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Another Pakistan Waiting To Be Carved Out Of India !

Kashmir is just the beginning not the end.

Our end goal is to have Islam rule the whole subcontinent again.

It is not your decision if you will give Kashmir or not.

That decision has already been made by Pakistan.

Kashmir banega Pakistan (Kashmir will join Pakistan)

Islam will rule the subcontinent again.
First establish Islam in Pakistan then talk about India.
When are you going to enforce sharia is Pakistan..?? Even after 70 years and 99% population Muslims you can even do that.
There is a paradigm shift happening and no one can stop the gradual loosening grip of religion on humans.
First establish Islam in Pakistan then talk about India.
When are you going to enforce sharia is Pakistan..?? Even after 70 years and 99% population Muslims you can even do that.
There is a paradigm shift happening and no one can stop the gradual loosening grip of religion on humans.





First establish Islam in Pakistan then talk about India.
When are you going to enforce sharia is Pakistan..?? Even after 70 years and 99% population Muslims you can even do that.
There is a paradigm shift happening and no one can stop the gradual loosening grip of religion on humans.

You seem worried that Asiatic lions will be set upon you again for sports.

I promise no such designs exists.

Although mineral rich Junagarh will add industrial power to Pakistan
You have been reinstating and reinforcing your constitution for the last 70 years still couldn’t implement sharia law in Pakistan to the fullest, it’s still work in progress.

Ask anyone of your famous religious preachers if they are happy with the implementation of Islamic values in Pakistan...!!!

This is off topic discussion.

We are discussing the State of Junagarh and her intentions to formally join Pakistan.
This is off topic discussion.

We are discussing the State of Junagarh and her intentions to formally join Pakistan.
It’s not me who started the religions discussion, go back a look who wanted to convert every Indian to Islam... LOL
It seems very illogical to call for conversation when there a Hindus and Christians living in Pakistan today. The question arises if you were not able to convert them in 70 years then how will to convert whole of India.
Hence my assumption that Pakistan is more secular than Islamic at the moment. People are more or less allowed to practice their religion.
This is off topic discussion.

We are discussing the State of Junagarh and her intentions to formally join Pakistan.
Another reason why I reply to such posts is to completely prove them wrong with proper proofs.... it’s fun.
It’s not me who started the religions discussion, go back a look who wanted to convert every Indian to Islam... LOL
It seems very illogical to call for conversation when there a Hindus and Christians living in Pakistan today. The question arises if you were not able to convert them in 70 years then how will to convert whole of India.
Hence my assumption that Pakistan is more secular than Islamic at the moment. People are more or less allowed to practice their religion.
I believe that poster is from India.

Nowhere does the constitution states that we have to convert anyone to any religion. The rights of minorities to practice their religion as seen fit through consensus of their own lest social justice and human rights allow the state to intervene for example where there is exploitation.

Bollywood education about Pakistan is a constant nuisance for any Pakistani given the sheer numbers of indoctrinated Indians.
I believe that poster is from India.

Nowhere does the constitution states that we have to convert anyone to any religion. The rights of minorities to practice their religion as seen fit through consensus of their own lest social justice and human rights allow the state to intervene for example where there is exploitation.

Bollywood education about Pakistan is a constant nuisance for any Pakistani given the sheer numbers of indoctrinated Indians.
That halfmoon guy is Indian..???? LOL..!!!
Ghaznavi attacked and destroyed Somnath temple, we will make it part of Pakistan. :D

Hindus from India will be provide the corridor to visit the temple, just like we do at Kartarpur. $$$ thank you. :D
Don't put more salt on the wounds of Kashmiris who consider themselves Pakistanis and waiting for last seven decades for Pakistan to free them from Hindu Indian clutches.
@Windjammer @Clutch @El Sidd
Windy, possibility of Pakistan splitting is more than India. When Khalistan in 1980's could not split, nothing can split India anymore.

1947 was a mutual agreement when there were 1000 of princely state. Now there is no British Rule to arbitrate.

Post 1947, size of India has grown ( Goa, Sikkim) while that of Pakistan got half.

As a third person, where will you put your money?

And yes, Indian Constitution will remain same. All that Alaap of RSS, NAZI, ZANOCIDE, EXTREMISM by PMIK is just scaremongering and propoganda. So lets not go there.

The landmass of Bangladesh was no where equal to half of Pakistan. Pakistan also has a far bigger in population as well now.
It’s very clear that Pakistan will not stop even if we give them Kashmir, they have some ulterior motives. The claim on Junagadh after 70 years proves that, also don’t forget Mumbai attack.
Hence we should not give even a inch in Kashmir and should try to take whatever territory we can from Pakistan.
Its no longer limited to Kashmir now.

You lost miles to China.
You were handed a military defeat when you tried an assault last year.
Kashmir will come to us, you can try taking our land, you'll get plenty of dead bodies in return, just like you did on Friday on the LOC.
Tired of the oppression of Narindar Modi, the Indian state of Junagadh has started a movement for affiliation with Pakistan. The Pakistani flag was raised with slogans of ′′ Junagadh is Pakistan a few days ago . The head of the state asked the Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan for an embassy of the state of Junagadh like Kashmir.

Too late now, these clowns had their chance back in 48. Also what's with these folks, aren't they all Guju Hindus?
It is a tiny state in the middle of Gujarat. It's not going anywhere.
Lol trust me on this gujaratis are the last kind people in India who want to be with Pakistan :rofl:

True, we don't want them either.
If we wanted umpa lumpas we would recruit them from elsewhere. :woot:

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