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Pakistan: Man accused of blasphemy shot dead at court trial

Lo Jee ! Kuta Ghazi ban gaya... Dog become Hero

So what if he calls himself a prophet?

Are a billion plus Muslims globally such idiots that they'll start following this man as a prophet just because he claims to be one?

And what if he was mentally ill?

Why do people oppose even simple reforms that prevent arrest/detention under Blasphemy allegations until the entire investigation and appeals process has been exhausted?

Why do innocent people have to rot in jail for years and have their lives, and those of their families, ruined because some imbeciles made false allegations of Blasphemy?

What is the punishment for those who have made false allegations of Blasphemy and ruined the lives of others?
There shouldn't be any blasphemy law period.
another section 295-A blaspheme case registered against a shia writer raza hyder who wrote a poem on that fake dream of khalid . he is arrested too .

My point is simple - the Quran clearly states that there is to be no compulsion in religion.

"....................... The right course has become clear from the wrong ........."

From the same verse. I asked very pertinent questions to establish the truthfulness of GAM's claims, I didn't get any straight answer.

Compulsion or coercion is secondary matter that we can discuss but first thing is to establish the right course, separate the truth from falsehood.

Pakistan's law and the demands of some Muslims that Ahmadis be forced to not call themselves Muslim is a clear example of coercion and compulsion.

At least qadiyanis should show some moral courage and accept that I am a non Muslim according to what they believe.

The Muslim non Muslim issues was discussed in Pakistan's parliament, qadiyanis were given the ample opportunity to be heard and they themselves declared the rest of non Qadiyanis to be non Muslim. So please ......

My point is simple accept that Hazrat Muhammad Peace be upon is the final messenger and prophet and no one after him got designated divinely to perfect or complete Islam. Is that that hard to accept if anyone wishes to be a Muslim? If someone doesn't accept this then he is clearly and maliciously following an agenda and distortion, and I have the right to fight this clear case of identity theft. They are anything but Muslims.

And let me once again reiterate Qadiyanis follow a caliph of their own, they will never disobey him even if it goes against any state or law.
Who ever claim prophet hod after MUHAMMAD (PBUH) that MAN should be given death plenty.
And no one is denying that, but even in the days of Prohphet there was procedure on serving justice. Who is to decide whether someone is guilty or not?
i cannot accuse you of wrongful interpretation of Quran & Islam, neither am the authority nor you are , but murdering you who be justified?
another section 295-A blaspheme case registered against a shia writer raza hyder who wrote a poem on that fake dream of khalid . he is arrested too .

Banana republic bana dia hai sir ....Welcome to Banana Republic....
We live in a country where courts will set free 196 terrorists and an accused will be killed on the court premises
Banana republic bana dia hai sir ....Welcome to Banana Republic....
We live in a country where courts will set free 196 terrorists and an accused will be killed on the court premises
Her aty jaty per 295 laga rahy hain ab :rofl:
it doen't bother me much, what bothered me was the fact that ATS Personnel deployed on his security detail considered him a hero. I saw them taking selfies with him, kissing him on his forehead. What will stop these highly trained killers from pulling trigger on their superiors tomorrow in the name of religion?
We didn't learn anything from Mumtaz Qadri case....
Too much religious extremism in country and it is for this reason this country will go down
Lo Jee ! Kuta Ghazi ban gaya... Dog become Hero

it doen't bother me much, what bothered me was the fact that ATS Personnel deployed on his security detail considered him a hero. I saw them taking selfies with him, kissing him on his forehead. What will stop these highly trained killers from pulling trigger on their superiors tomorrow in the name of religion?
We didn't learn anything from Mumtaz Qadri case....
Too much religious extremism in country and it is for this reason this country will go down
System is infected to core .and no action was taken against them
I dont understand the mindset of those who portrayed someone who take laws in his own hands as hero of Islam. You can disgaree with others, you can issue fatwa of kufr or whatever you want but no one has any right to kill any individual in his personal capacity. Pakistan has become jokes and banana republic in the hands of extremists Mullahs. Next you will be going to kill Christian s over blasphemy because they consider Jesus as son of God which is boht insult to God and prophet Jesus. How ridiculous to prove love for rehmat ul.almeen Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by taking life of an individual. Everyone will go in his own grave so bother about yourself instead of correcting other s by killing them
IS this really become a BIG news 'if the Ahmadi sect accused killed outside court'??
toba toba astughfarullah :astagh:
(its a common phrase in pakistan so no judging)
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Too much religious extremism in country and it is for this reason this country will go down
it is going down since the introduction of religion in qarar dade muqaasid and forced exile of our hindu law minister because of introduction of religion at the state level
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