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Should Imran Khan's government Pardon Nawaz Sharif and his family?

That fat basterd eaten money of poor who is imran to pardon these bastwrds ruin and are reason of sucides in poor peoples do to tgeir corrupt policies

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.
If pardon then let go all sick and patients in the jail. Why him only.
and the money
we dont need a person in jail
we need money for the country

what the court is doing with Malik Riaz should be the actual method

tell them to cough up the money, then let them go free
catch them again after a few years and take more money from them
they will literally become money making machines
Exactly because of support he enjoys govt is spending million to keep a mobile cardiac unit in the hospital like WTF?
The Prime Minister has spoken on the issue. No NRO for any corrupt politicians
PML(N) is political opponent of PTI. PTI should neither take political revenge nor they should pardon them. It should be left for court to decide the fate of Nawaz or any others criminals but then our people also want from court to act upon their perception and assumption and if court don't then they will mock court and chief justice would suddenly became cheap justice ..Our history of judiciary is also controversial where ruling party and establishment influence it instead of its being neutral and acting as per law
What courts are doing with Malik Riaz is the worst thing to do ever ever.
If these people return 100% money still they should be punished as mucb as possible to make them example.
Why do we take few billions and let them go. Get each and every penny and still no pardon. Otherwise this will become the pattern, loot the country, give 50% back and go scot free

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