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Zarrar bin Azwar - The Naked warrior


Apr 28, 2011
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When the roman soldiers would see the dust rising on the horizon, they'll start trembling with fear that the young Zarrar bin Al-Azwar RA is on his way with his squad. When fighting with full zeal and zest he'll remove the armor and his shirt, for that reason he was known as the naked warrior. There are numerous incidents when the name of Zarrar acted like a sword and the rival's spirits got busted. In the battle of Ajnadin, Zarrar was made a captive. The next day, Muslims saw some veiled warrior fighting just like Zarrar. No one was recognizing the brave warrior. Khalid bin Walid RA stopped the veil warrior and asked to remove the veil. The reply came, "I am Khawla bint Azwar and I am fighting for the release of my brother"

A woman is created with delicacy for she holds a fragile nature in herself. She is a pearl, brightly stunning yet preciously hidden. But this great lady, Khawla Bint Azwar, a delicate pearl, was fighting for Haqq, to expose and eliminate Baatil with her sword. She was not someone doing extraordinary duty, choosing some impossible path for spreading the truth. Infact this is what Allah Swt says in Qur'an to everyone of us;

And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper.
(Surah An Nisa)

Do we ourselves realize that we are at war? Do we recognize our enemies? Are we playing our part for the revival of Islam? Are we doing anything to free the captives or just like many ordinary lives, we are also busy in Dunyah? Do we realize the responsibilities on our shoulders or are we engrossed enough to smell the bloodshed of our Brothers and Sisters?

"It is near that the nations will call one another against you just as the eaters call one another to their dishes."
Somebody asked: "Is this because we will be few in numbers that day?"

He said: "Nay, but that day you shall be numerous, but you will be like the foam of the sea, and Allah will take the fear of you away from your enemies and will place weakness into your hearts."

Somebody asked: "What is this weakness?"

He said: "The love of the world and the dislike of death."
(Sunan Abu Dawud)

This love of Dunyah has caught hold of our spiritual unity and strength so much that to think of leaving our cozy beds and warm homes and hold a sword high for Deen comes with mythical blends to our minds. The silent screams of our conscience continue to alarm us of our duties, yet for us there are better eye catching materialistic things to divert our attention.

There is a bang at one place, flaming fire turning the flesh to ashes at the other. Somewhere it is the bullet shot while going a little further are forces massacring our Brothers and Sisters. There are screams, pleads and Cries, and here we are, leading a blissful life.

The tyranny is continuing. They continue to kill the Palestinians. They continue to violate all sort of global laws in Guantanamo. They continue their brutal activities in Gujarat. The stories of their oppression are not hidden from anyone. The purpose is not to waste time on the stories of their oppression. This is not something new. The work of Pharaoh is continuing. Faces are changing and the mission is same. They are using all sorts of dirty tactics, brutal means, financial burdens etc.

The reason we narrate the account of their tyranny again and again is to provoke our love for the Ummah. The sad part is that no matter what they do; we shed a couple of tears; we show some momentary anguish and then return to the same routine. Imagine our 'real' brother has been captured by some enemy and we are still busy in fun and frolic. We take all possible measures to get him out. We have long forgotten the relation we have with our Islamic brothers and sisters. The situation at hand demands a lot from us. Allah has promised us victory one day. The real question is what effort we put in to get Muslims out of this situation. What military, intellectual steps are you taking? There is no short-term solution to all these problems. But the first step is having a heart that 'feels' and a motivation to work for the Ummah.

"The believers, in their love, mutual kindness, and close ties, are like one body; when any part complains, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever." (Sahih Muslim)

If Allah has asked you and me to stand up and fight for Truth, let us stop for some moments and sincerely think; where lies our active role in spreading the Deen and raising our swords High.

May Allah Reward the Author of this Article
Muhammad Awais
Heroes of Islam: Zarrar bin Azwar - The Naked warrior


@Aeronaut @Jungibaaz @Oscar @nuclearpak @jaibi @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @Altamimi @Luftwaffe @Slav Defence @tarrar @mafiya @Chak Bamu @Stealth @HRK @PWFI and others Story of the person we named our Al-Zarrar Tank and Zarrar company of SSG after the great Companion of RASOOL SAW
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I have not heard anything good about Al Zarrar tank.
Why have you not read anything good its great Tank in fact in SWAT operation it came under attack by first an IED blast than a Suicide bomber and than few RPGs and the whole crew inside survived unharmed this is a great Tank

and It was one Al-Zarrar Tanks which faced all these attacks
Why have you not read anything good its great Tank in fact in SWAT operation it came under attack by first an IED blast than a Suicide bomber and than few RPGs and the whole crew inside survived unharmed this is a great Tank

and It was one Al-Zarrar Tanks which faced all these attacks

No, I did not read this any where, I came to know about Al Zarrar from my source. The tank is full of flaws & no one knows about Al Khalid as it is not battle tested yet.
No, I did not read this any where, I came to know about Al Zarrar from my source. The tank is full of flaws & no one knows about Al Khalid as it is not battle tested yet.
@DESERT FIGHTER Tell tarrar about Al Zarrar and how good this Tank is

How Al-Zarrar MBT was destroyed

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani announced summoning of the Pakistan army to crush militancy and terrorism in Swat and Malakand with an iron hand and vowed to establish the writ of the government at all costs. Addressing the nation on radio and television Prime Minister Gilani said time had come to take serious action against the militants who had disrupted peace and tranquility in parts of NWFP. "Army is being called in for upholding the sanctity and national integrity, for elimination of militants and to ensure security of the people," Prime Minister Gilani said.

Since then Pakistan army has been using its Al-Zarrar MBT for precision day night attack capability and recently we have been able to watch the video in which an Al-Zarrar tank was shown destroyed. Many claims have been made about the destruction of these tanks and how this will affect the moral of Pakistani army in Swat and FATA. But what was unknown until now was the fact how this tank was destroyed? It was part of small force at the front to make first contact with the militants along with force of around 35 personals of Pakistani army. It was ambushed from three sides of the mountainous road and has to face at least six suicide attack attempts within span of 15 minutes along with attacks through improvised explosive devices that were buried in their way. Crew of the destroyed Al-Zarrar MBT survived without injuries and tank was recovered as neither turret of chassis of Al-Zarrar MBT was penetrated which also proved the recent upgrade was successful. Survival of the crew form the destroyed Al-Zarrar MBT is also going to be a major moral booster for the crew as they will have more confidence in the crew protection capability of the tank. According to the soldiers participating in this furious battle fought in first week of this recent attempt by the Pakistan army to clear out the areas from Taliban militants, they were attacked from three sides by different militant groups that have divided themselves into smaller groups of four to five. First attack was through improvise explosive devices which resulted in destruction of the tanks and afterwards Taliban started firing at them, they say that it was very difficult for them to access the direction of the fire and strength of the enemy. Soldiers involved in this fight say that it took us some time to estimate their positions and after that we started counter attack by sending our troops to surround them. Taliban felt the heat and started second part of the attack to scatter and destroy the advance party of Pakistan army, they launched one of their front end weapon against this small advance party; suicide bombers. Because of the magnitude of this attack, one can easily describe it as the largest suicide attack in Pakistan if not the largest in the world, mounted against a small force in shuch a limited time. This attack involved at least six different vehicles and three motor bikes filled with explosives and driven by suicide bombers within short span of time of only fifteen minutes. Pakistani soldiers first gave them warnings to stop as they thought these were civilian vehicles, but later on they recognized the threat in time and started firing at them, most of these vehicles were destroyed but due to high speed these did at front line vehicles of this small military force. According to the commanding officer of this advance force, they were very fortunate that none of their troop involved in this operation was killed and all thirty five of them were able to survive this attack.

This report is based on the program of AAJ TV which included the interviews of the Pakistani army personals involved

Read more: Grande Strategy
@tarrar read this
@DESERT FIGHTER Tell tarrar about Al Zarrar and how good this Tank is

@Zarvan I don't want to hear anything from the brochures, if the mentioned person knows Al Zarrar inside out then it's ok. Otherwise my source confirms its not a good tank. Let me point out two poor things about Al Zarrar, 1st the Armor is weak, just recently the armor was reinforced with thick layers of steel & 2nd the main weapon fire is very disturbing for the crew inside.
@Zarvan I don't want to hear anything from the brochures, if the mentioned person knows Al Zarrar inside out then it's ok. Otherwise my source confirms its not a good tank. Let me point out two poor things about Al Zarrar, 1st the Armor is weak, just recently the armor was reinforced with thick layers of steel & 2nd the main weapon fire is very disturbing for the crew inside.
Mr read the above article I posted Mr if armor is week how come it survived 6 Suicide bombings and few IED blasts few RPG no other Tank most probably would have survived these much attacks
@Zarvan I don't want to hear anything from the brochures, if the mentioned person knows Al Zarrar inside out then it's ok. Otherwise my source confirms its not a good tank. Let me point out two poor things about Al Zarrar, 1st the Armor is weak, just recently the armor was reinforced with thick layers of steel & 2nd the main weapon fire is very disturbing for the crew inside.

It's a decent tank, mind you more than enough to handle the TTP and the likes. The damaged one in the pic has been repaired and put into service after 7 RPG hits and mulitple IEDs. Ofcourse its not of the calibre of AK, then again these tanks have more or less the capability of Indian T-72s!
From Zarrar (R.A.) to Zarrar Tank in one post. I've read 'Futuh-As-Sham' by Waqidi. That is where I came across the reference to Hazrat Zarrar (R.A.) and the famed Hazrat Khawla (R.A.).

Zarvan, if you come across the book, do read it. Try to discover various layers of interpretation - History, nationalism, Religious discourse. I recall us having an argument, more than a year ago, over meaning and relevance of prophesy regarding war. You were adamant that it was a duty to make war because of a prophesy, while I had opined that a prophesy does not necessarily mean being at war forever. You would find related stuff in that book.
From Zarrar (R.A.) to Zarrar Tank in one post. I've read 'Futuh-As-Sham' by Waqidi. That is where I came across the reference to Hazrat Zarrar (R.A.) and the famed Hazrat Khawla (R.A.).

Zarvan, if you come across the book, do read it. Try to discover various layers of interpretation - History, nationalism, Religious discourse. I recall us having an argument, more than a year ago, over meaning and relevance of prophesy regarding war. You were adamant that it was a duty to make war because of a prophesy, while I had opined that a prophesy does not necessarily mean being at war forever. You would find related stuff in that book.
I have that book although not read it but have that book just was looking more about these brothers yesterday didn't find much in other books than checked that book and all the story was their Yes not at war for ever but those wars which HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have told would happen we need to be prepared for that with as many equipment as we can
I have that book although not read it but have that book just was looking more about these brothers yesterday didn't find much in other books than checked that book and all the story was their Yes not at war for ever but those wars which HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW have told would happen we need to be prepared for that with as many equipment as we can

Any conventional war against non muslims, we will lose the war. We cannot possibly be armed like them because 1) We cannot produce such equipments 2) We are poor 3) We have enough "Muslims" who kill others because they belong to wrong sects 4) People who will blow us up for a few dollars from hidden hands 5) and the worst scourge of all the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram types who make it impossible for Muslims to do or achieve anything.
Any conventional war against non muslims, we will lose the war. We cannot possibly be armed like them because 1) We cannot produce such equipments 2) We are poor 3) We have enough "Muslims" who kill others because they belong to wrong sects 4) People who will blow us up for a few dollars from hidden hands 5) and the worst scourge of all the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram types who make it impossible for Muslims to do or achieve anything.
O Mr we have never won on bases of our numbers and army size in fact one time in life of HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW we have really good numbers and we face severe losses because even Sahabas started thinking that our numbers and weapons are really good we would win it easily forgot ALLAH is the one who gives victory Kufar initially did a really brutal attack but later thanks to ALLAH we won so we are quite prepared for what is coming only thing is tot trust in ALLAH and for India we are quite prepared
now you might want to start a thread on His sister Kawla bin Azwar (R.A) she was quite a warrior herself, and went to save her brother when he was taken prisoner by the Romans, @Zarvan
"O joy to Syria! O joy to Syria! O joy to Syria! For the angels of the Ever-Merciful spread their wings over it."
[Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)]1

If the soldiers hoped that they would have a day of rest after the harrowing experience of the five days' march-which had brought them closer to annihilation than any battle could have done-they were mistaken. The very next morning Khalid set his army in motion towards Suwa. The men could not complain, for their commander himself took no rest nor looked as if he needed it. In fact as the march began and Khalid rode up and down, the column to see that all was well, the sight of their commander put fresh vigour into the soldiers, and they forgot the horrible memories of the perilous march. This day they would draw their first blood in the Syrian Campaign. They had to draw blood, for Khalid had arrived!

Khalid started his Syrian Campaign wearing a coat of, chain mail which had belonged to Musailima the Liar. At his broad leather belt hung a magnificent sword which had also belonged to Musailima the Liar. These two were trophies of the Battle of Yamamah. Over his chain helmet he wore a red turban, and under the helmet, a red cap. In this cap, if examined carefully, could be seen a few black lines; and in the eyes of Khalid this cap was more precious than all his weapons and armour. Its story shall be told at another time. In his hand Khalid carried a black standard which had been given him by the Holy Prophet. It had once belonged to the Prophet and was known as the Eagle.

With Khalid travelled 9,000 fearless fighters, veterans of many victorious battles, not one of whom would think twice before laying down his life on the orders of his beloved commander. In this army also travelled some of the bravest young officers of the time, who would perform prodigies of valour and laugh at death. There was Khalid's own son, Abdur-Rahman-just turned 18. There was the Caliph's son, also named Abdur-Rahman. There was Raafe bin Umaira, the guide on the Perilous March, who was Khalid's son-in-law and a redoubtable warrior. There was Qaqa bin Amr, the one-man-reinforcement sent to Khalid by the Caliph. And there was one young man of whom we shall hear a great deal in this campaign, Zarrar bin Al Azwar, a slim, sinewy youth whose cheerful countenance and bubbling enthusiasm could make exhausted men want to get up and fight again. Dhiraar was to become Khalid's right-hand man. He would be given the most daring missions and would show both a reckless disregard for danger and a most uncanny knack of survival.

In the early afternoon the column reached Suwa, (See Map 15) This was the first settlement near, the border, of Syria and was an oasis surrounded by a grassy area of land used to graze large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle. Moving through this settlement, Khalid put down all resistance and commandeered the grazing flock to stock up the army's food supply for the campaign.

Next day the army arrived at Arak, which was a fortified town defended by a garrison of Christian Arabs under the command of a Roman officer. As the garrison had retired to the safety of the fort on sighting them, the Muslims laid siege to Arak. It was here that Khalid first came to know that his fame had spread beyond the lands in which he had fought. His reputation proved sufficient to bring about a peaceful surrender.

In Arak lived an old scholar who kept himself informed of the affairs of the world. When he was told of the arrival of a hostile army across the desert, he asked, "Is the standard of this army a black one? Is the commander of this army a tall, powerfully built, broad shouldered man with a large beard and a few pock marks on his face?" 2Those who had seen the approach of Khalid and brought the news to Arak confirmed that it was indeed so. "Then beware of fighting this army", warned the sage.

The Roman garrison commander made an offer to surrender the fort, and was astonished at the generous terms offered by the Muslims. Beyond the payment of the Jizya, the people of Arak would pay or suffer nothing. The pact was signed, the fort was surrendered, and the Muslim army camped outside for the night.

The next morning Khalid despatched two columns to subdue Sukhna and Qadma (now known as Qudaim). At the same time, he sent a camel rider to find Abu Ubaidah in the area of Jabiya and tell him to remain at his position until the arrival of Khalid or the receipt of further instructions. Then, with the main body of his army, Khalid marched to Tadmur (Palmyra).

1. Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Hakim from Zayd bin Thabit. Sahih Al-Jami' Al-Saghir No. 3920.
2. Waqidi.

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When the columns sent by Khalid arrived at Sukhna and Qadma, they were received joyfully by the inhabitants, who had heard of the generous terms given the day before to Arak. They were only too willing to make friends. There was no trouble at these places and the columns returned to the army without any bloodshed.

At Tadmur, the garrison locked itself in the fort, but hardly had the Muslims arrived and surrounded the fort, when parleys were started for a peaceful surrender. Soon after a surrender was negotiated in which the inhabitants of Tadmur agreed to pay the Jizya and feed and shelter any Muslim warrior passing by their town. The Arab chief of Tadmur also presented Khalid with a prize horse, which he used in several battles of this campaign.

From Tadmur the army marched to Qaryatain, the inhabitants of which resisted the Muslims. They were fought, defeated and plundered.

The next stop was Huwareen (about 10 miles beyond Qaryatain) which contained large herds of cattle. As the Muslims started gathering in the cattle, they were attacked by thousands of Arabs. These were the local inhabitants reinforced by a contingent of the Ghassan from Busra, which had hastened to help their comrades in Huwareen. They too were defeated and plundered.

The following morning the advance was resumed in the direction of Damascus, and after three days of marching the army arrived at a pass about 20 miles from Damascus. This pass lies between the present Azra and Qutaifa and crosses a gently sloping ridge which rises gradually to a height of over 2,000 feet above the level of the surrounding countryside. The ridge is part of the range known as Jabal-ush-Sharq, which is an offshoot of the Anti-Lebanon Range and runs in a north-easterly direction to Tadmur. The pass itself, not a formidable one, is quite long. Khalid stopped at the highest part of it, and here he planted his standard. As a result of this action the pass became known as Saniyyat-ul-Uqab, i.e. the Pass of the Eagle, after the name of Khalid's standard, but is sometimes referred to as just Al Saniyya. 1 At this pass Khalid stayed an hour with his standard fluttering in the breeze, and gazed at the Ghuta of Damascus. From where he stood, he could not see the city itself, because it was concealed from view by a rise of ground which stretches east?west, north of the city, but he marvelled at the richness and beauty of the Ghuta.2

From the Pass of the Eagle, Khalid moved to Marj Rahit, a large Ghassan town near the present Azra on the road to Damascus. 3 The Muslims arrived in time to participate in a joyous festival of the Ghassan, which participation took the form of a violent raid! At Marj Rahit had gathered a large number of refugees from the region over which Khalid had recently operated, and these refugees mingled with the crowds celebrating the festival. The Ghassan were not unmindful of the danger which Khalid's entry into Syria posed for them. They had positioned a strong screen of warriors on the route from Tadmur, below the pass; but this screen was scattered in a few minutes by a swift charge of the Muslim cavalry. Although some Ghassan resistance continued as the Muslims advanced, it ceased once the town was reached. The Muslims raided Marj Rahit. After a little while having collected a large amount of booty and a certain number of captives, Khalid pulled out of the town and camped outside.

The following morning he sent a strong mounted column towards Damascus with the task of raiding the Ghuta. Then, having sent a messenger to Abu Ubaidah with instructions to report to him at Busra, Khalid himself set off for Busra with the main body of the army, by-passing Damascus. The mounted column sent to Damascus reached the neighbourhood of the city, picked up more booty and captives, and rejoined Khalid while he was still on the march.

The minor operations following Khalid's entry into Syria were now over.

1. Yaqut: (Vol. 1, p. 936) gives the location of this pass as above the Ghuta of Damascus, on the Emessa Road.
2. The Ghuta was, and still is, a green, fertile, well-watered plain, covered with crops, orchards and villages, lying all round Damascus, except to the west and north?west, where stand the foothills of the Anti-Lebanon Range. It formed an irregular D with its base on the foothills, and stretched up to about 10 miles from Damascus.
3. Marj Rahit, which was also a meadow, has been placed by Masudi (Muruj, Vol. 3, p.12: he calls it Marj Azra) 12 miles from Damascus. This would be about the centre of the meadow and the location of the town.

Read more: Grande Strategy

now you might want to start a thread on His sister Kawla bin Azwar (R.A) she was quite a warrior herself, and went to save her brother when he was taken prisoner by the Romans, @Zarvan
I have already done it

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