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China Coast Guard ships will always patrolling on the water of DiaoYu / Senkaku islands, let's see how the war start ... lol !

Patrolling near it is not the same thing as saying Senkaku Islands is your. Unless you actually land forces there, its not yours. Its Japan's.

It be like saying American warships patrol in South China Sea, does it mean its ours?
So what we have a big trade imbalance with China anyways and we are mostly service economy not manufacturing while China is. As I said before millions of Chinese workers will be out of jobs with American demand just suddenly gone.
I told u China is ur 2nd biggest trade parnter ... well "Made in China" need Chinese workers, "Made in U.S" not need American workers, right ?
I told u China is ur 2nd biggest trade parnter ... well "Made in China" need Chinese workers, "Made in U.S" not need American workers, right ?

Exactly, meaning if we don't want Chinese products made by Chinese workers, other countries can replace China with cheap goods made for American consumers like perhaps Vietnam or Bangladesh.

U.S. economy is based on majority on services not manufacturing, you can look it up.
Patrolling near it is not the same thing as saying Senkaku Islands is your. Unless you actually land forces there, its not yours. Its Japan's.

It be like saying American warships patrol in South China Sea, does it mean its ours?
War with China, Japan or U.S ... it won't happen, our ships continue appear in there.
War with China, Japan or U.S ... it won't happen, our ships continue appeare in there.

That depends on China's actions on those islands with Japan. Til then American warships also patrol SCS as well, doesn't mean we own it.
Exactly, meaning if we don't want Chinese products made by Chinese workers, other countries can replace China with cheap goods made for American consumers like perhaps Vietnam or Bangladesh.

U.S. economy is based on majority on services not manufacturing, you can look it up.
How many goods u bought Made in Vietnam or Bangladesh right now ? If not, u'd better try it quickly before u ban "Made in China" first ... Kid ! My suggestion for u, is throw all Made in China goods in ur family and replace them with Made in Vietnam or Bangladesh. :partay:
How many goods u bought Made in Vietnam or Bangladesh right now ? If not, u'd better try it quackly before u ban "Made in China" first ... Kid !

If you go to war with the U.S. I guaranteed it will be a different story. Chinese goods will stop flowing into the U.S. and other countries will replace China for producing cheap goods. Right now China provides cheap labor unless Chinese workers demand higher wages for the hours they work.
If you go to war with the U.S. I guaranteed it will be a different story. Chinese goods will stop flowing into the U.S. and other countries will replace China for producing cheap goods. Right now China provides cheap labor unless Chinese workers demand higher wages for the hours they work.
LOL ... China won't go war with ur U.S, coz ur nation is our 2nd biggest trade parnter and we need earn more $ from American customer especially like U ! Im sure future U.S will replace E.U as our 1st biggest trade parnter ... ur ppl cann't leave China away, Kid !
And u are surprised??:D
What's that supposed to mean?

The tail by contrast is more similar to that of the C-17.
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If you go to war with the U.S. I guaranteed it will be a different story. Chinese goods will stop flowing into the U.S. and other countries will replace China for producing cheap goods. Right now China provides cheap labor unless Chinese workers demand higher wages for the hours they work.
That's an ignorant statement. I gurantee if US goes to war with China now , many products export from China export to US are not replaceable by other countries. Rome is not build in a day. So as your Vietnam and Bangladesh supply chain. After a decade, China would have moved up the supply chain and start supplying like C919 high end product.
If you go to war with the U.S. I guaranteed it will be a different story. Chinese goods will stop flowing into the U.S. and other countries will replace China for producing cheap goods. Right now China provides cheap labor unless Chinese workers demand higher wages for the hours they work.

So you think goods can come out of thin air from any country? If the U.S. could have bought those "goods" at the same price with the same quality they would've done it years ago. What's stopping them?

There many reasons China builds their products at lower cost than other country, not just cheap labor. We have an abundance of skilled workers and highly developed infrastructure. Products can be built and shipped quickly. Any material needed is easily attainable. And most importantly, China is a vast market of its own.

On your war talk. Why would China "invade" the Diaoyu Island? We are already patrolling the water around it just like the Japanese. Japan has not occupied it with people even though their government has "purchased it". They even block their own people from getting on the island. Do you see them changing this status any time soon?
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Египет выразил заинтересованность в приобретении китайских самолетов ДРЛО

Дата публикации : 13.11.14 Редактор : Сергей Берзов

Представители военно-воздушных сил Египта выразили заинтересованность в возможном приобретении китайских самолетов дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения (ДРЛО). Так Египет проявил интерес к самолету ДРЛО ZDK-03, разработанным корпорацией China Electronics Technologies Group, сообщает mil.news.sina.com.cn

Самолет ДРЛО ZDK-03 представляет собой дальнейшее развитие самолёта дальнего радиолокационного обнаружения и управления KJ-200, который принят на вооружение Китая.

Основное видимое отличие ZDK-03 от KJ-200 заключается в размещении антенной системы РТК в «классическом» вращающемся дисковом обтекателе над фюзеляжем. Такая компоновка, по всей видимости, ранее отрабатывалась на летающей лаборатории, созданной на базе транспортного самолета Y-8F-400 (бортовой номер Т0518), фотографии которого можно найти в китайском интернете.

В 2006 году Пакистан подписал контракт c китайской China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) на разработку и поставку ему четырех самолетов ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle в 2008 году. Самолеты называются ZDK-03 в честь CETC (сокращенное китайское название компании читается как Zhong Dian Ke). Цифра "03" означает, что это уже третий комплекс ДРЛО, созданный компанией - первыми двумя были KJ-2000, KJ-200.

Поставленные в прошлом году в Пакистан три самолета ZDK-03 стали первыми китайскими комплексами ДРЛО, направленными на экспорт.

Egypt has expressed interest in acquiring Chinese AWACS
Date of publication: 11.13.14 Editor: Sergey Bersee
Representatives from the Air Force in Egypt have expressed interest in the possible acquisition of Chinese AEW (AWACS).Since Egypt has expressed interest in the aircraft ZDK-03 AEW designed Corporation China Electronics Technologies Group, reports mil.news.sina.com.cn

AWACS aircraft ZDK-03 is a further development of the aircraft airborne early warning and control KJ-200, which is adopted for China.

The main visible difference ZDK-03 from KJ-200 is the antenna system of RTC in the "classical" rotating disk radome above the fuselage. Such an arrangement is likely, previously worked out on a flying laboratory, established on the basis of the transport plane Y-8F-400 (tail number T0518), photos of which can be found on the Chinese Internet.

In 2006, Pakistan signed a contract c Chinese China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) to develop and deliver him to four aircraft ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle in 2008. Aircraft called ZDK-03 in honor of CETC (abbreviated Chinese name of the company reads like Zhong Dian Ke).The number "03" indicates that this is the third set of AWACS, created by the company - the first two were the KJ-2000, KJ-200.

Set last year in Pakistan three aircraft ZDK-03 became the first Chinese AWACS complexes aimed at export.

Египет выразил заинтересованность в приобретении китайских самолетов ДРЛО
If they buy Chinese AWACS, they need to buy Chinese fighter jet too. If not, the AWACS can monitor the war situation but can't direct the data to Egypt fighter jets.
If they buy Chinese AWACS, they need to buy Chinese fighter jet too. If not, the AWACS can monitor the war situation but can't direct the data to Egypt fighter jets.

We shall see.
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