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Afghan Taliban Special Forces Showing their firepower and skills

Nonsense! fancy video editing and jumping like monkeys doesnt turn into a fighting force. In order to have a qualitative affects on the battle space, you need a whole array of force multipliers such as ISR, air support etc otherwise you become sitting ducks for air sorties. Google latest amount of Talis including these so called fancy retards sent to hell and you will understand the gravity of the situation for them.
Nonsense! fancy video editing and jumping like monkeys doesnt turn into a fighting force. In order to have a qualitative affects on the battle space, you need a whole array of force multipliers such as ISR, air support etc otherwise you become sitting ducks for air sorties. Google latest amount of Talis including these so called fancy retards sent to hell and you will understand the gravity of the situation for them.
Yes Yes that is why you on daily are loosing 40 guys on average by their hands.
In all fairness these ain't the same Taliban as before 9/11. They are more organized and deadly. They live and breath combat and their propaganda game is stronger than ever.
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Its why the ANA are being humiliated

Nonsense! fancy video editing and jumping like monkeys doesnt turn into a fighting force. In order to have a qualitative affects on the battle space, you need a whole array of force multipliers such as ISR, air support etc otherwise you become sitting ducks for air sorties. Google latest amount of Talis including these so called fancy retards sent to hell and you will understand the gravity of the situation for them.

Its been 17 years chum and record numbers of afgoons are dying

I think chest beating is a bit redundant
Yawn. FYI: http://time.com/longform/ghazni-fight-taliban/

18 years of commitment to a landlocked country mired in civil war is already much. In the end, Afghans would have to make a choice: [1] commit to democratic reforms, or [2] continue fighting each other for indefinite period.
They would choose no.2.. Too much opium is at stake and one group is much more organized

He isnt able to read my pakhto. Seems like he's lying about his identity
He might be farsiban..alot of foreign based farisban don't understand pushto ...
Its sad to see them kill each other so ruthlessly
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