should not be offered in the open and the practice “will not be tolerated”, adding that an earlier decision where some sites had been reserved for the purpose had been withdrawn.
Asked about Friday prayers being disrupted in Gurgaon over the past few weeks, Khattar said: “We have told the police and the Deputy Commissioner that this issue has to be resolved. To resolve it, everyone offers prayers at their own place, someone offers namaz, someone does paath, someone does puja, we have no issue with that. And religious places are built for these purposes only so that prayers are offered there. Such practises should not take place in the open, this practice of offering namaz prayers here in the open, this will not be tolerated.”
The Chief Minister was speaking after chairing a meeting of the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) at PWD rest house in Gurgaon.

Khattar said an amicable solution will be found after discussions with the community. “They have said that they have several places where they should be given permission. Some of their properties or those under Waqf board are encroached upon… how they can be made available to them is being discussed. Or they can offer prayers in their homes. Offering namaz in the open and this confrontation, we will not allow this confrontation to continue,” he said.

“A decision had been taken earlier after consultation, but that decision too where some spots had been reserved, we have withdrawn it. Now, talks will be conducted with a fresh approach again. Everyone should get the facility. No one’s rights should be infringed, but no one will be forced,” he said.
Hours earlier, while the Chief Minister’s meeting was on, some local residents and members of pro-Hindutva groups occupied the area outside the Sector 37 police station, which had been earmarked for namaz prayers.
They conducted a “condolence meet” to mourn the demise of CDS Bipin Rawat and other defence personnel who were killed in a helicopter crash on Wednesday.
Residents and members of various pro-Hindu organisations stage a protest against conducting Namaz (Friday prayers) in an open site at Sector 37, in Gurugram, Friday, Dec. 10, 2021.
(Express Photo By Amit Mehra )
Amid police deployment, the group parked trucks and vehicles at the ground, chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘Bharat Mata ki jai’. An argument ensued after a small group arrived to pray and the local residents — from Khandsa, Mohammadpur Jharsa, Begumpur Khatola and nearby villages — asked them to leave.
These groups had disrupted prayers at the designated sites earlier, too. They conducted a havan ceremony at sector 37 to mark the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, conducted Govardhan Puja in sector 12 A and left dung cakes behind, and showed up to play cricket and played bhajans through speakers in sector 47.
On Friday, prayers were disrupted by these groups at parks in sector 44 and sector 29, too. They included several people who had been arrested on October 29 for allegedly attempting to disrupt Friday prayers.


So they don't allow us to pray in our mosques, don't allow us to build new mosques, and now prevent us from praying.

This depraved society has no problem with lynching Muslims in the open.....no problem with defecating in the open....but a problem when a Muslim prays.

Let me be the first to say on this.....Jinnah was right!
Good for you since your elders choose Hindustan over Pakistan.

If you want something from us to help you than raise an armed struggle we will help you.
Due to above quoted moronic reasons (very much true according to history and teachings of Islam) this is happening all around the world.

Malayalam director Ali Akbar quits Islam protesting against Islamists celebrating the death of CDS General Bipin Rawat

Ali Akbar said that he and his family will not have religion from now on, and he will be known as Ram Singh.

Renowned Malayalam director Ali Akbar has announced that he is leaving Islam protesting against those who had celebrated the tragic death of CDS General Bipin Rawat. Ali Akbar revealed this on Facebook, where he also stated that he and his family will have no religion henceforth.

Ali Akbar had earlier posted a video on Facebook criticizing the Islamists who mocked the death of CDS Bipin Rawat. Akbar’s account was suspended for a month after the video received hateful comments on the platform. The director then opened another account and declared that he was leaving Islam. Akbar said, “Within five minutes of speaking out against those who put up emojis, the account was blocked. I can not accept it, I can not agree with it, so I’m leaving my religion. I or my family no longer have a religion. That is the decision.”

Ali Akbar further said that from now on he will be known as Ram Singh. “Ramasimhan is a person who was killed while sticking to the culture of Kerala. Tomorrow Ali Akbar will be called Ram Singh. That’s the best name,” he said. Ramasimhan and his family were butchered by Islamists for converting to Hinduism from Islam in 1947. Ramasimhan, his brother Dayasimhan, Dayasimhan’s wife Kamala, their cook Raju Iyer and other members of the family were brutally butchered by Islamist Jihadists in Malaparamba, Malappuram district on 2nd August 1947, just two weeks before the independence.

Ali Akbar informed that he took the decision to quit Islam after discussing the matter with his wife. ‘I am throwing away the dress I was born with’, he said.

Akbar also posted a picture containing names of those people who had mocked the demise of the CDS Bipin Rawat on his Facebook page.
Source: Ali Akbar/Facebook

Ali Akbar has spoken to Janam TV and explained his protest against the anti-national elements and his decision to quit Islam

Notably, Ali Akbar had raised his objections through a Facebook video after he witnessed the celebration of the Islamists online. The national award-winning actor then came out declaring his departure from the religion of Islam.
shit he want to live with bipen after death :lol:
Religious flaming
shit he want to live with bipen after death :lol:

Yes this is what Islam is about.

He has chosen to be with CDS Bipin Rawat in the heavens, rather then live on earth with Allah's apostles.

Punishment For Apostasy In Islam - Islam and the Quran (islamandquran.org)

Punishment For Apostasy In Islam



1. Introduction
There is continuity in jurisprudence. Mohammad was not the first messenger.[1] That which was revealed to him was also from previous revelations.[2] All holy books affirm previous ones. The Qur’an also informs that it confirms previous divine Books.[3] Messenger Mohammad was commanded to judge by previous Books on the issues about which no new revelation was received.[4] Qur’an did not transfer part of the rulings in previous books, replaced part thereof with better orders, and literally transferred most of them as they are.[5] When a verse is abrogated by another one that is better for humanity, the previous practice is abandoned. For instance, Mohammad had enjoined the stoning punishment for a while in case of fornication, since no new revelation was received until then. When the related ruling of the Qur’an was revealed, he abandoned the stoning punishment and started to practice the new ruling.[6] We think, the issue of apostasy is similar to this. Related verses in the Old and New Testaments, some narrations from the Messenger Mohammad, and the Qur’an reinforce our opinion.

2. Punishment for Apostasy in Tradition
In traditional Islamic jurisprudence, apostasy is called “irtidad (riddad)”, and apostate is called “murtad”. In tradition, there is a consensus that apostates must be killed. Hanafis exempt apostate women from this.[7] Apostates must be offered with repentance before being killed. This is a recommended act (mustahab) according to Hanafis, and nearly obligatory- basing on hadiths (wajib) according to other sects.[8] According to the tradition; if an apostate dies, is killed or leaves the country, he loses all his properties. His property is taken as spoils for the treasury after his debts are paid.[9] According to Abu Hanifah what he earned as a Muslim is inherited to the legal inheritors. According to four Imams, his property is inherited to legal inheritors in any case. The wedding of the apostate is null and void automatically. According to Shafis, the wife of the apostate must wait during the waiting period (iddah).
Tradition tries to base the killing of apostates on Qur’an, on the Example (Sunnah) of Messenger Mohammad, and on the consensus of the scholars. Let’s check this false evidence:

a. Alleged Evidence from the Qur’an
It is claimed, the following two verses prove that apostates deserve capital punishment:
قُلْ لِلْمُخَلَّف۪ينَ مِنَ الْاَعْرَابِ سَتُدْعَوْنَ اِلٰى قَوْمٍ اُوۨل۪ي بَاْسٍ شَد۪يدٍ تُقَاتِلُونَهُمْ اَوْ يُسْلِمُونَ فَاِنْ تُط۪يعُوا يُؤْتِكُمُ اللّٰهُ اَجْرًا حَسَنًا وَاِنْ تَتَوَلَّوْا كَمَا تَوَلَّيْتُمْ مِنْ قَبْلُ يُعَذِّبْكُمْ عَذَابًا اَل۪يمًا
“Say to those who remained behind of the bedouins, “You will be called to [face] a people of great military might; you may fight them, or they will become Muslims. So if you obey, Allah will give you a good reward; but if you turn away as you turned away before, He will punish you with a painful punishment.” (48:16)

Basing on the words “aw yuslimoon: اَوْ يُسْلِمُونَ : or they will become Muslims” it is provisioned that those who apostate must be killed.[10]

يَسْـَٔلُونَكَ عَنِ الشَّهْرِ الْحَرَامِ قِتَالٍ ف۪يهِ قُلْ قِتَالٌ ف۪يهِ كَب۪يرٌ وَصَدٌّ عَنْ سَب۪يلِ اللّٰهِ وَكُفْرٌ بِه۪ وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ وَاِخْرَاجُ اَهْلِه۪ مِنْهُ اَكْبَرُ عِنْدَ اللّٰهِ وَالْفِتْنَةُ اَكْبَرُ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ وَلَا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتّٰى يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَنْ د۪ينِكُمْ اِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا وَمَنْ يَرْتَدِدْ مِنْكُمْ عَنْ د۪ينِه۪ فَيَمُتْ وَهُوَ كَافِرٌ فَاُوۨلٰۤئِكَ حَبِطَتْ اَعْمَالُهُمْ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْاٰخِرَةِ وَاُوۨلٰۤئِكَ اَصْحَابُ النَّارِ هُمْ ف۪يهَا خَالِدُونَ

“They ask you concerning warfare in the prohibited months. Say, fighting in these months is a serious offense. But in the sight of Allah, it is far worse to hinder people from the way of Allah, and to ignore Him, and to prevent them from visiting the sacred mosque, and to expel the dwellers there from it. The oppression is far worse than bloodshed. As for them, they will go on fighting with you till they succeed in turning you away from your faith if they can. Whosoever renounces his faith and dies a renegade, all his works shall be fruitless both in this world and in the hereafter. All such people deserve the fire and shall abide in there forever.” (2:217)

The claim about this verse in tradition is as follows: “The letter ‘fa’ at the beginning of the expression “fa yamut : فَيَمُتْ = and dies” is subsequent. That means death comes right after turning from religion. Everyone knows that a person does not die right after apostasy, because of turning from religion. Therefore, subsequence may only be provided by execution of the apostate as a legal punishment. Thus, the verse becomes evident that apostates must be killed.”[11]

b. Alleged Evidence from Messenger Mohammad’s Example

روى البخاري وغيره عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ قَالَ : { أُتِيَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلِيٌّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ بِزَنَادِقَةٍ فَأَحْرَقَهُمْ ، فَبَلَغَ ذَلِكَ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ ، فَقَالَ : لَوْ
كُنْت أَنَا لَمْ أَحْرِقْهُمْ لِنَهْيِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ : لَا تُعَذِّبُوا بِعَذَابِ اللَّهِ ، وَلَقَتَلْتهمْ لِقَوْلِ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : مَنْ بَدَّلَ دِينَهُ فَاقْتُلُوهُ } .رَوَاهُ الْجَمَاعَةُ إلَّا مُسْلِمًا ، وَلَيْسَ لِابْنِ مَاجَهْ فِيهِ سِوَى : { مَنْ بَدَّلَ دِينَهُ فَاقْتُلُوهُ }

Here is a narration of Bukhari and many others from Ikrimah: “Some apostates were brought to Viceroy Ali, and he burned them. When Ibn Abbas learned the situation he said: “I would not have burnt them because, the Messenger of God Mohammad forbade it and said: ‘Do not punish by the punishment of God.’ I would have killed them. The Messenger said: ‘Kill him who turns from his religion.'””[12]

لا يحل دم امرئ مسلم إلا بإحدى ثلاث: الثيب الزاني، والنفس بالنفس، والتارك لدينهالمفارق للجماعة

“It is not lawful to kill a Muslim. Except for an adulterer sayyib[13], life for retaliation and one who turns from his religion leaving his society.”[14]

أيما رجل ارتد عن الإسلام فادعه فإن عاد وإلا فاضرب عنقه وأيما امرأة ارتدت عن الإسلام فادعها فأن عادت وإلا فاضرب عنقها

“If a man turns away from Islam invite him back to Islam. If he returns he does, if not decapitate him. If a woman turns away from Islam invite her back to Islam. If she returns she does, if not decapitate her.”
Due to above quoted moronic reasons (very much true according to history and teachings of Islam) this is happening all around the world.

Malayalam director Ali Akbar quits Islam protesting against Islamists celebrating the death of CDS General Bipin Rawat

Ali Akbar said that he and his family will not have religion from now on, and he will be known as Ram Singh.

Renowned Malayalam director Ali Akbar has announced that he is leaving Islam protesting against those who had celebrated the tragic death of CDS General Bipin Rawat. Ali Akbar revealed this on Facebook, where he also stated that he and his family will have no religion henceforth.

Ali Akbar had earlier posted a video on Facebook criticizing the Islamists who mocked the death of CDS Bipin Rawat. Akbar’s account was suspended for a month after the video received hateful comments on the platform. The director then opened another account and declared that he was leaving Islam. Akbar said, “Within five minutes of speaking out against those who put up emojis, the account was blocked. I can not accept it, I can not agree with it, so I’m leaving my religion. I or my family no longer have a religion. That is the decision.”

Ali Akbar further said that from now on he will be known as Ram Singh. “Ramasimhan is a person who was killed while sticking to the culture of Kerala. Tomorrow Ali Akbar will be called Ram Singh. That’s the best name,” he said. Ramasimhan and his family were butchered by Islamists for converting to Hinduism from Islam in 1947. Ramasimhan, his brother Dayasimhan, Dayasimhan’s wife Kamala, their cook Raju Iyer and other members of the family were brutally butchered by Islamist Jihadists in Malaparamba, Malappuram district on 2nd August 1947, just two weeks before the independence.

Ali Akbar informed that he took the decision to quit Islam after discussing the matter with his wife. ‘I am throwing away the dress I was born with’, he said.

Akbar also posted a picture containing names of those people who had mocked the demise of the CDS Bipin Rawat on his Facebook page.
Source: Ali Akbar/Facebook

Ali Akbar has spoken to Janam TV and explained his protest against the anti-national elements and his decision to quit Islam

Notably, Ali Akbar had raised his objections through a Facebook video after he witnessed the celebration of the Islamists online. The national award-winning actor then came out declaring his departure from the religion of Islam.
The reacts are mostly from Pakistanis not Indian muslims
Read the last names/clans

Which I agree with - people who do haha on civillian plane crashes should not expect the recieving party to be nice afterwards

You have to be decent to get decency
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