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The painting is a nice gesture, and looks good. Perhaps something more "ethnic" and related to Pakistan is what was expected. But the painting was nice, and as a father, Cameroon should appreciate it.
Next time send a picture canvas of lady gaga, the Brits and their media will celebrate it..I see it as a racial/geographical insult by the media of UK.

Would this have happened if say a country like Hungary or even Canada did the same???

What do they expect?? A Bugatti Veyron as gift????
It seems like a perfectly reasonable gift and I appreciate our president not wasting our precious resources. It well thought out and does the trick without being a burden on the Pakistani economy.

Whoever in the UK media came up with this was really petty.

:tup: I must appreciate Zardari for this step.

what can be better than own portrait
The British tabloid are the real loo.

It maybe a useless painting as per them, but they should have the grace to accept it and not make fun of it.

The notion of British being gentlemen have taken a huge toss!

I am totally inflamed at the British tabloids crass attitude.
:tup: it is an impressive gift.

no idea why their media is playing foul. :unsure:
how stupid can they be? well brits are known to be the most sarcastic ppl on earth but this is indeed shameful, A GIFT IS A GIFT and its value should not be calculated instead should be thankful to the person who gifts for his generosity.

Americans are best in these regards, they accepted mangoes sent by our former PM whole heartedly. and look at these THANKLESS ppl.

just pathetic
He should have gifted Koh-e-Noor, maybe then they would have not called it "bizarre".
Never look for a gift horse in its mouth.

The Goras do not have any manners maaan. The pic looks nice and sentimental.What those stupids whose most family seperates when the child is 15 know about family values that we show in the subcontinent.
On second thought, that would be very un-natural. 'Zardari gifts precious diamond to Cameron'! Lol!
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