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Should Imran Khan's government Pardon Nawaz Sharif and his family?

Pardon him? Where is the justice in that? Hang him and his daughter to death, and his brother too.
Remember, Zia ul Haq made a very big mistake by hanging Zulfiqar.

...And that mistake was that he didn’t hang Benazir too.

For that matter, add Hassan and Hussain Nawaz to the list to be hanged.
Remember, Zia ul Haq made a very big mistake by hanging Zulfiqar.

...And that mistake was that he didn’t hang Benazir.

For that matter, add Hassan and Hussain Nawaz to the list to be hanged.
But they are not even Pakistani citizens!!! Imagine that, a country's PM's sons are not even his own country's citizen?!!
If Nawaz comes out by paying 20 billion usd and doesn't die in the next 10 years, he will again be elected and will recover double the amount, 40 billion dollars, before he dies peacefully..

Let him die in the prison..

@Farah Sohail



If NS and his family is pardoned then every criminal in Pak jail must be pardoned..

why we only raise voice for high profile criminals? Many prisoners die in jails every year.. why our society doesnt show same campassion and mercy for them?

If NS comes out ofjail.. his daughter will be elected as our next PM

Dont know why we as a society are so sympathetic towards our looters?

Also a famous hadith points out this fallacy tht those societies which pardon their rich and punishes their poor ... are bound to be destroyed...

If NS and his family is pardoned then every criminal in Pak jail must be pardoned..

why we only raise voice for high profile criminals? Many prisoners die in jails every year.. why our society doesnt show same campassion and mercy for them?

If NS comes out ofjail.. his daughter will be elected as our next PM

Dont know why we as a society are so sympathetic towards our looters?

Also a famous hadith points out this fallacy tht those societies which pardon their rich and punishes their poor ... are bound to be destroyed...

Can you please find/quote the Hadith. I want to find strong arguments against those that would say to pardon him.
Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.
The government has no right to forgive NS. It's a question of law and guilt. If Nawaz is declared guilty by the courts the law must take it's course blindly. No more one law for the poor and another for the elite. Nawaz shoild be treated like any other prisoner.

I am sure there are other prisoners that are ill. Are they expecting or can they expect to get treated in London? Nawaz was in and off in power for well over 35 years. Why is the public health care not good enough? Let him get treated where millions of others are forced to go thanks to corrupts like him. Let this be a lesson for other now and in the future.

One law for everybody ....

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.

Pardoned? He should be hung, his body cut into 4 peices and each piece displayed in a prominent place in each of the provinces.
Why only pardon the top dogs? Lets release all the rapists, terrorists and murders too. After all they probably did less damage to Pakistan then this bald fraud Nawaz who has milked Pakistan dry, every single time hes been the PM.
The government has no right to forgive NS. It's a question of law and guilt. If Nawaz is declared guilty by the courts the law must take it's course blindly. No more one law for the poor and another for the elite. Nawaz shoild be treated like any other prisoner.

I am sure there are other prisoners that are ill. Are they expecting or can they expect to get treated in London? Nawaz was in and off in power for well over 35 years. Why is the public health care not good enough? Let him get treated where millions of others are forced to go thanks to corrupts like him. Let this be a lesson for other now and in the future.

One law for everybody ....

Agreed, No one is above the law. Hence the vague statement "Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change" means the government can neither execute him as Zia did to Bhutto and nor free him in exchange for money. He must serve his term, and people will see that if he dies in prison of natural causes, then so be it. The judiciary disqualified him, and keeping the courts free of politicization will be fundamental to a Naya Pakistan.
Take all their money and assets both in foreign and domestic and then pardon them

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.

if imran khan can not leave his flat in grand hayatt -islamabad- and benefitt from regularistion...and bani gala also

which is unlawfull by any means-..... then imran can make pakistan into another jew loving state for all i care............... empty slogens, awaam idiots.. i deal sitution to goveren
Nah meray bhai nah..
take the money keep them in jail make them go thru the pain and then when they die gov sud announce after month that we burried Pakistans chor about month ago and no one sud know his grave.
do you know there is 2 police officer use to stand by his dads grave when he was PM.
45 crore of Gov of Punjab spend on his boundry wall.
Helicopter was used to bring him food when ever he visit murree or abotabad.
they are so arrogant almost think they are the royal of Pakistan while our women deliver on road when they block the traffic.
40 people died in Cardialogy hospital in Lahore cuz hospital serve fake heart medication to patient and even after that no one sent to jail
16 people were shot straight just cuz they didnt like tahirul qadri.
is ka aik khoon ka qatra bhi jail say bahi nahi nikalna chahiyay.
or aap dil dukhanay ki baat kertay ho.
take their money
make them earn more
take the money again

make him lose 10 stones in weight too.
what will that achieve?
It's not on imrans will to pardon Nawaz Sharif,let the courts decide, but imran should let the tempo down, and focus on development more, if Nawaz is ready to retrun back the money and retire from. Politics then be it
No, Not before getting 450 Billion rupees bail money, bring back looted money or this PTI government is cursed forever!!!
Any wealthy criminal/money launderer should be treated like any other criminal of the lowest background.

Upper class shouldn’t get soft treatment, it is against justice.

They are directly responsible for the deaths of Pakistani children as they looted this nation.

Musharraf, Nawaz, Zardari and Co. are murderers who killed not only their political rivals, connived with West/India to kill Pakistanis, and left Pakistan at the mercy of enemies.

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