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Zia ul Haq's Warning - Still Relevant Today?


Sep 12, 2008
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Zia ul Haq warning Pakistanis to wake up and assist the Afghans as they took on the Soviets. If the Afghans hadn't been able to defend their land and force the Russians out, what would it have meant for Pakistan?

We're faced with a similar situation today in Afghanistan. Another superpower is engaged in battle on the land which is known as the 'graveyard of empires'. The only difference is that the war isn't being fought in just Afghanistan any more, Pakistan and Afghanistan are part of the same war according to the new US '' strategy.
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We have the guts to arrest and prosecute him, not like veggie bhartees that Union Carbide killed thousands of Indians and no American was arrested or prosecuted.
Janab that we will see if u r able to prosecute him or exchange him for the daughter of of pakistan Afia bibi.But bharti veggie PM was sure clever enough in his own bania ishtyle to exchange warren anderson with Adil Shahryar.

Referring to a newspaper report, the BJP MP alleged that the Rajiv Gandhi Government had allowed Anderson to flee as a quid pro quo arrangement with the US on giving a presidential pardon to one Adil Shahryar, whose father Muhammad Yunus was close to Gandhi family. Adil, who was given a federal sentence of 35 years in prison for various crimes, was given a presidential pardon by US president Ronald Reagan on June 12, 1985.
The Pioneer :: Home : >> BJP targets Govt Sonia for silence on Rajiv Govt role

And this happened when usa and bharat were poles apart.we'll wait for the all weather ally in WOT in case of raymond davis.

We have the guts to arrest and prosecute him, not like veggie bhartees that Union Carbide killed thousands of Indians and no American was arrested or prosecuted.
hurl your abuses somewhere else and dont derail the topic.
We have to accept facts & fact is, we got success to push back one super power but bring more worst superpower in our home. Result is clear.
Next strategy circulate on India, US will use to counter China and then destroy India, same strategy runs for Pakistan, but Pakistan & India must cooperate to resist US idea for south Asia while keep aside mutual problems. This will work otherwise no guaranty.

US on one side holding Afghanistan and other side provoking India against China, may be soon he will offer any type of defense shield against China (exactly against Russia too) to India, so through these offers he will step into India and next answer is clear destabilization of South Asia but control in hands of US. All these situation leads towards one output


What exactly US dreaming for.

US will be audience and play a roll of silent power which will attack on injured and suffered South Asia.
The reality is that geography ensures that Pakistan is involved in Afghanistan.

No government of Pakistan can ignore events in Afghanistan.

Zia ul Haq warning Pakistanis to wake up and assist the Afghans as they took on the Soviets. If the Afghans hadn't been able to defend their land and force the Russians out, what would it have meant for Pakistan?

We're faced with a similar situation today in Afghanistan. Another superpower is engaged in battle on the land which is known as the 'graveyard of empires'. The only difference is that the war isn't being fought in just Afghanistan any more, Pakistan and Afghanistan are part of the same war according to the new US '' strategy.

Sir, there is a lot of difference between Soviet war and present scenario. For starters, you do not have a superpower and 2 dozen of its allies pouring money and equipment on you to fight the United States and NATO. And if that was not enough, a covert strike against NATO by Pakistan when discovered would drag you further into the war even if now you are not fully involved in it.

Mr. Zia's warnings seem apt during the Soviet war which you volunteered to assist the Americans with. But attempting a similar feat especially now would have needless and serious repurcussions against the Pakistani state.
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Oh it is very very relevant.
The pursuit of warm waters for soviets and control of trade for western powers has been going on for decades.

Gen Zia was a man who defeated and ruined USSR/ USA's plans for the region and at the same time he had the Indians under his thumb.

If only we could have another one.


It existed already... but I am glad you made one fresh.

At the same time, destroying internal social development and futher seperating the confused Mujahideen into a massive internal conflict. Zia, the extremist dictator, who threw half the remaining Mujahideen into a point of no return.

Yeah, no.

He did a good job handling foriegn affairs, yes. But screwed up everything internally.

"USA's plans for the region"

Please elaborate.
General Zia's words ring out loud everyday in the cities of Pakistan and the dusty trails of FATA.

He said it would be Pakistans turn, and it looks like that everyday since we gave bases, logistics, air space, our citizens and our sovereignty to our new imperialist masters the United States of Assasins!

Mushy sent these jihadists into a frenzy when he basically stabbed them in the back and began purging anyone in the military with religious persuasions.

Where's Mushy now? last i heard he was living the life in his million pound apartment in London.

At least Zia actually died in his country!
Oh it is very very relevant.
The pursuit of warm waters for soviets and control of trade for western powers has been going on for decades.

Gen Zia was a man who defeated and ruined USSR/ USA's plans for the region and at the same time he had the Indians under his thumb.

If only we could have another one.


It existed already... but I am glad you made one fresh.

Pakistan needs another leader like General Zia ul Haq. Someone who can look straight in the eye of the superpower and is not afraid to tell it the way it is. Someone who wont be bullied by a superpower. Someone who will place Pakistan's strategic interests first.

I believe only a Punjabi (such as General Zia Ul Haq) or a Pakhtoon leader (such as Imran Khan) can do this. Not Sindhis (Bhuttos/Zardaris) or Mohajirs (Musharraf) who bow down to their gora masters.

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