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Should Imran Khan's government Pardon Nawaz Sharif and his family?

Get $$$ from them. Disqualify entire family for life and guarantees for no political activities.

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.

Interesting that above does not even once mentions the return of billions looted!!!!

Nawaz is not taking the deal on the table: Return 90% the taxpayers money, admit guilt publicly and FO in exile.

if nawaz dies in jail and ik unable to recover any looted wealth it will have no benefit for Pakistan and will not end corruption but will lead to more corruption in future like bhutto was hanged but it lead to more lethal and corrupt ppp after his death.There is difference between ordinary criminal and political leader if ordinary criminal is hanged or punished it has no impact on society as he has no large number of followers like political leaders who have large number of followers in society and it hurt emotions of many people so it is very difficult decision and may result in severe revolt and unrest in country in long run

Nawaz death in jail will not breed corruotion, it will scare the hell out of his generation and others of spending endeof their life in jail and dying in a jail hospital.

It won't matter to IK where he dies. People know that timing of death is in the hands of Allah!
Interesting that above does not even once mentions the return of billions looted!!!!

Nawaz is not taking the deal on the table: Return 90% the taxpayers money, admit guilt publicly and FO in exile.

Nawaz death in jail will not breed corruption, it will scare the hell out of his generation and others of spending endeof their life in jail and dying in a jail hospital.

It won't matter to IK where he dies. People know that timing of death is in the hands of Allah!

Sort of mentioned it.
"To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice."

Although just handing back the nation's money directly to the national exchequer would be the best way. $20-24 billion, if the numbers are correct can at the very least pay for the much needed dam, and the rest can cover some of the debts Nawaz caused. In his bad health, If he was smart, we would seek restitution in hopes of saving his soul.

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.

The short answer is no - that person also got a pardon last time in jail. Nawaz will not learn from a pardon
Dear Prime Minister and fellow Pakistanis,

The current government should not pardon any member, associate or family of the previous governments of Nawaz and Zardari. Both should be indicted, convicted and so should be anyone connected or associated with their governments, found to be partner or accessory to their crimes against Pakistan and Pakistanis. Commission a large cargo container ship, fit it out as an Ocean Going Prison ship and throw these parasitic traitors in this Prison Ship. Let them float in confinement and be completely detached from the real world.
I say this: Let him pay $20 billion and get the f*** out of this country with all his Tabbar forever.

Same with Zardari and co.

If they can guarantee this, I say do it. We wont need to tackle their daily diarrhea, stomache, a$$pains, angina, and what not. Win-win for everyone.

As soon as they land in prison every possible disease in the world starts hitting them.
Intelligence reports say he has looted at least 23 billion USD..
Tell Sharifs and Zardaris to pay for Diamer and Mohmand dam in full and fuk off permanently to England
Maybe revoke citizsenhip after that

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