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Zhou Tienong: CPC, most loyal inheritor of Dr. Sun Yat-sen-led 1911 Revolut

Even Mao stated that Sun is the national father, and himself is the national leader and a follower of the Marxist-Leninist.

So Mao was not so narcissistic as the Western media always attempts to demonize him, and the claim of the 70 million famine was pure BS.

Well Mao was a pretty tough leader, I mean he locked in horns with both the USSR and USA when China was still far weaker then most countries.
Sun Yat-sen helped to overthrow the Qing Dynasty in the 1911 revolution, and set up the Republic of China.

Mao Zedong was the one who overthrew the KMT and created the People's Republic of China.

So they are both very important in Chinese history. :tup:

Both are the great leaders of our modern time, dunno why some people like to make a fool of themselves.

They should go to ask to any American if George Washington wasn't an American hero.
Well Mao was a pretty tough leader, I mean he locked in horns with both the USSR and USA when China was still far weaker then most countries.

Mao liked the USSR under Lenin, but Stalin already changed the tone a bit to the Social-Imperialist, and he considered the post-Stalin USSR was absolutely controlled by the traitor who was no better than the Western Imperialism.

If Stalin could follow the promise made by Lenin, returned all the Far East part of Siberia to China which was stolen by the Tzar, and never tried to split the Outer Mongolia from China, then Mao would be the loyal friend with USSR forever, and China could even take the bullet for USSR.

Unfortunately, USSR got corrupted very soon after the death of Lenin.
If you don't like it, then just GTFO.
Sorry that I poked a hole in your hero worship. Your hero turned out to be quite useless, except when others needed him as a mere banner. Cry some more.
Both are the great leaders of our modern time, dunno why some people like to make a fool of themselves.

They should go to ask to any American if George Washington wasn't an American hero.
Sun Wen failed as a leader, seeing how entire China framented into territories controlled by warlords right after the 1911 Revolution. Face it, Sun was nothing more than a banner which the warlords saw as a useful tool for them to gain power. Mao was a complete failure as an administrator and a power hungry tyrant.
Sun Wen failed as a leader, seeing how entire China framented into territories controlled by warlords right after the 1911 Revolution. Face it, Sun was nothing more than a banner which the warlords saw as a useful tool for them to gain power. Mao was a complete failure as an administrator.

You are ethnically Manchurian, so i can understand your madness about Dr.Sun.

In the end, did he sell the Dongbei provinces to Japan? No

No matter how you guys believe that Qing Dynasty was so great, and i don't think you guys would like to return to such custom today. :lol:

You are ethnically Manchurian, so i can understand your madness about Dr.Sun.

In the end, did he sell the Dongbei provinces to Japan? No

No matter how you guys believe that Qing Dynasty was so great, and i don't think you guys would like to return to such custom today. :lol:

That's the best you can come up with? Make an unsubstantiated comment regarding my ethnic origin? Very typical of authoritarian drones. Where have I ever praised the Qing? I have said in the past many times that Qing is probably the least liked dynasty in history.

Qing Dynasty was already dying by the late 19th century, and it had trouble controlling its officials in various regions. Sun was nothing more than a flag that was erected as a target. As soon as the Qing was overthrown, Sun was ditched like yesterday's garbage. No amount of glorification and cover up will save your dear leader.

That's okay though, every dynasty needs some shameless drones to glorify its leaders. Now CCP has you.
That's the best you can come up with? Make an unsubstantiated comment regarding my ethnic origin? Very typical of authoritarian drones.

Qing Dynasty was already dying by the late 19th century, and it had trouble controlling its officials in various regions. Sun was nothing more than a flag that was erected as a target. As soon as the Qing was overthrown, Sun was ditched like yesterday's garbage. No amount of glorification and cover up will save your dear leader.

If the Manchurian overlord can give up its dictatorship and opression against the Han Chinese, then there would be no revolution against them.

See how other patriots like Tan Sitong was getting persecuted by the Manchurian overlords, even they did not ask a French style of revolution against the Qing Dynasty, but more a replicated version of the British Monarchy. So don't blame this to Dr.Sun, but blame the ignorance of the Qing Dynasty.

You guys are mad with Dr.Sun simply because he has stripped away your privilege over the Han Chinese.
If the Manchurian overlord can abandon its dictatorship and opression against the Han Chinese, then there would be no revolution against them.

See how other patriots like Tan Sitong was getting persecuted by the Manchurian overlords, even they did not ask a French stype of revolution against the Qing Dynasty, but more a replicated version of the British Monarchy. So don't blame this to Dr.Sun, but blame the ignorance of the Qing Dynasty.

You guys are mad with Dr.Sun simply because he has stripped away your privilege over the Han Chinese.
So you said nothing regards to the Sun being a completely useless figurehead, but you went on a tangent about my supposed Manchurian background. I am actually quite entertained watching propaganda drones such as yourself pulling out all the stops to glorify and try to cover up for their leader. Sun Cannon was just that, a cannon fodder for warlords. Since you are willing to overlook the fact that Sun Cannon was a pedophile and a traitor that attempted to sell the interest of the country to foreign bidders, you accompolished your propaganda duties quite admirably.
That's okay though, every dynasty needs some shameless drones to glorify its leaders. Now CCP has you.

CPC has China. They don't need anyone's help regarding the legacy of national leaders like Sun Yat-sen.

Too bad for you. :azn:
So you said nothing regards to the Sun being a completely useless figurehead, but you went on a tangent about my supposed Manchurian background. I am actually quite entertained watching propaganda drones such as yourself pulling out all the stops to glorify and try to cover up for their leader. Sun Cannon was just that, a cannon fodder for warlords. Since you are willing to overlook the fact that Sun Cannon was a pedophile and a traitor that attempted to sell the interest of the country to foreign bidders, you accompolished your propaganda duties quite admirably.

Dr.Sun was very nice to you guys, and you should feel lucky today of being able sit down and curse him in front of the monitor.

If he was a true a$$hole, then a second French revolution would occur in China by 1911. He could definitely stir up the tension and the hatred against the Manchurian overlords, since the oppression from the Manchurian overlords was 100 times worse than that of the French Monarchy.

And that impotent idiot named Puyi was the true sellout to the Jap.
CPC has China. They don't need anyone's help regarding the legacy of national leaders like Sun Yat-sen.
Sun's legacy was that he assasinated another revolutionary leader Tao Chengzhang, and cried a few crocodile tears afterwards. His legacy was he continueously courted underage girls throughout his life, in which we call pedophilia today. His legacy was that he was merely used as a shield for the overthrowing of Qing Dynasty, and dumped promptly after the Qing collasped. It was also his legacy that he was unable to keep warlords under control, and that he traded national interests for foreign support.

Now I wouldn't have any problem with him, since he did what most politicians would do. However, some propaganda drones are making him out as a holy man, which he clearly wasn't. It's not him that I have problems with, it's his and Mao's legions of brainless fanboys.
Dr.Sun was very nice to you guys, and you should feel lucky today of being able sit down and curse him in front of the monitor.

If he was a true a$$hole, then second French revolution would occur in China by 1911. He could definitely stir up this tension and hatred against the Manchurian overlords, since the oppression from the Manchurian overlords is 100 times worse than that of the French Monarchy.

And that impotent idiot named Puyi was the true sellout to the Jap.
He was an asshole, who was credited with things he should not have been credited with by fanboys such as yourself. When that was exposed, you resort to calling me a Qing lover because part of my family was Manchurian. I understand you are confused and hurt, but your attempt to paint me as some Qing Dynasty support is quite pathetic. Puyi couldn't hold a candle light to Wang Jinwei, and guess what Wang's ethnicity was? See how void your argument is?

You're free to keep your head in your *** regarding Sun like drones, but don't try to get others to worship him too. Trying to cover up the negatives only makes you and your beloved leader look weak.
Sun's legacy was that he assasinated another revolutionary leader Tao Chengzhang, and cried a few crocodile tears afterwards. His legacy was he continueously courted underage girls throughout his life, in which we call pedophilia today. His legacy was that he was merely used as a shield for the overthrowing of Qing Dynasty, and dumped promptly after the Qing collasped. It was also his legacy that he was unable to keep warlords under control, and that he traded national interests for foreign support.

Now I wouldn't have any problem with him, since he did what most politicians would do. However, some propaganda drones are making him out as a holy man, which he clearly wasn't. It's not him that I have problems with, it's his and Mao's legions of brainless fanboys.

I grew up in Hong Kong under British administration. What CPC propaganda did I hear? :lol:

Everything I have ever read about Sun Yat-sen, has come from international sources.

Maybe you think the CPC controls the whole world?
Sun's legacy was that he assasinated another revolutionary leader Tao Chengzhang, and cried a few crocodile tears afterwards. His legacy was he continueously courted underage girls throughout his life, in which we call pedophilia today. His legacy was that he was merely used as a shield for the overthrowing of Qing Dynasty, and dumped promptly after the Qing collasped. It was also his legacy that he was unable to keep warlords under control, and that he traded national interests for foreign support.

Now I wouldn't have any problem with him, since he did what most politicians would do. However, some propaganda drones are making him out as a holy man, which he clearly wasn't. It's not him that I have problems with, it's his and Mao's legions of brainless fanboys.

We don't give a fck about what is your thought.

But you have just exposed yourself as a “满遗”, and expect your credibility flushing down to the toilet in the eyes of the Chinese members here.
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