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Which is more advance, JF-17 Block 3 or F-16?

lets be honest here USA have technical background they have money research and brains . its just simple to admit . USA was fighting air wars and making planes before even word Pakistan was invented .


That is so true---plus the US had fought wars on foreign soils while all its industrial base was far away from enemy strikes---.

I think if you put the japanese---german---chinese research money together---it may not compete with the U S money---.

As we see---18-20 years ago---the tier 1 chinese fighter was the J8---a 2.5 gen aircraft---.

Today---they have a sqdrn of a 5th gen aircraft---the J20---.

In the next 10 years---the chinese EW suite will be inching very close to the americans---and the chinese engines would be around 80-90% of the american fighter aircraft engines if there is no war between china and the US---.

The playing field would be level between the next 25-50 years---.
I doubt there will be a blk 3 instead we should focus on stealth and 5th gen fighter if you know what I mean.

That is so true---plus the US had fought wars on foreign soils while all its industrial base was far away from enemy strikes---.

I think if you put the japanese---german---chinese research money together---it may not compete with the U S money---.

As we see---18-20 years ago---the tier 1 chinese fighter was the J8---a 2.5 gen aircraft---.

Today---they have a sqdrn of a 5th gen aircraft---the J20---.

In the next 10 years---the chinese EW suite will be inching very close to the americans---and the chinese engines would be around 80-90% of the american fighter aircraft engines if there is no war between china and the US---.

The playing field would be level between the next 25-50 years---.
Awesome but logically explained projection. I make fun of chinese technology and their lack of originality but looks like they might have a last laugh afterall
Awesome but logically explained projection. I make fun of chinese technology and their lack of originality but looks like they might have a last laugh afterall


Only if the chinese can learn from the Japanese---. To manfucture anything---there must be only 1 and only 1 quality of the end product and that would be the TIER 1 quality---.

No number 2 or number 3 product at all---. whatever is produced---has to be the best in quality for everyone---.

That is the only way to compete with the US---.
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Jf-17 Tunder of course. No need even

Only if the chinese can learn from the Japanese---. To manfucture anything---there must be 1 quality of the end product and that would be TIER 1 quality---.

No number 2 or number 3 product at all---. whatever is produced---has to be the best in quality---.

That is the only way to compete with the US---.
Great posts by the way. I agree the American's are way ahead of everybody. Their aviation industry is huge and sophisticated. They dominate most of worlds civil airline market. Their defence industry is just another side of their huge aviation industry. While the Jf-Thunder is a good plane but to compare it with F-16 is a joke. It's like comparing a Suzuki Mehran with a Toyota Prius. The Chinese are making terrific progress and expect them to begin to match or overtake US in another three decades.

Hope you don't find this rude but are you Romani Gypsy or ethnic Romanian?
JF-17 3 hasn't arrived yet but when it comes it would for sure match BLOCK 52 if not better

I doubt there will be a blk 3 instead we should focus on stealth and 5th gen fighter if you know what I mean.
BLOCK III will come. As for 5th Generation that is separate thing and work on it is going on
These comparisons should stop. F16 is a different class of plane for firsts. Secondly we dont compare JFT with Bhai Tejas because the latter is not in full production, so why should we break the rule with Block3 which is only on design board.
A comparison of such sort becomes very difficult . For instance what do we as lay people know about the avionics , the quality of it , the problems with it, the MTBOs, maintenance ease amongst other things. How do we know whether the avionics and Radars achieve their predicted range and efficacy. So there are a lot of unknowns. Even the Air chief said theJFT exceeds the 16s in 3 capabilities only. So what about the rest. This is neither fruitful nor does it add to our knowledge base.
The thread is based on YouTube videos comparing a fighter jet that's not out yet with another fighter jet of a different class :tsk:

Don't expect anything productive coming out of this thread. Mods should start handing out bans to whoever starts threads like these.
Hope you don't find this rude but are you Romani Gypsy or ethnic Romanian?
The Ethnic one ,

It's not your Problem brother , many people get confused with that,
That's why we call them Roma people or simply gypsies for better differentiation !!
Jf-17 Tunder of course. No need even
Great posts by the way. I agree the American's are way ahead of everybody. Their aviation industry is huge and sophisticated. They dominate most of worlds civil airline market. Their defence industry is just another side of their huge aviation industry. While the Jf-Thunder is a good plane but to compare it with F-16 is a joke. It's like comparing a Suzuki Mehran with a Toyota Prius. The Chinese are making terrific progress and expect them to begin to match or overtake US in another three decades.

Hope you don't find this rude but are you Romani Gypsy or ethnic Romanian?


The revolution started with steam locomotive---. There was a race for the fastest locomotive for passenger trains---and the strongest locomotive for the goods train amongst the different railways in the US---.

You would know that the railways were owned by private owners in the US---.

The race for speed and power and to be number 1 brought in a better product in the market year after year---.

When the gasoline engine came about---same thing happened---motorcycles---car engines---motorcycle racing---auto racing---aircraft engine aircraft racing---.

Behind the greatness of all the american engine technology is RACING---. Racing takes the machine to its maximum capabilities and the one who is a winner had big big monetary rewards.

And the endurance of the machine while it is driven at its maximum rpm's for a longtime tells you about the quality of the product---.

There was money---there was resource---there was brain power---. Every success story from everywhere in the world ended up in the U S---brains from every culture and ethnic group in the world found a home in the U S---.

From WW2 the US found that wars on foreign soils are very good for the economy and for the industrial progress ( the pakistani fools had no clue when the GCC asked for help )---due to need and necessity---so they pushed themselves into a continuous state of war against any country that they could find to go to war with---.

They also learnt that the purpose of the war was not to win---just prolong the war---that would keep the industry going strong---.

The korean war---the cold war---the vietnam war---the afghan war---then iraq war---then afghan war and then iraq war and then Libya and syria wars---.

There is one thing in common in all these war---the american war machine kept moving forward at a blistering pace---it tested all its older weapons in the 1st gulf war---it prepared newer weapons and tested them in the 2nd gulf war---.

Money got poured into weapons systems---and newer and deadlier machine came churning out---.

Now---compare it to china---. China has no experience of modern warfare---.

The only reason it is putting money into newer weapons is due to the fear of war---.

There is no innovation in the chinese industrial complex---there are no chinese engine used for motorcycle racing or for auto racing---there are no racing aircraft engines either or speed boat racing engines either---.

I hope the reader here gets to what I am saying---. The american experience is an extremely unique experience as compared to the chinese experience---.

Has china come a long ways in the last 20 years---off course it has---.

And what else have the wars brought to the american machine---it has brought quality and reliability under extreme duress---.

The americans found out that when you fight a war---your machine has to perform better than the opponents machine and you have to have a massive supply chain to stand behind it---.

So---continuous wars since the late 30's till now---had an exponential effect on the quality and ability of the war machines of the United states---
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Jf-17 Tunder of course. No need even
Great posts by the way. I agree the American's are way ahead of everybody. Their aviation industry is huge and sophisticated. They dominate most of worlds civil airline market. Their defence industry is just another side of their huge aviation industry. While the Jf-Thunder is a good plane but to compare it with F-16 is a joke. It's like comparing a Suzuki Mehran with a Toyota Prius. The Chinese are making terrific progress and expect them to begin to match or overtake US in another three decades.

Hope you don't find this rude but are you Romani Gypsy or ethnic Romanian?
facts doesnt support your claim..i can go along post statistics like 25% of world manufacturing is china and that china is already bigger economy if adjusted (PPP) and that USA economy is more in retail and is no where near in manufacturing but i have done it before..
it seems fanboys only believe apple so i would post that

even in innovation china has surpassed many countries...
its stupid to compare today china with china of 1990s..
it would be like comparing the japan of 1950s with japan of 1980s when japan went from medicore country to innovation power house
it would be like comparing korea of 1970s to korea of today when it went from country poorer than pakistan to super house of innovation
These comparisons should stop. F16 is a different class of plane for firsts. Secondly we dont compare JFT with Bhai Tejas because the latter is not in full production, so why should we break the rule with Block3 which is only on design board.
A comparison of such sort becomes very difficult . For instance what do we as lay people know about the avionics , the quality of it , the problems with it, the MTBOs, maintenance ease amongst other things. How do we know whether the avionics and Radars achieve their predicted range and efficacy. So there are a lot of unknowns. Even the Air chief said theJFT exceeds the 16s in 3 capabilities only. So what about the rest. This is neither fruitful nor does it add to our knowledge base.

I think when people compare Fighter Jets, they usually consider only the outcome of these Jets going head to head against each other. In general, when a user asks whether JFT B3 is better than F-16 B52+, he/she is asking which would survive if pitted head to head mano-a-mano without external support in a neutral environment.

The reason for that, I believe, is that we consider the F-16's to be the pinnacle of our Air Force strategy and so our reliance on a replacement should be on a platform that can outclass the F-16 B70 let alone B52+.........perhaps it will be J-xx??

The above also stems from the fact that Fighters in PAF inventory will eventually have to face off against IAF Jets which are far superior and so need to be countered with something just as good, eventually.

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