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Zhuhai "Airshow China 2016"

"The scary part is not that i came but when you didn't noticed of my arrival"


105mm fire support vehicle
The China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) is developing a new wheeled 8×8 armored modular platform that will be unveiled at 11th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China 2016) in Zhuhai.

The new Chinese wheeled 8×8 armored modular platform will evolve into various models, and will have modular armor that can be upgraded for specific threats.

The new Chinese wheeled 8×8 armored modular platform is expected to be equipped with different types of combat modules. A lighter version of the machine will be capable of carrying between ten and twelve fully kitted soldiers. A version of the vehicle with heavy weapons on board can only carry eight soldiers. Other variants include anti-tank missile launching vehicle.

During exhibition will be displayed the new VP10 8×8 armored personnel carrier and 105mm fire support vehicle.

VP10 8×8 armored personnel carrier

As my English is poor.... I am hard to studying the English here, I will do best to make my words to be more abundant.. sorry
Never be afraid of making mistakes, learn from the errors and correct them as you continue to write and speak.
These are not new. The fire support vehicle (designated 07PD), APC, and other variants were all shown at the 2014 Zhuhai airshow.
As my English is poor.... I am hard to studying the English here, I will do best to make my words to be more abundant.. sorry
No need to be apologetic. Native English speakers usually appreciate other people learning English. Of course, not as much as other language's native speakers for their own language, but still.
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