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Spreading LGBT To The Muslim World

Well they will try to make it a new normal, I am not against their rights and protection as a Citizen or Human being ( Any Homosexual ) but I would be cautious about their coming out of closet directly in to the society and Pollute it, this cult is a cancer for any society and if anyone has noticed the recent Past years of the rising influence of LGTQXYZ community , they become so much Powerful that they start bullying the people of faith, in west one tweet of yours denouncing homosexuality or even said as least as that you disagree with them you will be branded as a Homophobic .

Whatever they do behind closed doors is none of our or States concern, what they do out in public is indeed States concern . They need to understand that no matter how many of them accept homosexuality as normal, natural , etc but in Islam it is considered one of the gravest sin, and its not just a Sin because of Homosexuality but there are many other sins attached to this ACT itself, Sins like Fornication/Adultery , Anal sex are directly connected to it . If someone has urges about liking or loving same sex, than they needs to understand if they want to be called a Muslim which means ( someone who surrender his/her will to Will of Allah ) ,Allah in Quran talk about the nation of Loot AS and the reason why his nation was destroyed Allah highlighted the Act of their men loving other men's . Guard yourself against this urge , if you are gay than understand that its your test in world as we all have our own Tests, Yes for gay people the test can be harder but think about the reward from Allah ? He is testing your resolve with this and if you failed than all you have is 60, 70 or 80 years of comfortable life but the eternal life is in jeopardy .
Today it is 'Aurat March'; tomorrow it will be 'LGBTQ March'. In the West Feminism preceded the Homosexual movement; Feminism --> Sexual Revolution --> LGBTQ.

@Yankee-stani @Psychic @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Taimur Khurram @AUz

We have to guard against it.

Today in the West, Muslim Brotherhood organizations (like CAIR) and their personalities like Omar Suleman and Linda Sarsour are at the forefront of trying to make LGBT acceptable to Muslims.
Whoever involves in sodomy, will be destroyed by Allah, no matter how good he/she is. This applies to every human society.
First they get mentally sick then physically sick then make sick people around them and evantually whole society get sick,
i have met highly smart and intellectual but they are sick literally.
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