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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

Today we erect Hindu temples, tomorrow we just might erect a statue of ganesh in Islamabad, it's not far fetched to believe that will happen at the current pace we are going.
They already erected Ranjit Singh Kana's statue in Lahore. He was the person who had used Badshahi mosque as a stable and was hanging people in front of Wazir Khan mosque. Muslim leader Syed Ahmad Shaheed fought against Sikh rule and sacrificed his life in the process. Shamelessly, a sitting minister boasted about "Punjabi supremacy" when he announced his plans to build Ranjit Singh's statue
The same elites you yourself claimed that allowed Afghan Jihad and terrorism but now you trust them enough to do other things unquestioningly? This is wishful thinking.
Afghan Jihad was to support Pakistan's own interests. Pakistan also completed its nuke bomb during that time taking advantage of the situation. The communist backed government in Afghanistan was in connivance with India and Russia and was backing insurgencies in Baluchistan and NWFP. Afghan Jihad was popular resistance to the "secular and liberal" policies which the communist regime was imposing on the conservative people of Afghanistan. Pakistan merely supported them.

It was in the same category as supporting Kashmiri freedom fighters against Indian occupation and oppression. And also in the same category as freedom movements against colonials post WW2.
I know exactly what kind of things you're talking about, they seem to support MB parties overseas but I wouldn't call them MB themselves. Some of them that attend these mosques or community centers are good people but others who like to control narrative too much are usually hypocritical and see themselves too highly. But you can say this is the case with all our mosques/community centers nowadays. Those who control narrative/agenda whether MB, Salafi, Sufi or so on tend to be our worst bunch. Talk religiously and put on outward pious appearance but steal money, look for attention all the time, sin more than others and way too arrogant. Also shape their political views based off worldly interests/preferences and not clean approach which is only intended to please God.

I thought what happened with Nouman Khan was ridicilious, he simply sough to marry it appeared and such private matters should never be leaked. Some people must have been jealous of him. Such private matters should never be released to public and especially something not controversial like that. Humans are not perfect and God made us to sin. That cancel culture we have is wrong too. This is why I don't get involved with any of my mosques or community centers when it comes to decision making/setting narrative/deciding agenda. Those in control will push others out and people in general don't want to hear the truth which can be brutal, boring, and too hard to accept. They prefer to live in imaginary rosy world.

Muslim Brotherhood of USA is a unique amalgamation of various MB factions (most prominently Syrian, Egyptian, Palestinian, and smaller ones.) Many migrated to the US around the 70s-80s when they had problems in their home countries with their governments. Although at many times they are antagonistic and have different goals, for example Egyptian MB is more amiable and open to other Muslim groups than the Syrian version. Between them there are some common themes.

1. Attaining political power is the primary goal, all other things are secondary.

2. This should begin internally in the Muslim community (masjid boards and organizations.)

3. Potential rivals should be humiliated, fought against publicly, and eliminated to help the goals.

4. Never should they go against the government in which they live openly, and compromising religion is acceptable to meet those ends.

5. Rivalries within MB should be kept within, and not exposed.

6. Secret meetings should take place to further objectives and create unity within the organization.

So we see that true to its name and founding, the Society of the Muslim Brotherhood stays true to its roots as being a secret society modeled after the Free Masons and Shriners.

This is how they destroyed our American Muslim community, utterly divided us, and are now promoting this LGBT, anti-shariah, and progressive nonsense in our name. We also saw that during the time of Bush's election, MB campaigned heavily for him. MB has been shaming and chastising Muslims who do not vote (for their platform and favored politicians) since that time. Every masjid is used to further this mass bullying against Muslims to push them into their party's plans.

Not to mention that such things are not allowed in a house of worship, it disrupts the sanctity and peacefulness of such a holy place.

You will never hear them talk about genuine religious solutions for fixing the Muslim society, such as fixing the relationship of youth with the Quran, Sunnah, and Seerah, acquainting us with Islamic history, or bridging gaps between various Muslim communities in the US.

Allah swt has given us the solution of all problems if we study the Prophet saws and his life. In none of those did he bully people to vote in a Non-Muslim society for Non-Muslim candidates, compromise basic obligations of Islam to become accepted by other groups, but instead he peacefully preached the message of Islam to the masses, facing all sorts of persecution until the command of Allah swt came to make hijrat and establish the state of Madina with the full support of the people of the city, whose hearts had been melded to carry the burden.

There is a reason Sayyed Qutb was so opposed to them at the end of his life, after joining them and studying them from the inside. He rejected their innovations in religion, and rightly so.

They already erected Ranjit Singh Kana's statue in Lahore. He was the person who had used Badshahi mosque as a stable and was hanging people in front of Wazir Khan mosque. Muslim leader Syed Ahmad Shaheed fought against Sikh rule and sacrificed his life in the process. Shamelessly, a sitting minister boasted about "Punjabi supremacy" when he announced his plans to build Ranjit Singh's statue

He also tore apart one of the famous gates of Lahore, Shah Alam Darwaza, because it was named after the son of Sultan Aurangzeb Alamgir, may Allah swt be pleased with them both.
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Thing is punishments of Hadood in Islam will only comes into affect when the sin or crime is done, openly to create a rift in society , if Zina is done under the house with consent , than its not state to bang into doors and see what people are doing in the homes, Yes homosexuality is wrong and Sin but as long as their acts are not harming the society or individuals of a society than such punishments will not make any sense .
Brother, this is YOUR interpretation. There is no distinction like that.

That is disgusting thing to say, I am reporting your post ..
Not as disgusting as the act of hsexuality.
So closed door launde-bazi has been stopped in the “Islamic” society of Pakistan? Young boys are no longer be abused? Eunuchs arent hired from the streets?

Good thing that LGBT stuff never came to Pakistan.
So closed door launde-bazi has been stopped in the “Islamic” society of Pakistan? Young boys are no longer be abused? Eunuchs arent hired from the streets?

Good thing that LGBT stuff never came to Pakistan.
Good. Now give this deviant behavior a legal cover as well. That might stop all exploitation.

Point to note is that the suggestion giver lives in the land of serial killers and serial rapists.
So closed door launde-bazi has been stopped in the “Islamic” society of Pakistan? Young boys are no longer be abused? Eunuchs arent hired from the streets?

Good thing that LGBT stuff never came to Pakistan.

Two wrongs doesn't make a right sir, Just because we have people who drink , do bacha bazi , honor killing or whatever sin doesn't make it right to open up gates for other sins to go unchecked in society .

Every Muslim is the recipient, guardian, and executor of God's will on earth; his responsibilities are all encompassing. A Muslim's duty to act in defense of what is right is as much part of his faith as is his duty to oppose wrong. The Prophet once said, "If someone among you sees wrong he must right it by his hand if he can (deed, conduct, action). If he cannot, then by his tongue (speak up, verbally oppose); if he cannot, then by his gaze (silent expression of disapproval); and if he cannot, then in his heart. The last is the minimum expression of his conviction (faith, courage)."

https://www.mei.edu/publications/social-system-and-morality-islam#:~:text=The Prophet once said, "If,cannot, then in his heart.
this should Answer your logic of seeing things. .
Two wrongs doesn't make a right sir, Just because we have people who drink , do bacha bazi , honor killing or whatever sin doesn't make it right to open up gates for other sins to go unchecked in society .

Every Muslim is the recipient, guardian, and executor of God's will on earth; his responsibilities are all encompassing. A Muslim's duty to act in defense of what is right is as much part of his faith as is his duty to oppose wrong. The Prophet once said, "If someone among you sees wrong he must right it by his hand if he can (deed, conduct, action). If he cannot, then by his tongue (speak up, verbally oppose); if he cannot, then by his gaze (silent expression of disapproval); and if he cannot, then in his heart. The last is the minimum expression of his conviction (faith, courage)."

https://www.mei.edu/publications/social-system-and-morality-islam#:~:text=The Prophet once said, "If,cannot, then in his heart.
this should Answer your logic of seeing things. .

Then muslims should focus on the wrongs first in their own society that allow such imported ideals to come in easily.

Much like their reactionary counterparts in the west - instead of “off with their heads”, which does nothing and Russia is a good example of it. There has to be a deeper look into the root causes of it from both a society and psychological level which would give better options to deal with it instead of blaming western ideals for what is clearly a long existing background problem in Pakistani society.

Good. Now give this deviant behavior a legal cover as well. That might stop all exploitation.

Point to note is that the suggestion giver lives in the land of serial killers and serial rapists.
No covers matter if you cannot address the problem by its root.
Most countries have serial killers and rapists... including Pakistan. So you live in such a country as well and belong to a society which produces people like the following fiends:

Serial killer:

Serial Child rapist:
Then muslims should focus on the wrongs first in their own society that allow such imported ideals to come in easily.

Isn't that the whole Topic is all about ? OP is raising a Point of concern over the rise of Homosexuality and immorality in the society , we can not see things from an extremists point of view, either you fix it all or you don't raise your voice at all, everyone one of us has time and time again raise our voice against the crimes and Sins you mentioned , from Murder to rape, from stealing to interest you will find people who despite unable to do anything but at least Say that its wrong, not the ideal way of stopping a sin or crime but at least its something .

honestly I can post much much much worse news and ground realities from The epicenter of the morality USA , Trust me the things i have heard from young girls i came in contact with throughout the last decade your soul will shake if you hear their experience, many of these young friends on mine indirectly share their sexual harassment and rape experiences from their Brothers, Dads ( both biological and Step ) , cousins and uncles . Around 7 out 10 women in America has been sexually harassed at work place or home and many of the cases are from their own relative . Yes we have such people in our society to but we did not even hesitate for a second to mention good about west but when our people try to raise voice against a wrong then people say, see this see that in your society.

No covers matter if you cannot address the problem by its root.
Most countries have serial killers and rapists... including Pakistan. So you live in such a country as well and belong to a society which produces people like the following fiends:

The root cause of problem is in fact the people and their distance from Allah , God . When you put your trust in the laws on Human than they are bound to perish .

Understanding/Acknowledging the Problem/Issue/Crime/Sin is half way to the solution . If people refuse to even talk about it, or consider it a sin than they will never able to find a solution for it . Society functions as a whole hence its issues are interconnected to one another, if you start fixing one, than indirectly you are fixing others as well .
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Afghan Jihad was popular resistance to the "secular and liberal" policies which the communist regime was imposing on the conservative people of Afghanistan.

So Zia ul Haq basically wanted Afghans to live in Stone Age and not make use of the progress that the socialist Afghan government promoted.

Even at present, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have conservative people but should it mean that their views remain unchallenged ?
So Zia ul Haq basically wanted Afghans to live in Stone Age and not make use of the progress that the socialist Afghan government promoted.

Even at present, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have conservative people but should it mean that their views remain unchallenged ?
What progress did the Communists bring? Who told you Communism is progress?

And if progress means less clothing then pigs and chimps are more progressive than you?
So Zia ul Haq basically wanted Afghans to live in Stone Age and not make use of the progress that the socialist Afghan government promoted.

It wasn't Zia, Afghan wants to live under the Shariah rule that is how their society functions , its their Democratic right to rule themselves under Shariah law :whistle:
honestly I can post much much much worse news and ground realities from The epicenter of the morality USA , Trust me the things i have heard from young girls i came in contact with throughout the last decade your soul will shake if you hear their experience, many of these young friends on mine indirectly share their sexual harassment and rape experiences from their Brothers, Dads ( both biological and Step ) , cousins and uncles . Around 7 out 10 women in America has been sexually harassed at work place or home and many of the cases are from their own relative . Yes we have such people in our society to but we did not even hesitate for a second to mention good about west but when our people try to raise voice against a wrong then people say, see this see that in your society.

Sadly, I have had many patients come to me and explain their stories to me. Generally we encourage them to come forward to the police and let them investigate it, but the victims are blackmailed and threatened into silence by their abusers. Sadly, not much we can do. It is pervasive in the US.

It shows that Islamic gender rules were very forward for their times. Anytime a man and woman are left alone, there is a tendency for wrongdoing.

So Zia ul Haq basically wanted Afghans to live in Stone Age and not make use of the progress that the socialist Afghan government promoted.

Even at present, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan have conservative people but should it mean that their views remain unchallenged ?

Communist endeavor was a failed one from the beginning. You want to turn the most conservative Muslim society, Afghans, into Atheist stalwarts, lol. Then antagonize the other most conservative Islamic society, Pakistan, by threatening to invade them and supporting India against them. Further, to threaten the third most conservative Muslim society, KSA, by calling for the occupation of Muslim holy lands and invasion of Hijaz.

The question is not how things went wrong, but was there even any possibility of this going correctly.
What progress did the Communists bring? Who told you Communism is progress?

And if progress means less clothing then pigs and chimps are more progressive than you?

Funny thing is , When Muslim women wear Hijab they say its a symbol or oppression and backwardness, and call us that we live in cavemen era, but on the other hand they take their clothes off, nudists who actually live like cavemen's they don't call them that hahah

Sadly, I have had many patients come to me and explain their stories to me. Generally we encourage them to come forward to the police and let them investigate it, but the victims are blackmailed and threatened into silence by their abusers. Sadly, not much we can do. It is pervasive in the US.

You know my first response was the same that why not tell someone or go to police, and their response was that they were either threatened, blackmailed or worse that if they tell anyone no one will believe them , not even their mothers and instead they will be called sluts and whores in the family ..

It shows that Islamic gender rules were very forward for their times. Anytime a man and woman are left alone, there is a tendency for wrongdoing.

Islam was supposed to be for mankind, until the day of judgment and we don't know how many hundreds of thousands years this world will last, hence Islam will remain the acceptable way of living even after thousands of years in future, it has to be perfect in every way possible .
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