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Should Imran Khan's government Pardon Nawaz Sharif and his family?

Pardoning Sharifs is like throwing Naya Pakistan into the gutter.

Plus, it's not like its his first time in jail anyways!! :woot::woot: He committed crime again and again—he's had many chances. 1993, 1999, and 2017.

Good point. He is a repeat offender who with each of his successive governments has plunged the nation deep into instability.
Good point. He is a repeat offender who with each of his successive governments has plunged the nation deep into instability.
He could've been scotch-free if hadn't continued to contest Premiership. I've got to know what the f*ck was on his mind that made him want to become PM again and again after getting humiliated.
Then you should know that a threat to national security always remains a threat.. no matter what!
Agreed. Like I said, I'm playing devils advocate to solicit responses to a potential argument that could be made. I'm raising this issue to try to get ahead of what may be proposed by the PML-N and PPP.

He could've been scotch-free if hadn't continued to contest Premiership. I've got to know what the f*ck was on his mind that made him want to become PM again and again after getting humiliated.
Greed and securing a political dynasty for his daughter, similar to the Bhutto-Zardari family.
if nawaz dies in jail and ik unable to recover any looted wealth it will have no benefit for Pakistan and will not end corruption but will lead to more corruption in future like bhutto was hanged but it lead to more lethal and corrupt ppp after his death.There is difference between ordinary criminal and political leader if ordinary criminal is hanged or punished it has no impact on society as he has no large number of followers like political leaders who have large number of followers in society and it hurt emotions of many people so it is very difficult decision and may result in severe revolt and unrest in country in long run
if nawaz dies in jail and ik unable to recover any looted wealth it will have no benefit for Pakistan and will not end corruption but will lead to more corruption in future like bhutto was hanged but it lead to more lethal and corrupt ppp after his death.There is difference between ordinary criminal and political leader if ordinary criminal is hanged or punished it has no impact on society as he has no large number of followers like political leaders who have large number of followers in society and it hurt emotions of many people so it is very difficult decision and may result in severe revolt and unrest in country in long run
If Nawaz comes out by paying 20 billion usd and doesn't die in the next 10 years, he will again be elected and will recover double the amount, 40 billion dollars, before he dies peacefully..

Let him die in the prison..

@Farah Sohail

his death will occur on time which ALLAH ALMIGHTY HAS alloted for him it is our belief so after seeing his age and condition I not expect that he will live too long and even if released he will not become P.M again but his daughter will replace him who is already free
If Nawaz comes out by paying 20 billion usd and doesn't die in the next 10 years, he will again be elected and will recover double the amount, 40 billion dollars, before he dies peacefully..

Let him die in the prison..

@Farah Sohail

No... Let the corrupt piggy die! And then hang his corrupt daughter!

They are the enemies of Islam and the enemies of Pakistan and prefer to invite Modi to their house..the killer of Kashmiris.

Death to the Gaddar!
Leave it on court and don t play with courts. Free the judicial system ...Don t repeat Shahbaz and Malik Qayyum black history...a known recorded phone call ..
his death will occur on time which ALLAH ALMIGHTY HAS alloted for him it is our belief so after seeing his age and condition I not expect that he will live too long
I am just saying if doesn't die then what?

IK does not have that authority. The president of Islamic Republic of Pakistan does!
And you think the president will not act of PM's advice?
If they agree to hand over 98% of their wealth, then revoke their Pakistani citizenship and let them choose any country in the world where they would like to move to, plus for the last time Pakistan will pay for their tickets lol.

While this is not an original thought, the current health of the former prime minister and the unrest his death in prison may cause should make the Prime Minister consider some kind of pardon for the Prime Minister in exchange for a confession of bad judgement and request for forgiveness from the people. To show his sincerity, he can donate to legitimate charitable causes of his choice. Some may see this as a way for him to purchase his freedom, but hear me out. His party is devastated politically and with former leader in jail on corruption charges, the PML-N will not be able to rid itself of the image of so corrupt they ended up in jail.

While he might get out for some time for medical treatment, his party would suffer seeing him brought in and out of prison. If he expunges this conviction with a pardon, he can retire in London, and his party can move on.

For the Prime Minister, while letting PML-N off the hook can be dangerous in the long run, the effect of Nawaz Sharif dying in Prison will cast a shadow over the PTI government all the way until the next election. PNL-N party workers would more viamently obstruct reforms, and people may see the prime minister as jut another vindictive leader.

If the Prime Minister's government pardon's Nawaz Sharif, in exchange for the above terms, Imran Khan can be see as a merciful leader, to some people too naive, but never a murderer. A major concession could be PML-N and its party apparatus promising to not interfere in reforms in the Punjab specifically, and the nation as a whole generally. PML-N would also not partner with PPP to support them undermining reforms either.

Its a hard decision to make, but in Naya Pakistan, new thinking is needed to create long lasting change.
Hang them infront of millions
yes, just ask them to pay 5 billion $ to govt and you are free
5 bil? malik riaz is paying 5 bil now imagine how much mian and his family must have looted from Pakistan! atleast 10-12 bil layna chayej;
they should not waste tax payer's money by keeping him in jail
get some stupid money out of him already
forget the lawful course, it will take years, and then he will be set free by the courts
tell him to cough up a lot of money if he wants to go home

make him lose 10 stones in weight too.

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